歌名 α BILL
歌手 Topheroth
专辑 89012Mixtape
[00:00.000] 作词 : Topheroth
[00:00.299] 作曲 : Topheroth/今晚吃鱼丸
[00:00.599] Arranger:Have Fish B***s Tonight
[00:01.098] Mixin‘&Master’ Engineer:KAW
[00:02.098] Producer:KAW
[00:03.295] Recordin' Engineer:Topheroth
[00:04.098] Recordin' Studio:Topheroth's House
[00:05.098] Ispiration Guidance:DayT
[00:07.045] Intro:
[00:08.294] Trrropheroth on da track~ yay~
[00:11.740] This song 'bout my first English name--Bill
[00:18.240] Verse 1:
[00:20.403] When I was a lil'kid. My English skills is ill, need to deal wit'
[00:23.903] But at da time I felt it doesn't matter. I don't 've 2 learn it better.
[00:27.654] & then my mom take me 2 an after-class English school.
[00:30.154] Teachers ain't cool & I don't like her I've nuttin' 2 do.
[00:33.154] Maybe I should stay longer, cuz I just go there 4 once.
[00:35.403] l don't wanna go twice I rather speak French.
[00:37.153] But at da day, the time 2 take the lunch.
[00:38.654] l felt sth. must 've left from my poor hunch.
[00:41.403] When I play the rice I finally realized da was
[00:43.654] my first English name the teacher gave 2 me at the class,
[00:46.404] At first I think this thin' 'll fade 2 C &'ve 2 pass.
[00:48.904] But now this name "BILL" stay wit' me & still F wit' us.
[00:51.903] Now I rollin' wit' the English,
[00:53.153] they R chokin' in c*****e or other ****, lean?
[00:54.903] I think this'll got'em pink face, suck their energy.
[00:56.653] Dizzy like some fat Penguins. I'll never put my finger in da $.
[00:58.903] What is bond, what is Joint or drug I can't distinguish.
[01:01.154] Daz my inner think.
[01:02.154] Hook x 2:
[01:02.404] I got "BIll" when I was a lil' Kid.
[01:05.155] Now I'm 'bout 2 stand on da huge peak.
[01:07.904] U know I'm talkin' 'bout this,
[01:10.403] Give my voice 2 this loudly.
[01:12.904] I got "BIll" when I was a lil' Kid.
[01:15.654] Now I'm 'bout 2 stand on da huge peak.
[01:18.154] U know I'm talkin' 'bout this,
[01:20.904] Give my voice 2 this loudly.
[01:23.154] Verse2:
[01:23.404] So now ya' know, l've got a lot of name,
[01:24.904] But I still remember the first one.
[01:26.403] & I'm 'bout 2 blow, startin' a hipa wave,
[01:27.903] My mom can't image. how this mind in her son.
[01:29.903] So l gotta run, run in this long way,
[01:31.404] 'till I C the Sun shinin' in those brown face.
[01:34.154] Then ya'll know me--"Bill", & I will not kill 4 meal,
[01:36.154] Always care 'bout how ya' feel. I seal all my luv' & passion.
[01:38.904] Beggin' my sick will da I hate 2 feel will be rest in heaven.
[01:41.654] 4 real it'll in Hell & left parts of me 'll be Legend.
[01:44.403] Then I still go hell 2 scrub weapon 2 my $in 4 lackin' of believin' a religion.
[01:48.404] But I know my ambition、motivation 'll not be hidden in my origin,
[01:51.903] or be taken on every season. God 4 saken !
[01:54.608] I pick up a pen 2 write some rhyme 2 send my fans,
[01:56.608] though da pen in my hand is lent & be lil'bent.
[01:58.858] Then I bend my head to repend my crime
[02:00.358] Thinkin' 'bout how 2 revenge & spend my time.
[02:02.510] But the beat's 'bout 2 over now,
[02:03.760] So now I gotta make an end 2 da.
[02:06.884] Hook x 2:
[02:07.458] I got "BIll" when I was a lil' Kid.
[02:10.459] Now I'm 'bout 2 stand on da huge peak.
[02:13.209] U know I'm talkin 'bout this,
[02:15.708] Give my voice 2 this loudly.
[02:18.411] This just first song 'bout my name.
[02:21.162] I already done the verse da I play
[02:23.662] In my heart I know maybe it ain't so great.
[02:26.162] but I'll still continue 2 CREAT~
[02:28.911] I got "BIll" when I was a lil' Kid.
[02:31.411] Now I'm 'bout 2 stand on da huge peak.
[02:34.161] U know I'm talkin' 'bout this,
[02:36.661] Give my voice 2 this loudly.
[02:39.161] This just first song 'bout my name.
[02:41.911] I already done the verse da I play
[02:44.411] In my heart I know maybe it ain't so great.
[02:47.161] but I'll still continue 2 CREAT~
[00:00.599] 编曲:今晚吃鱼丸
[00:01.098] 混音&母带:KAW
[00:02.098] 制作人:KAW
[00:03.295] 录音工程师:Topheroth
[00:04.098] 录音室:Topheroth's House
[00:05.098] 灵感指导:DayT
[00:08.294] Trrropheroth on da track~ yay~
[00:11.740] 这个歌,主要讲讲我的第一个英文名-比尔
[00:18.240] Verse 1:
[00:20.403] 但我还是个小孩纸时,我英语差的不行,需要补一补
[00:23.903] 但在那会我就觉得这没啥事,我不用非得去好好学她
[00:27.654] 可接下来我妈马上就带我去了个课后英语补习班
[00:30.154] 老师不咋酷,我也不太喜欢她,在那试听着没啥事干
[00:33.154] 或许我该多呆一会,因为我就想来补习班这么一次
[00:35.403] 我不想再来了,我甚至宁愿去学法语(手动捂脸
[00:37.153] 但是那天中午准备吃午饭的时候,
[00:38.654] 我就感觉吧,我一向不易显山露水的清贫直觉告诉我一些想法被丢下了
[00:41.403] 而当我盛米饭的时候我才终于意识到比尔是
[00:43.654] 课堂上老师第一个给我的英文名
[00:46.404] 其实我一开始还认为这件事会慢慢在我的记忆中褪色被我慢慢忘却
[00:48.904] 但一直到了现在这个名字还是有时候跟着我,有时依然会用
[00:51.903] 现在我明白了我对英语一直是周而复始
[00:53.153] 聊聊一些朋友们被C或者其他东西噎住了,比如Purple Drink?
[00:54.903] 我觉得这些让它们面红耳赤,榨得他们筋疲力尽。
[00:56.653] 晕乎乎的像企鹅一样,我将永不会去碰这些
[00:58.903] 说实话吧,啥是Joint啥又是Drugs我都分辨不出来,
[01:01.154] 我心里就是这么想的...
[01:02.154] Hook x 2:
[01:02.404] 我还小的时候得到了Bill
[01:05.155] 我现在呢,在慢慢往上爬
[01:07.904] 你也许不明白我到底在说什么
[01:10.403] 所以我还是要把声音给放大点~
[01:12.904] 我还小的时候得到了Bill
[01:15.654] 我现在呢,在慢慢往上爬
[01:18.154] 你也许不明白我到底在说什么
[01:20.904] 所以我还是要把声音给放大点~
[01:23.154] Verse2:
[01:23.404] 所以现在你或许可以稍稍明白一些了
[01:24.904] 我有Hin多Hin多名字,但我还是记得这第一个
[01:26.403] 我马上就要去乘风决起而飞,没准还能掀起一阵黑怕的浪
[01:27.903] 我妈或许也想不到为什么她儿子脑子里会有这种想法
[01:29.903] 所以我要带着她对我的希冀继续向前跑,在这条漫漫长路中上下求索
[01:31.404] 直到我能看见阳光普照在黄皮肤黑皮肤的脸上,我才能稍作停歇。
[01:34.154] 现在你懂我了吧,我不会仅仅为了生存而去丧失本心
[01:36.154] 照顾他人的感受。所以我将自己生命中的一部分热爱和激情暂时封存,
[01:38.904] 祈求自己的内心里那些我愿感受到的不坚定的羸弱意志都歇在天上吧,
[01:41.654] 说真的,如果那些能下地狱的话,那我身上留存的精神就有机会成为不朽的传奇,
[01:44.403] 不过接下来我仍然要去趟地狱,带着武器去洗刷我身上缺乏信仰的众多罪过。
[01:48.404] 但我也清楚地明白我的野心和动力不会就这么安静的隐藏在我的起源和出身里,
[01:51.903] 但他们忽隐忽现,有时甚至随着季节变换。上帝啊,我真的不明白,您究竟是一直在保佑我还是已经将我放逐。
[01:54.608] 我那日拿起笔,笔尖随意识流传写下这些押韵的话,来送给我的朋友们
[01:56.608] 尽管我手里的笔是借来的,而且还有点弯弯的不好使。
[01:58.858] 不过接下来我把头低下了去,为我曾经的过错感到忏悔。
[02:00.358] 想着接下来究竟该如何替我自己雪耻,思考去怎样计划我的时间
[02:02.510] 但当下的一切已快要跟随着我飘忽不定的想法终止,
[02:03.760] 所以我现在只能草草收笔,给这段随思做个了结...
[02:06.884] Hook x 2:
[02:07.458] 我还小的时候得到了Bill
[02:10.459] 我现在呢,在慢慢往上爬
[02:13.209] 你也许不明白我到底在说什么
[02:15.708] 所以我还是要把声音给放大点~
[02:18.411] 这就是关于我各种名字的第一首歌
[02:21.162] 我玩一样的就把两段给写完了(捂脸)
[02:23.662] 在我心里我也知道我现在写的东西或许没那么好
[02:26.162] 但我也会一直努力下去坚持去创作和创造~
[02:28.911] 我还小的时候得到了Bill
[02:31.411] 我现在呢,在慢慢往上爬
[02:34.161] 你也许不明白我到底在说什么
[02:36.661] 所以我还是要把声音给放大点~
[02:39.161] 这就是关于我各种名字的第一首歌
[02:41.911] 我玩一样的就把两段给写完了(捂脸)
[02:44.411] 在我心里我也知道我现在写的东西或许没那么好
[02:47.161] 但我也会一直努力下去坚持去创作和创造~