Running Wild

Running Wild

歌名 Running Wild
歌手 Nate VanDeusen
歌手 Andrea Hamilton
专辑 Running Wild
[00:12.28] We move shoulder to shoulder
[00:16.06] Our love is stronger than the system
[00:20.19] They can have what they’re holding
[00:22.42] Or all our beauty can convince them
[00:26.46] Some will build imitations
[00:29.09] They’re throwing parties for the lonely
[00:32.82] Showing off all their options
[00:35.50] You’re gonna be my one and only
[00:38.97] We’re running wild and we can’t come down now
[00:44.09] They say that we should
[00:46.48] They say that we’ll have to some day
[00:51.47] We move shoulder to shoulder
[00:54.75] Our love is stronger than the system
[00:58.55] They can have what they’re holding
[01:01.06] Or all our beauty can convince them
[01:04.03] We’re running wild
[01:07.77] We’re running wild
[01:11.05] We’re running wild
[01:16.74] We’re running wild
[01:20.57] We’re running wild
[01:23.97] We’re running wild
[01:30.40] I didn’t choose to be different
[01:32.97] Or plan to start a revolution
[01:36.63] But I want to thank all my people
[01:39.29] We’ll meet outside the institution
[01:43.10] So we’re not going back now
[01:45.85] And I can see it in the distance
[01:49.72] We’ll break every tradition
[01:52.23] This planet needs the right resistance
[01:55.57] We’re running wild and we can’t come down now
[02:00.85] They say that we should
[02:03.48] They say that we’ll have to some day
[02:08.06] So we’re not going back now
[02:11.47] ‘Cause we can see it in the distance
[02:15.58] It’s the feeling of freedom
[02:17.90] It’s human progress and forgiveness
[02:21.22] We’re running wild
[02:24.47] We’re running wild
[02:27.62] We’re running wild
[02:33.66] We’re running wild
[02:38.07] We’re running wild
[02:41.12] We’re running wild
[02:46.30] We’re not going back now
[02:50.38] We’re not going back now
[02:53.61] We’re not going back now
[02:56.73] We’re not going back
[03:00.07] We’re not going back now
[03:03.54] We’re not going back
[03:06.62] We’re not going back now
[00:12.28] 在路上并肩前行着
[00:16.06] 我们比以往更坚不可摧
[00:20.19] 外人可以固执己见
[00:22.42] 但我们有能力让他们信服
[00:26.46] 有的人盲目从着众
[00:29.09] 为孤独患者们举办了一场又一场的派对
[00:32.82] 每个人都在炫耀自己的选择
[00:35.50] 你会是我的唯一 对吧
[00:38.97] 我们是如此无忧无虑 所以绝不能被打倒啊
[00:44.09] 他们说
[00:46.48] 终有一天 我们也将面对现实
[00:51.47] 我们会在道路上并肩前行
[00:54.75] 我们比以往更坚不可摧
[00:58.55] 外人可以固执己见
[01:01.06] 但我们有能力让他们信服
[01:04.03] 随心所欲
[01:07.77] 做着想做的事
[01:11.05] 不受束缚
[01:16.74] 拒绝厌恶的物
[01:20.57] 就这样一直
[01:23.97] 无忧无虑着
[01:30.40] 我不想生来便与众不同
[01:32.97] 用尽全力发动一场革命
[01:36.63] 但我仍想感谢所有支持我的人
[01:39.29] 我们会在外面碰头
[01:43.10] 这样我们就不用回望不堪的过去
[01:45.85] 我们可以站在这里远远观望
[01:49.72] 让我们打破以往的传统
[01:52.23] 这颗星球需要一些适当的反抗
[01:55.57] 我们是如此无忧无虑 所以绝不能被打倒啊
[02:00.85] 他们说
[02:03.48] 终有一天 我们也将面对现实
[02:08.06] 这样我们就不用回望不堪的过去
[02:11.47] 因为我们可以站在这里远远观望
[02:15.58] 这就是自由的感觉
[02:17.90] 是人类的进步和救赎
[02:21.22] 随心所欲
[02:24.47] 做着想做的事
[02:27.62] 不受束缚
[02:33.66] 拒绝厌恶的物
[02:38.07] 就这样一直
[02:41.12] 无忧无虑着
[02:46.30] 将过去遗忘
[02:50.38] 把当下过好
[02:53.61] 请不要回首
[02:56.73] 请一路向前
[03:00.07] 对不堪的过去挥手告别
[03:03.54] 说声再见吧
[03:06.62] 答应我 请不要回首