

歌名 Brooklynn
歌手 Young Lynn
专辑 Brooklynn
[00:00.000] 作词 : Young Lynn
[00:00.259] 作曲 : Young Lynn
[00:00.518] 混音:百川Rebellious
[00:00.518] prod by 张杰俊
[00:13.304] they say I won't get reward
[00:15.125] the masterpiece will kill‘em for all
[00:16.685] they will doubt me that‘s for sure
[00:18.516] and I’ve heard the same before
[00:20.075] they say all of my sneakers are ****
[00:21.924] wasting cash and time on it
[00:23.514] the hiphop in school are being rejected
[00:25.344] then I told myself to get relaxed
[00:27.444] hypocrisy,insincerity
[00:29.284] just keep **** away from me
[00:30.844] take the fancy,the flattery
[00:32.664] how your life can be a tragedy
[00:34.234] everyone is doing for clout
[00:35.814] fake **** is shouting aloud
[00:37.378] what I wanna talking about
[00:39.204] you even lose a heart devout
[00:40.754] swearing battle is what we seek
[00:42.579] underground is hard to find the peace
[00:44.149] go find your idol and lick
[00:45.990] I'm distaining to have a beef
[00:47.554] you won't imagine how I start it
[00:49.374] I freestyle in Chinese class
[00:50.955] I ‘ve been through fail before I got it
[00:52.805] go **** yourself you little slutty
[00:54.384] rub me the wrong way but I just make it chill
[00:57.835] how you gonna stop me cause I really wanna know
[01:01.264] you can judge me only by your self-will
[01:04.654] when I concentrate now tell me who is ****
[01:08.534] slow down,if I were you I give it up
[01:11.434] you can slow down,you will never chase me up
[01:15.085] just slow down,if I were you I give it up
[01:18.464] you can slow down,you will never chase me up
[01:21.854] 他们说 听不进 别人的 意见是种缺点
[01:25.243] 而我却 偏不信 靠自己 反而越走越远
[01:28.634] 很抱歉 看到我 就感到 没有那么顺眼
[01:32.318] 对于我 你拼了命 解决的 难题就像加减
[01:35.485] 抱歉我一点都不谦虚
[01:37.063] 就叫我犯错误的先驱
[01:38.864] 虚伪的人们带着面具
[01:40.425] 奉承的假话说了千句
[01:42.495] 我把他们全部揭发
[01:44.314] 不留情面直接虐杀
[01:45.620] 比学习我的确比你学渣
[01:47.674] 但我做人你做个j8
[01:49.224] 曾经我以为是绿藤橄榄
[01:51.054] 过后却阻拦我聚成栏杆
[01:52.865] 好在我真正的homie在关键的时刻都不会说让我难堪
[01:56.014] 不断成长拓宽我的见识
[01:57.829] 我学会不再去浪费时时间
[01:59.630] 太多的选择和取舍到如今我徘徊在梦想和现实之间
[02:03.009] 到底什么才是 正确选项
[02:04.835] 有的人还在 不停观望
[02:06.404] 墙头草绕的 晕头转向
[02:08.235] 仍举棋不定 维持现状
[02:09.814] 而我早已有确定选项
[02:11.615] 不一定正确但不会变样
[02:13.429] 我相信只有那梵高才能够把属于自己的星空点亮
[00:13.304] 他们说我会前功尽弃
[00:15.125] 这首歌将会让他们后悔
[00:16.685] 他们肯定会质疑我
[00:18.516] 我也早就料到
[00:20.075] 他们嘲讽我穿的球鞋
[00:21.924] 说我不仅花了钱还浪费时间
[00:23.514] 学校想方设法阻止我玩说唱
[00:25.344] 不过我渐渐的习以为常
[00:27.444] 虚伪的人们都该离我远点
[00:30.844] 你那阿谀奉承的人生可真可悲
[00:34.234] 他们都是为了流量
[00:35.814] 混圈狗往往叫的最大声
[00:37.378] 而我想说的是
[00:39.204] 你什么都没有
[00:40.754] 带脏话的battle如你所见
[00:42.579] 想玩的真就得有牺牲
[00:44.149] 去做你偶像的舔狗
[00:45.990] 我都懒得和你bb
[00:47.554] 你不知道我背地里的付出
[00:49.374] 我在语文课上freestyle
[00:50.955] 正因为有前功才不会放弃
[00:54.384] 虽然你看我不顺眼
[00:57.835] 但我想知道你能做什么
[01:01.264] 你或许可以私下评判我
[01:04.654] 可真的就是真的,你说什么都没用
[01:08.534] 如果我是你我会选择放弃
[01:11.434] 毕竟你无法和我相提并论
[01:15.085] 如果我是你我会选择放弃
[01:18.464] 毕竟你无法和我相提并论