All Quiet Along the Potomac Tonight

All Quiet Along the Potomac Tonight

歌名 All Quiet Along the Potomac Tonight
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C.S.A., Volume 1
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Ethel L. Beers, John Hill Hewett
[00:05.820] All quiet along the Potomac to-night!
[00:10.520] Where the soldiers lie peacefully dreaming;
[00:15.000] And their tents in the rays of the clear autumn moon,
[00:19.768] And the light of the camp-fires are gleaming.
[00:24.810] A tremulous sigh, as the gentle night-wind
[00:29.570] Through the forest leaves softly is creeping;
[00:34.618] While stars up above, with their glittering eyes,
[00:39.381] Keep guard o'or the army while sleeping.
[00:44.145] There's only the sound of the lone sentry's tread
[00:48.900] As he tramps from the rock to the fountain,
[00:53.658] And he thinks of the two in the low trundle-bed,
[00:58.694] Far away in the cot on the mountain.
[01:03.458] His musket falls slack; his face, dark and grim,
[01:08.212] Grows gentle with memories tender,
[01:12.979] As he mutters a prayer for the children asleep,
[01:18.016] And their mother—"may Heaven defend her!"
[01:22.774] All quiet along the Potomac to-night!
[01:32.572] Then drawing his sleeve roughly over his eyes,
[01:37.323] He dashes off tears that are welling,
[01:41.803] And gathers his gun closer up to his breast
[01:46.842] As if to keep down the heart's swelling.
[01:51.881] He passes the fountain, the blasted pine-tree,
[01:56.641] And his footstep is lagging and weary;
[02:01.676] Yet onward he goes, through the broad belt of light,
[02:06.436] Toward the shades of the forest so dreary.
[02:11.186] Hark! was it the night-wind that rustled the leaves?
[02:15.664] Was it moonlight so wondrously flashing?
[02:20.700] It looked like a rifle: "Ha! Mary, good-by!"
[02:25.463] And the life-blood is ebbing and plashing.
[02:30.503] "All quiet along the Potomac to-night!"
[02:35.266] No sound save the rush of the river,
[02:40.012] While soft falls the dew on the face of the dead,
[02:46.168] The picket's off duty forever!
[02:50.929] All quiet along the Potomac to-night!
[00:05.820] 波托马克河一线今夜无战事!
[00:10.520] 那士兵们宁静沉睡的地方
[00:15.000] 清澈的月光照映着部队的营帐
[00:19.768] 篝火的光芒也在闪闪烁烁
[00:24.810] 温和的晚风轻抚过枝叶
[00:29.570] 树林发出一片颤抖的叹息
[00:34.618] 星星挂在天空闪闪眨着眼睛
[00:39.381] 守候着安眠之中的大军
[00:44.145] 只有哨兵的脚步声形单影只
[00:48.900] 踏着步穿过乱石与泉水
[00:53.658] 他想念起矮床上躺着的两人
[00:58.694] 在那遥远山中的小屋里
[01:03.458] 他把火枪放下,阴沉忧郁的脸
[01:08.212] 被那温暖的回忆所缓和
[01:12.979] 他为沉睡的孩子低声祈祷
[01:18.016] 孩子的妈--“求上天保佑她!”
[01:22.774] 波托马克河一线今夜无战事!
[01:32.572] 他猛的一下将袖子遮过双眼
[01:37.323] 擦去奔涌而出的泪水
[01:41.803] 又把他的火枪紧紧抱在怀里
[01:46.842] 仿佛能安抚激动的心灵
[01:51.881] 他穿过泉水和被炸断的松树
[01:56.641] 他的脚步踟蹰又疲惫
[02:01.676] 但他继续向前走过林间的光斑
[02:06.436] 走进树丛沉闷的阴影
[02:11.186] 哎呀!那可是晚风将树叶吹落?
[02:15.664] 还是月亮的美妙光芒?
[02:20.700] 那好像是步枪,“啊!玛丽,永别了!”
[02:25.463] 鲜血如潮水一注注涌出
[02:30.503] “波托马克河一线今夜无战事!”
[02:35.266] 这声音留不住奔涌的河水
[02:40.012] 当那露水轻轻落在死者脸上
[02:46.168] 哨兵的任务永远结束了!
[02:50.929] 波托马克河一线今夜无战事!