

歌名 Go
歌手 Uplink
歌手 Harley Bird
专辑 Go
[00:01.032] Started lookin' through the photos
[00:04.010] Holdin' our past in my hands
[00:07.171] Are they only old memories
[00:10.096] Or could we have another chance?
[00:13.388] Thinkin' back to where we were
[00:16.522] Did I ever seize the day?
[00:19.709] Drinkin' Jack until I blurred
[00:22.740] Hopin' I'd finally say:
[00:25.691] Oh, I'm givin' into now
[00:28.748] Nothin's getting in the way
[00:32.196] But no, I only walked out
[00:34.939] If I had the heart to say:
[00:37.551] Here's what I really wanted you to know
[00:41.313] I was there but didn't show
[00:44.473] All the things I felt alone
[00:47.608] I was stay and you were go
[00:50.011] Now I really wanna know, Now I really wanna know
[00:53.277] Did you ever feel the pull? Did you ever feel the pull?
[00:56.829] That I did, but on the low
[01:01.949] I was stay and you were go
[01:27.732] I started listening to the old songs
[01:30.580] That used to make us dance
[01:33.531] Are they only fading echoes
[01:36.457] Or could we have another chance?
[01:40.140] Thinkin' over our futures
[01:43.066] Did I only dream away?
[01:46.096] Drinking straight - forgetting her
[01:49.179] Wishin' I had heard you say:
[01:52.392] Oh, I'm givin' into now
[01:55.422] Baby I am here to stay
[01:58.348] No, we went our separate ways
[02:01.717] Hope you don't mind I say:
[02:04.147] Here's what I really wanted you to know
[02:07.908] I was there but didn't show
[02:10.756] All the things I felt alone
[02:14.126] I was stay and you were go
[02:17.286] Now I really wanna know, Now I really wanna know
[02:20.369] Did you ever feel the pull?
[02:24.392] That I did, but on the low
[02:28.702] I was stay and you were go
[02:34.240] (Oh, tell me why…
[02:42.390] I really wanted you to know…
[02:51.272] All the things I felt alone…)
[00:01.032] 翻阅着旧照
[00:04.010] 仿若我手里正握着我们的过往
[00:07.171] 可那仅仅只是古旧蒙尘的回忆吗
[00:10.096] 或许 我们还能拥有从头再来的机会吗
[00:13.388] 回想我们原来的处所
[00:16.522] 我是否曾抓住那些日子?
[00:19.709] 喝杰克直到我迷醉
[00:22.740] 渴盼这我能最终说出:
[00:25.691] 噢,我真正活在当下
[00:28.748] 没有什么能够阻挡在我面前
[00:32.196] 但那并没有发生 我能做的只有走出遐思
[00:34.939] 如果我能听见那颗心的声音:
[00:37.551] 这就是我想让你知道的
[00:41.313] 我你面前但并不展露
[00:44.473] 我内心无边际的孤独
[00:47.608] 我待在原地 你却甩头就走
[00:50.011] 我现在多么想知道
[00:53.277] 我感受到我对你的吸引了吗
[00:56.829] 我尝试了 但却处在浅层 不足迷诱
[01:01.949] 我执着留下 而你绝裾而去
[01:27.732] 我开始听起老歌
[01:30.580] 那些曾让我们携手舞动的歌
[01:33.531] 它们会成为逐渐褪去的回音吗
[01:36.457] 或者我们还能重新开始
[01:40.140] 为我们的未来深思熟虑
[01:43.066] 或许我只是在迷梦中虚度光阴
[01:46.096] 豪爽饮酒 将她忘却
[01:49.179] 多么希望我能有幸听到你说:
[01:52.392] 噢 我与你同享此刻
[01:55.422] 宝贝 我留在此地等候
[01:58.348] 但是如今 我们分道扬镳 不再交涉
[02:01.717] 愿你不要介意我说:
[02:04.147] 这就是我真正想让你知晓的
[02:07.908] 在你面前我不敢展露
[02:10.756] 我茕茕孑立 踽踽独行
[02:14.126] 我留下了 你却去意已决
[02:17.286] 我现在真想知道
[02:20.369] 你是非曾感受到我对你的磁力
[02:24.392] 我做到了 却形同虚无
[02:28.702] 我不舍而驻足原地 看着你甩头就走
[02:34.240] 哦 告诉我这是为什么
[02:42.390] 我真的很想让你知道 那些之前我不肯展现的
[02:51.272] 我的孤单落寞 迷惘失意