Comme Des Garcons

Comme Des Garcons

歌名 Comme Des Garcons
歌手 Iggy Azalea
专辑 In My Defense
[00:01.07] Rico's going crazy again
[00:13.13] Outfit by Dior
[00:14.85] This hot ***** on all fours
[00:16.45] I got bands, a lot more
[00:18.05] I’m dripping, in all sauce
[00:19.69] Shoes they got hearts on
[00:21.33] That’s Commes Des Garçons
[00:23.04] I got drip, I got sauce
[00:24.64] I got drip, I got sauce
[00:26.30] Outfit by Dior
[00:27.88] This hot ***** on all fours
[00:29.56] I got bands, a lot more
[00:31.15] I’m dripping, in all sauce
[00:32.95] Shoes they got hearts on
[00:34.56] That’s Commes Des Garçons
[00:36.23] I got drip, I got sauce
[00:37.88] I got drip, I got sauce
[00:39.60] I got drip, I got sauce
[00:41.16] I got drip, I got sauce
[00:42.81] I got drip, I got sauce
[00:44.47] I got drip, I got sauce
[00:46.17] One more shot of 1942, would have me nice
[00:49.50] If I threw all my jewelry, you'd be skatin' on this ice
[00:52.80] I'm VIP, you not important, you get no invite
[00:56.10] I do every bit of two, huntin', runnin' red lights
[00:59.23] Hit a right
[01:00.20] You not the one for me can't hit this twice
[01:04.04] They always come for me, I'm in a spy
[01:07.44] Ain't no man ever said I'm not his type
[01:10.76] ***** I'm piped, ***** tight
[01:14.04] Expensive taste, big appetite
[01:16.90] If you hate me *****, get your life
[01:20.80] Them hunnids stack pile got me hyped
[01:24.28] No lie, I get anything I like
[01:26.77] Outfit by Dior
[01:27.70] This hot ***** on all fours
[01:29.25] I got bands, a lot more
[01:30.87] I’m dripping, in all sauce
[01:32.56] Shoes they got hearts on
[01:34.18] That’s Commes Des Garçons
[01:35.89] I got drip, I got sauce
[01:37.48] I got drip, I got sauce
[01:39.18] Outfit by Dior
[01:40.72] This hot ***** on all fours
[01:42.37] I got bands, a lot more
[01:44.07] I’m dripping, in all sauce
[01:45.77] Shoes they got hearts on
[01:47.40] That’s Commes Des Garçons
[01:49.08] I got drip, I got sauce
[01:50.74] I got drip, I got sauce
[01:52.37] I got drip, I got sauce
[01:53.97] I got drip, I got sauce
[01:55.65] I got drip, I got sauce
[01:57.21] I got drip, I got sauce
[01:58.97] I got drip, I got sauce
[02:00.67] You not real, you knock off
[02:02.32] I work hard, no time off
[02:03.94] Won't climb off my high horses
[02:05.65] Don't test me, I'm hot sauce, swing at you like **** off
[02:08.93] Just me, myself and I-G-G-Y, I'm a boss
[02:12.29] See the lights make my eyes clear
[02:13.99] On point like spike hair
[02:15.63] I'm not your average white girl, got a Big Apple like Time ******
[02:18.98] Talk **** but when I come around they get quiet like the library
[02:22.25] Bad Dreams, LLC, we give these hoes nightmares
[02:25.60] Look at the top, I'm right there
[02:27.15] And I don't plan on leavin' (Leavin')
[02:28.92] This how I spend my evenin' (Evenin')
[02:30.56] I made 'em shoot down nemus
[02:32.21] Yeah, anytime I post a pic they got **** like *****
[02:35.44] Girl, whenever they see me, I kill it and have 'em grieving 'cause my-
[02:39.31] Outfit by Dior
[02:40.41] This hot ***** on all fours
[02:42.00] I got bands, a lot more
[02:43.73] I’m dripping, in all sauce
[02:45.39] Shoes they got hearts on
[02:46.96] That’s Commes Des Garçons
[02:48.60] I got drip, I got sauce
[02:50.34] I got drip, I got sauce
[02:51.97] Outfit by Dior
[02:53.53] This hot ***** on all fours
[02:55.21] I got bands, a lot more
[02:56.89] I’m dripping, in all sauce
[02:58.59] Shoes they got hearts on
[03:00.25] That’s Commes Des Garçons
[03:01.97] I got drip, I got sauce
[03:03.55] I got drip, I got sauce
[03:05.20] I got drip, I got sauce
[03:06.81] I got drip, I got sauce
[03:08.53] I got drip, I got sauce
[03:10.21] I got drip, I got sauce
[00:01.07] 里克又制作了一个
[00:13.13] 姐穿着迪奥
[00:14.85] 身材火辣 全身名牌 让你开开眼界
[00:16.45] 姐有很多钱
[00:18.05] 魅力四射 天生美丽
[00:19.69] 川久保玲的鞋子
[00:21.33] 都饰有红色的爱心
[00:23.04] 我天生优雅 魅力四射
[00:24.64] 天生厉害 你不得不佩服
[00:26.30] 出门逛街 身着迪奥
[00:27.88] 身材火辣 全身名牌闪耀
[00:29.56] 老娘家财万贯
[00:31.15] 天生富有 闪闪发光
[00:32.95] 川久保玲的鞋子
[00:34.56] 有可爱的爱心
[00:36.23] 自带光芒 闪闪发光
[00:37.88] 你不得不服气
[00:39.60] 我就是全场的焦点
[00:41.16] 老娘有钱
[00:42.81] 有颜
[00:44.47] 事业蒸蒸日上
[00:46.17] 我是大人物(The Big Shot,1942电影)
[00:49.50] 如果我扔掉我所有珠宝 你就会很难堪
[00:52.80] 我是大boss 你是个无足轻重的小人物 你不会收到邀请
[00:56.10] 老娘亲力亲为 不惜闯红灯挣大钱
[00:59.23] 目标轻易到手 百发百中
[01:00.20] 咱两不是一路人 你没法让我正眼瞧你
[01:04.04] 人们疯狂找我 我在监视之中
[01:07.44] 从来没有一个男人不被我迷倒
[01:10.76] 男人们都想跟我 因为我的小猫咪有点紧
[01:14.04] 很想要品尝 这可不容易
[01:16.90] 如果你恨我 小妹 我会要了你的命
[01:20.80] 无心炫耀 但金钱堆得太高了
[01:24.28] 老娘不骗你 我想要啥 就有啥
[01:26.77] 出门就是迪奥
[01:27.70] 全身名牌 性感火辣
[01:29.25] 老娘钱多的花不完
[01:30.87] 闪闪发光 我就是舞台的焦点
[01:32.56] 川久保玲的牌子
[01:34.18] 都有爱心标志
[01:35.89] 天生高贵 魅力四射
[01:37.48] 闪闪发光 自带光芒
[01:39.18] 穿着迪奥出门
[01:40.72] 全身名牌 身材很好
[01:42.37] 还有那么那么多钱
[01:44.07] 人们都看向我 我闪闪发光
[01:45.77] 川久保玲的品牌
[01:47.40] 都有爱心设计
[01:49.08] 自带光芒 天生耀眼
[01:50.74] 老娘不开玩笑
[01:52.37] 魅力四射 全身名牌
[01:53.97] 举手投足都是你学不来的气质
[01:55.65] 天生就是这么高雅美丽
[01:57.21] 你要服气 小老妹
[01:58.97] 我魅力四射 天生会发光
[02:00.67] 小老妹有点假啊 歌曲销量过于低了
[02:02.32] 老娘我辛辛苦苦打拼 没时间跟你这小孩子计较
[02:03.94] 你永远达不到老娘的高度
[02:05.65] 我人美心善 但你不要来惹我 否则把你踢得远远的
[02:08.93] 是我一鸡女士 爱叽叽歪 我是老大
[02:12.29] 这些磨练让我更加强大
[02:13.99] 我闪闪发光 如针尖的耀眼光芒
[02:15.63] 我不是你们想象那样普通的白人乖乖女孩 姐经常登上纽约时代广场的大屏幕
[02:18.98] fakers背地自娱自乐编造假话 看到我来就安静得像在图书馆一样
[02:22.25] Bad Dreams(一鸡个人厂牌) 我们公司 将给这些妹妹们带来噩梦
[02:25.60] 往上看看 老娘在你头上俯视你呢
[02:27.15] 我绝不退缩
[02:28.92] 所以每夜我都在努力工作
[02:30.56] 我甚至迫使尼曼(Neiman)连锁公司关门
[02:32.21] 没错 每次发照片 男人们都会难忍
[02:35.44] 小妹妹 每次小人们见我 我都会让他们很痛苦 因为老娘我
[02:39.31] 出门全身名牌
[02:40.41] 迪奥在身 身材火辣
[02:42.00] 我有太多钱了
[02:43.73] 闪闪发光 魅力四射
[02:45.39] 川久保玲有爱心的鞋子
[02:46.96] 我穿着它们
[02:48.60] 魅力四射
[02:50.34] haters都很沮丧
[02:51.97] 穿迪奥出门
[02:53.53] 全身都是名牌 让你开开眼界
[02:55.21] 我的钱多的花不完
[02:56.89] 天生就这么有范
[02:58.59] 川久保玲的鞋子
[03:00.25] 有爱心标志
[03:01.97] 天生美丽优雅
[03:03.55] 你很嫉妒吧
[03:05.20] 所以你才恨我
[03:06.81] 没办法 老娘闪闪发光
[03:08.53] 魅力四射 这你学不来
[03:10.21] 老娘比你们都强