Old Joe Bowers

Old Joe Bowers

歌名 Old Joe Bowers
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of 19th Century America
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Robert Jay Horton
[00:26.637] My name, it is Joe Bowers.
[00:29.715] I got a brother, Ike;
[00:32.976] I came from old Missouri,
[00:35.861] Yes, all the way from Pike.
[00:39.165] I'll tell you why I left there,
[00:42.151] And how I came to roam,
[00:45.514] To leave my poor old Mammy
[00:48.644] So far away from home.
[00:51.907] I used to love a girl there;
[00:55.072] They call her Sally Black.
[00:58.294] I asked her for to marry me;
[01:01.327] She said it was a whack.
[01:04.503] Says she to me, "Joe Bowers,
[01:07.765] Before we hitch for life,
[01:10.888] You'd ought to have a little home,
[01:13.744] To keep your little wife."
[01:17.281] Says I, "My dearest Sally--
[01:20.494] Oh, Sally, for your sake,
[01:23.763] I'll go to California
[01:26.844] And try to raise a stake."
[01:30.155] Says she to me, "Joe Bowers,
[01:33.426] Oh, ou are the chap to win,
[01:36.501] So give me a kiss to seal the bargain,"
[01:39.809] And I throwed a dozen in.
[01:42.793] I'll never forget my feelings
[01:45.872] When I bid adieu to all.
[01:49.103] Sally, she catched me around the neck,
[01:51.665] And I began to bawl.
[01:55.119] When I set in, they all commenced--
[01:58.423] You've never heard the like,
[02:01.216] The way they all took on and cried
[02:04.059] The day I left old Pike.
[02:07.694] When I got to this here country,
[02:10.768] I hadn't nary a red.
[02:13.848] I had such wolfish feelings,
[02:17.012] I wished myself most dead.
[02:20.046] But the thoughts of my dear Sally
[02:23.263] Soon made them feelings get,
[02:26.199] And whispered hopes to Bowers,
[02:29.318] "Lord, I wish I had them yet."
[02:57.434] Then I went to a-mining
[03:00.432] Put in my biggest licks,
[03:03.410] Came down upon the boulders
[03:06.482] Just like ten thousand bricks;
[03:09.651] I worked both late and early
[03:12.590] In rain and sun and snow,
[03:15.902] I was working for my Sally,
[03:18.851] But it was all the same to Joe.
[03:22.400] I made a very lucky strike,
[03:25.104] As the gold itself did tell,
[03:28.287] And saved for my Sally,
[03:31.279] The girl I loved so well.
[03:34.462] I saved it for my Sally
[03:37.361] That I might ported at her feet
[03:40.648] That she might kiss and hug me
[03:43.772] And call me something sweet
[03:46.949] But one day I got a letter
[03:49.746] From my dear, kind brother Ike.
[03:52.874] It came from old Missouri,
[03:55.864] Yes, all the way from Pike.
[03:59.127] It told me the goldarndest news
[04:02.348] That ever you did hear.
[04:05.285] My heart is amost a-bursting,
[04:08.275] So pray excuse this tear.
[04:12.006] It said my Sally was fickle.
[04:14.535] Her love for me had fled,
[04:17.863] That she had married with a butcher
[04:20.994] Whose hair was awful red.
[04:24.166] It told me more than that
[04:26.823] It's enough to make one swear
[04:30.554] Said Sally had a baby,
[04:33.589] And the baby had red hair.
[04:37.183] Now, I’ve told you all I could tell you about this sad affair,
[04:43.145] About Sally married a butcher
[04:46.170] and the butcher had red hair,
[04:49.531] Whether it was a boy or gal child
[04:52.713] The letter never said,
[04:55.796] It only says that cursed hair
[04:59.109] was inquired to be red.
[00:26.637] 我名叫乔鲍尔斯
[00:29.715] 我的兄弟叫艾克
[00:32.976] 我从老密苏里来
[00:35.861] 就从派克那边来
[00:39.165] 你看我为啥离家
[00:42.151] 到处流离徘徊
[00:45.514] 告别了可怜地老母
[00:48.644] 离家乡千万里
[00:51.907] 我曾经爱过个女孩
[00:55.072] 她名叫莎莉布莱克
[00:58.294] 我请她嫁给我来
[01:01.327] 她满脸是惊讶
[01:04.503] 她跟我说乔鲍尔
[01:07.765] 在我们过日子前
[01:10.888] 你得买栋小小房子
[01:13.744] 让你老婆住进来
[01:17.281] 我说我亲爱的莎莉
[01:20.494] 哦,莎莉为了你
[01:23.763] 我要去加利福尼亚
[01:26.844] 去搞一些钱来
[01:30.155] 她对我说:“乔鲍尔,
[01:33.426] 你一定会成功的。”
[01:36.501] 她给了个吻作回报
[01:39.809] 我便因此奋不顾身
[01:42.793] 我永远忘不了
[01:45.872] 那离别的感觉
[01:49.103] 莎莉抱住我的脖颈
[01:51.665] 我忍不住号泣
[01:55.119] 当我正要离开时
[01:58.423] 你绝对没听闻过
[02:01.216] 他们开始纵声哭泣
[02:04.059] 在我离开老派克那天
[02:07.694] 当我来到这片土地
[02:10.768] 身上没有一分钱
[02:13.848] 我曾经自私地想过
[02:17.012] 要是死了多痛快
[02:20.046] 但是想到我亲爱的莎莉
[02:23.263] 那种念头一扫开
[02:26.199] 好像给了鲍尔希望
[02:29.318] “天啊,你总会发财”
[02:57.434] 我下到一处矿上
[03:00.432] 拿起我最大的镐
[03:03.410] 一下下凿在石头上
[03:06.482] 仿佛有一万块砖
[03:09.651] 我每日起早贪黑
[03:12.590] 无论烈日或雨雪
[03:15.902] 我为了莎莉劳累
[03:18.851] 也就是为了我自己
[03:22.400] 我有天挖得不错
[03:25.104] 金子已经告诉我
[03:28.287] 我存下它给莎莉
[03:31.279] 我最爱的女孩
[03:34.462] 我存下它给莎莉
[03:37.361] 我将依偎在她脚边
[03:40.648] 她会亲吻拥抱我
[03:43.772] 还叫我小甜心
[03:46.949] 但有天我接到了消息
[03:49.746] 来自好兄弟艾克
[03:52.874] 从老密苏里寄来
[03:55.864] 就是从派克那里来
[03:59.127] 带来宝贵的消息
[04:02.348] 你绝对没听闻过
[04:05.285] 我的心几乎要裂开
[04:08.275] 请原谅这眼泪
[04:12.006] 说是我的莎莉变了心
[04:14.535] 她的爱早已不再
[04:17.863] 她已经嫁给屠夫
[04:20.994] 屠夫长着红头发
[04:24.166] 它甚至还有个消息
[04:26.823] 能让人心崩溃
[04:30.554] 它说莎莉生了个孩子
[04:33.589] 孩子长着红头发
[04:37.183] 现在我已经讲完了这悲伤的故事
[04:43.145] 说是莎莉嫁了个屠夫
[04:46.170] 屠夫长着红头发
[04:49.531] 她生的是男是女
[04:52.713] 那封信没透露
[04:55.796] 它只说了那该死的头发
[04:59.109] 据闻是红色