

歌名 Borderline
歌手 Nico Collins
专辑 Borderline
[00:00.00] 作曲 : Nicolas Lawrence Collins
[00:02.59] I look past all the flashing lights
[00:07.53] Drive through ignore the warning signs
[00:12.10] When things blow up I close my eyes
[00:17.34] And shake it off as if it’s justified
[00:21.75] Wash the shame down with another drink
[00:24.64] I get high I don’t wanna overthink
[00:26.97] My body’s shaking my head is weak
[00:29.67] But I’m too afraid to leave
[00:31.98] Life goes on new day same show
[00:34.29] Cuz if I change I could feel more low
[00:36.94] So I do another encore, one more, when it hurts the most
[00:42.13] Calling it quits I don’t wanna admit
[00:44.81] That I’m that I’m
[00:47.07] Stuck in the cracks and I’m going down fast tonight tonight
[00:52.17] Calling it quits when I gotta make up
[00:54.87] My mind, my mind
[00:57.24] No going back cuz I’m already on the borderline
[01:12.15] I'm in purgatory
[01:13.90] Middle of the story
[01:15.00] Pulling back and forth from surrender and glory
[01:17.45] All the pressure internally
[01:19.33] It could very well be the death of me
[01:22.24] Caught up in the middle
[01:23.65] Center of the limbo
[01:24.88] Seeing through the shards of a broken window
[01:27.49] If the looking glass disagrees
[01:29.92] It could very well be the death of me
[01:34.14] Calling it quits I don’t wanna admit
[01:37.39] That I’m, that I’m
[01:39.60] Stuck in the cracks and I’m going down fast tonight tonight
[01:44.80] Calling it quits when I gotta make up
[01:47.20] My mind, my mind
[01:49.75] No going back cuz I’m already on the borderline
[02:14.61] Calling it quits I don't wanna admit
[02:17.24] I’m too far gone but I’ll never forget
[02:19.98] What it feels like being young and dumb
[02:22.59] Wondering who I’d become I don’t know man
[02:25.36] Losing all ambition
[02:27.57] The angel on my right no I never listened
[02:29.84] The voice in my left ear made the decisions
[02:32.40] I’ll the pay the price now cuz I get what I’m givin'
[02:37.29] Calling it quits I don’t wanna admit
[02:39.76] That I’m, that I’m
[02:42.18] Stuck in the cracks
[02:43.43] And I’m going down fast tonight tonight
[02:47.24] Calling it quits when I gotta make up
[02:49.68] My mind, my mind
[02:52.24] No going back cuz I’m already on the borderline
[02:57.25] I look past all the flashing lights
[03:00.64] (It could very well be the death of me)
[03:02.26] Drive through ignore the warning signs
[03:05.52] (It could very well be the death of me)
[03:07.48] When things blow up I close my eyes
[03:10.96] (I'm left with what I am)
[03:12.62] No going back cuz I’m already on the borderline
[00:02.59] 我的视线越过所有闪光灯
[00:07.53] 无视并驶过所有警示牌
[00:12.10] 当事情发生时,我紧闭双眼
[00:17.34] 甩掉它,仿佛它合情合理
[00:21.75] 用另一杯酒洗去我的耻辱
[00:24.64] 我情绪高涨,不想过度思考
[00:26.97] 我的身体颤抖,意志薄弱
[00:29.67] 但我太害怕离开
[00:31.98] 生活还在继续,新的一天,却是同样的事
[00:34.29] 因为即使我改变了,也只会感到更糟糕
[00:36.94] 所以我唱了一首又一首,当它最疼的时候
[00:42.13] 我不想承认我的失败
[00:44.81] 我已
[00:47.07] 陷入裂缝中,今晚我将快速坠落
[00:52.17] 在将要成功时失败
[00:54.87] 我的内心
[00:57.24] 已经没有回头路,因我已在边境线
[01:12.15] 我在炼狱中
[01:13.90] 故事的中间
[01:15.00] 在屈服和成功之间来回拉扯
[01:17.45] 而我内心的压力
[01:19.33] 很可能将我置于死地
[01:22.24] 陷在中间
[01:23.65] 地狱之中
[01:24.88] 透过破窗的碎片看这个世界
[01:27.49] 如果镜子不同意
[01:29.92] 很可能将我置于死地
[01:34.14] 我不想承认我的失败
[01:37.39] 我正被
[01:39.60] 困在裂缝中,今晚将快速坠落
[01:44.80] 在我将要成功时失败了
[01:47.20] 我的内心
[01:49.75] 已经没有回头路,因我已在边境线
[02:14.61] 我不想承认我的失败
[02:17.24] 我已经走得太远,但我不会忘记
[02:19.98] 年少轻狂的感觉
[02:22.59] 想知道我将成为什么样的人,但我不知道
[02:25.36] 失去了所有野心
[02:27.57] 从未听从我右边的天使
[02:29.84] 却让我左耳边的声音做了决定
[02:32.40] 现在我要付出代价,因为我会自食其果
[02:37.29] 不想承认我的失败
[02:39.76] 我被
[02:42.18] 困在了裂缝中
[02:43.43] 今晚将快速坠落
[02:47.24] 在我将要成功时失败
[02:49.68] 我的内心
[02:52.24] 已经没有回头路,因我已在边境线
[02:57.25] 我的目光越过所有边境线
[03:00.64] (这很可能将我置于死地)
[03:02.26] 无视并驶过所有警示牌
[03:05.52] (这很可能将我置于死地)
[03:07.48] 当事情发生时,我紧闭双眼
[03:10.96] (我停留在了现在的样子)
[03:12.62] 已经没有回头路,因我已在边境线