

歌名 Royalty
歌手 Ky-Mani Marley
歌手 Stefflon Don
歌手 Vybz Kartel
专辑 Royalty (feat. Ky-Mani Marley, Stefflon Don & Vybz Kartel)
[00:00.30] Producer:Jon Fx
[00:00.30] Writers:Stefflon Don/Vybz Kartel/Ky-Mani Marley/XXXTENTACION
[00:16.847] Royalty, inna mi bloodline
[00:19.909] Dem soldiers yell on these front lines
[00:23.400] Don't know why, know why, but demons come to test us sometimes
[00:27.554] In my scheme from longtime
[00:29.168] Defeat where you're confined
[00:31.769] Royalty, inna mi bloodline
[00:35.050] Dem soldiers yell on these front lines
[00:38.799] Don't know why, know why, but demons come to test us sometimes
[00:42.850] In my scheme from longtime
[00:44.575] Defeat where you're confined
[00:45.798] Yeah, me haffi
[00:47.099] Big up, yuh
[00:49.116] Big up, yuh, big up, yuh
[00:50.302] Like Kiara and Lanthia
[00:51.952] Use bad man for their bread when the mortgage up
[00:53.907] Big up, yuh
[00:55.977] Big up, yuh, big up, yuh
[00:58.116] Gyal, you're my Kingston
[00:59.221] How come everybody wanna hear me on this one?
[01:01.758] Man, what's cool is that the **** change
[01:03.209] When you use me for the money and the cars, yeah the big range
[01:05.459] Yeah, it's funny how **** change
[01:06.903] Poor shorty wanna young ***** drawers, that **** stains
[01:09.209] In a poor house, fiscane
[01:11.093] Now I'm in the coupe with a crib, *****s Chris Paine
[01:12.858] Never can forget all the nights it was just pain
[01:14.706] Now I'm finna come for the throne, don't forget, mane
[01:16.986] Royalty, inna mi bloodline
[01:20.998] Dem soldiers yell on these front lines
[01:24.774] Don't know why, know why, but demons come to test us sometimes
[01:28.745] In my scheme from longtime
[01:30.605] Defeat where you're confined
[01:31.885] Nuff tings get lock arff
[01:32.769] Iced out rings nah come off
[01:33.995] Clean from me born, tell a gyal she fi chuck off
[01:35.679] We can't stall, we a rise, we a take off
[01:37.530] (We make the boys do wha' dem a do)
[01:39.275] 'Cause the gyal a set trends
[01:40.376] Name just a bubble pon the endz
[01:41.465] Tic, me a toc pon the sumtin 'til it bend
[01:43.346] We no friend badmind, we no 'fraid of dem (We no 'fraid)
[01:45.119] Win, we a win 'til the end
[01:48.697] Royalty, inna mi bloodline
[01:51.730] Dem soldiers yell on these front lines
[01:55.559] Don't know why, know why, but demons come to test us sometimes
[01:59.271] In my scheme from longtime
[02:01.275] Defeat where you're confined
[02:02.582] His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassie, so we royal
[02:04.394] Triple X crew, so we loyal
[02:06.888] Big batty, fat *****, broad gyal
[02:08.682] Come here, back it up gyal, buss a whine
[02:10.546] Mhm hm
[02:11.091] Bend up inna 10 and inna 9, mhm hm
[02:12.573] Miami gyal, Caribbean whine
[02:14.070] Yardie say, you a real buddy bruka
[02:16.244] Yankie say, you a bad muh *****
[02:18.282] Kymani, who waan fi war?
[02:20.013] We can work the army
[02:20.814] War like Irani
[02:21.917] Man grimy, crimy
[02:23.110] Can't style me, parrie
[02:24.570] Man Triple X to Tentacion
[02:25.544] Pull up on dem endz deh like taxi man
[02:27.427] Nah spray cologne, we spray hot metal
[02:29.336] Cho man!
[02:30.851] Real bad man like Sandokan
[02:32.474] Real hot gyal badman go pon
[02:34.074] Anweh we walk, the street govern
[02:35.758] No fairytale, no Alice, no Peter Pan
[02:37.714] Versace style, Louis V pattern
[02:39.473] We strike the street hard, no FIFA
[02:41.479] Plan kick you from Mobay, Halfway Tree you land
[02:43.580] We born fi get dough, no need no man
[02:45.238] We life a sort, ask the reader man
[02:47.061] We ***** a work, we a the breeder and nah laugh with it
[02:49.919] Badman Riddim
[02:50.699] Smoke high grade and fly like pigeon
[02:52.519] Real badman, we no haffi have image
[02:54.478] Score like scrimmage inna any gyal village
[02:56.560] **** dem wicked and squeeze out liquid
[02:58.233] Sharp shooter like big lip biggot
[03:00.290] Haffi live twice fi do things that they did
[03:02.189] TJ, tell dem we're wild and wicked!
[03:05.235] Royalty, inna mi bloodline
[03:08.662] Dem soldiers yell on these front lines
[03:12.502] Don't know why, know why, but demons come to test us sometimes
[03:16.250] In my scheme from longtime
[03:18.203] Defeat where you're confined
[00:16.847] 皇室之子 我是巨星血统(Ky-Mani Marley是Bob Marley之子)
[00:19.909] 麾下的士兵在前线嘶吼着
[00:23.400] 不知何故 恶魔总是试炼着我们
[00:27.554] 我虽有从长考虑的计划
[00:29.168] 却在你的囚狱四壁中战败
[00:31.769] 皇室之子 我是巨星血统
[00:35.050] 前线的战士们竭力呐喊着
[00:38.799] 不知为何 恶鬼总在考验着我们
[00:42.850] 我虽有先见之明的计划
[00:44.575] 却在你的囚禁之处崩坏
[00:45.798] 让我赞颂Bob Marley
[00:47.099] “传奇灵魂”
[00:49.116] “雷鬼鼻祖”
[00:50.302] 如Kiara和Lanthia一般
[00:51.952] 当按揭期满 派出狠手收账
[00:53.907] “充满斗志”
[00:55.977] “雷鬼之父”
[00:58.116] 女孩 你就像是我的首都(Kingston是牙买加首都)
[00:59.221] 人人都想听到我们的誓约之词
[01:01.758] 天啊 如今一切都发生着巨变
[01:03.209] 伊索的寓言应验 人间遍是饿狼 而我是引路的牧羊人
[01:05.459] 是啊 一切都在变化着
[01:06.903] 可笑的美人想要四处勾搭 却沾染污迹一身
[01:09.209] 落得狼狈不堪
[01:11.093] 我坐拥无数房产跑车 如佩因电影里的主角
[01:12.858] 永远不曾忘记辗转难眠的黑夜
[01:14.706] 如今我终于登上宝座 不忘一路坎坷
[01:16.986] 皇室之子 我是巨星血统
[01:20.998] 麾下的士兵在前线嘶吼着
[01:24.774] 不知何故 恶魔总是试炼着我们
[01:28.745] 我虽有从长考虑的计划
[01:30.605] 却在你的囚狱四壁中战败
[01:31.885] 购入海量的高价货品
[01:32.769] 佩戴全钻打造的首饰
[01:33.995] 从我眼前滚开 告诉那坏女人她完蛋了
[01:35.679] 我们行事利落 昂头奋起
[01:37.530] (让小伙子们认清自己的定位)
[01:39.275] 因为我们女性定义潮流大势
[01:40.376] 名号 只是众多愚人吹捧的气泡
[01:41.465] 收回欠款 好让我寻欢作乐
[01:43.346] 伙计们都忠诚肯干 我们不畏仇敌
[01:45.119] 胜利旗帜 最终由我们挥舞
[01:48.697] 皇室之子 我是巨星血统
[01:51.730] 麾下的士兵在前线嘶吼着
[01:55.559] 不知何故 恶魔总是试炼着我们
[01:59.271] 我虽有从长考虑的计划
[02:01.275] 却在你的囚狱四壁中战败
[02:02.582] 领军者如海尔·塞拉西一世 我们进献忠诚
[02:04.394] Jahseh是离世的传奇 我们虔诚祷告
[02:06.888] 丰腴的身姿 海外的美人作伴
[02:08.682] 快钻进我怀里 女孩 为我斟上美酒
[02:11.091] 邀约美人
[02:12.573] 迈阿密的辣妹 加勒比的朗姆酒
[02:14.070] 牙买加的情调 你真是个好男孩
[02:16.244] 洋基的血脉 你可真是坏透了
[02:18.282] 嘿老弟 你为啥这么好斗
[02:20.013] 你我能做大做强 打造军队
[02:20.814] 让残酷的战火爆燃
[02:21.917] 你我已沾染肮脏的人血 犯下罪行累累
[02:23.110] 你无法救赎我 朋友
[02:24.570] XXXTentacion
[02:25.544] 与邪恶的魔鬼作对
[02:27.427] 花花公子会喷古龙水 我们血气方刚浴火涅槃
[02:29.336] 怒火中烧吧
[02:30.851] 化身无恶不作的海盗桑德坎吧
[02:32.474] 身材火辣的女孩令人着迷
[02:34.074] 我们在四处横行 如监管者一般
[02:35.758] 这世界没有天花乱坠的童话故事
[02:37.714] 衣着是范思哲风格 LV加持我身
[02:39.473] 我们制霸街头巷尾
[02:41.479] 将你从蒙特哥贝除名 让你前途未卜
[02:43.580] 我天生惜财如命 这点不需佐证
[02:45.238] 我们过着声色犬马的日子
[02:47.061] 我们作风利落 每一票都做到完美 没开玩笑
[02:49.919] 这应景的节奏
[02:50.699] 叼着高级香烟 嗨到魂不守舍
[02:52.519] 坏到骨里的我们 绝不参假
[02:54.478] 在混战之中奋起 我能取悦所有女孩
[02:56.560] 琼汁玉露 喷涌而出
[02:58.233] 我就是神枪手
[03:00.290] 给他们两条命也不敢再犯
[03:02.189] TJ 为敌手敲响丧钟 来者不善
[03:05.235] 皇室之子 我是巨星血统
[03:08.662] 我的兄弟们在前方发出战吼
[03:12.502] 不知原因 现实如恶魔 测验着芸芸众生
[03:16.250] 我虽有万全的计划
[03:18.203] 却难敌囚牢困境