Riding a Raid

Riding a Raid

歌名 Riding a Raid
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C.S.A., Volume 1
[00:08.406] 'Tis old Stonewall, the Rebel, that leans on his sword
[00:12.352] And while we are mounting, prays low to the Lord
[00:16.139] "Now each cavalier that loves Honor and Right,
[00:19.552] Let him follow the feather of Stuart tonight."
[00:23.512] Come tighten your girth and slacken your rein
[00:27.187] Come buckle your blanket and holster again
[00:30.681] Try the click of your trigger and balance your blade
[00:34.687] For he must ride sure that goes Riding a Raid!
[00:45.953] Now gallop, now gallop, to swim or to ford!
[00:49.627] Old Stonewall, still watching, prays low to the Lord
[00:53.196] "Good-bye dear old Rebel! The river's not wide
[00:57.171] And Maryland's lights in her window to guide."
[01:00.863] Come tighten your girth and slacken your rein
[01:04.643] Come buckle your blanket and holster again
[01:08.183] Try the click of your trigger and balance your blade
[01:12.188] For he must ride sure that goes Riding a Raid!
[01:22.993] There's a man in the white house with blood on his mouth
[01:27.038] If there's knaves in the North, there are braves in the South
[01:30.443] We are three thousand horses and not one afraid
[01:34.300] We are three thousand sabres and not a dull blade
[01:38.219] Come tighten your girth and slacken your rein
[01:41.577] Come buckle your blanket and holster again
[01:45.342] Try the click of your trigger and balance your blade
[01:49.287] For he must ride sure that goes Riding a Raid!
[00:08.406] 石墙将军紧握他的佩剑
[00:12.352] 当我们上马时他祈祷苍天
[00:16.139] 热爱荣誉正义的骑兵好汉
[00:19.552] 今晚必追随斯图尔特
[00:23.512] 放松缰绳,绑紧系腰
[00:27.187] 铺上鞍毯,扣起枪套
[00:30.681] 调好扳机,磨快佩刀
[00:34.687] 我们马上发动奇袭,说到做到
[00:45.953] 飞奔,飞奔,跨越河流浅滩
[00:49.627] 石墙将军看罢祈祷苍天
[00:53.196] 兄弟再见,这河并不算宽
[00:57.171] 马里兰灯火将引你们向前
[01:00.863] 放松缰绳,绑紧系腰
[01:04.643] 铺上鞍毯,扣起枪套
[01:08.183] 调好扳机,磨快佩刀
[01:12.188] 我们马上发动奇袭,说到做到
[01:22.993] 白宫里有个嗜血的混蛋
[01:27.038] 北军多无赖,南军多英勇
[01:30.443] 我们的三千匹骏马勇往直前
[01:34.300] 我们的三千把军刀锋利无比
[01:38.219] 放松缰绳,绑紧系腰
[01:41.577] 铺上鞍毯,扣起枪套
[01:45.342] 调好扳机,磨快佩刀
[01:49.287] 我们马上发动奇袭,说到做到