Virginia Marseillaise

Virginia Marseillaise

歌名 Virginia Marseillaise
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C.S.A., Volume 2
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Rouget de L'Isle
[01:07.059] Virginia hears the dreadful summons
[01:10.841] Sounding hoarsly from afar
[01:14.622] On her sons she calls and calmly
[01:18.819] Bids them now, " Prepare for war!"
[01:22.561] Bids them now, " Prepare for war!"
[01:26.478] With manly hearts and hands to aid her
[01:30.214] She cares not how her foemen swarm
[01:34.179] She bares her bosom to the storm
[01:38.099] While she laughs to scorn the proud invader
[01:42.353] To arms! brothers dear!
[01:46.085] Gird on the trenchaat brand!
[01:49.997] Strike home! Strike home!
[01:54.341] No craven fear! For home and native land!
[02:01.805] Strike home! Strike Home!
[02:06.058] No craven fear! For home and native land!
[02:13.631] Shall the sons of old Viriginia
[02:17.365] Prove unworthy of their sires?
[02:21.333] No! They'll show the haughty foeman
[02:25.345] That in fight, she never tires
[02:29.122] With fav'ring Heaven to befriend her
[02:33.047] To whom alone she bends the knee
[02:36.830] 'Till every foot of soil ist free
[02:40.891] She her sacred cause will ne'er surrender
[02:44.809] She her sacred cause will ne'er surrender
[02:49.139] To arms! brothers dear!
[02:52.641] Gird on the trenchaat brand!
[02:56.646] Strike home! Strike home!
[03:00.886] No craven fear! For home and native land!
[03:08.335] Strike home! Strike Home!
[03:12.763] No craven fear! For home and native land!
[01:07.059] 弗吉尼亚听闻忧心召唤
[01:10.841] 从远方嘶哑响起
[01:14.622] 对子孙她沉着地呼唤
[01:18.819] 请他们立刻“准备斗争!”
[01:22.561] 请他们立刻“准备斗争!”
[01:26.478] 用男子汉的心与手来援助她
[01:30.214] 她不屑敌人的蜂拥而至
[01:34.179] 她挺胸迎接风暴到来
[01:38.099] 轻蔑嘲笑傲慢的入侵者
[01:42.353] 武装吧!亲爱的弟兄们!
[01:46.085] 铭上深刻的印记!
[01:49.997] 打回家!打回家!
[01:54.341] 莫作懦夫怯!为了家园与祖国!
[02:01.805] 打回家!打回家!
[02:06.058] 莫作懦夫怯!为了家园与祖国!
[02:13.631] 难道老弗吉尼亚的子孙
[02:17.365] 代代传续毫无意义?
[02:21.333] 不!他们展示给傲慢的敌人
[02:25.345] 她在斗争中永远不疲
[02:29.122] 与向往的天堂结下了友谊
[02:33.047] 唯有对他能够屈膝
[02:36.830] 直到每一步土地解放
[02:40.891] 她的神圣事业绝不屈服
[02:44.809] 她的神圣事业绝不屈服
[02:49.139] 武装吧!亲爱的弟兄们!
[02:52.641] 铭上深刻的印记!
[02:56.646] 打回家!打回家!
[03:00.886] 莫作懦夫怯!为了家园与祖国!
[03:08.335] 打回家!打回家!
[03:12.763] 莫作懦夫怯!为了家园与祖国!