Lost Souls

Lost Souls

歌名 Lost Souls
歌手 Knife Party
专辑 Lost Souls EP
[00:02.31] Since we left these dark nights in Africa
[00:05.81] And escaped to the security of our armchairs
[00:08.00] We had forgotten the horror
[00:10.86] Of dubstep festivals
[00:15.59] Night after night
[00:16.58] Thousands of bros migrate into the area
[00:19.89] Each night a nightmare
[00:24.73] In appearance they are like dogs
[00:27.40] But these strange animals nearest relative is the mongoose
[00:36.77] Both male and female have what look's like a *****
[00:41.77] They greet with a peculiar ritual
[00:45.07] Ceremony involves sniffing and licking the genitals
[00:49.57] In the most gruesome way
[00:53.45] This is the story of Lost Souls
[01:08.10] Ain't washed for three days
[01:09.73] Eat some ass at the rave
[01:22.70] Eating ass in the club like——
[01:44.48] Reaching out into other worlds
[01:47.15] Deep-thrust telescopic probes
[02:25.88] Sorry man
[02:26.91] Jungles are all the same to me
[02:37.70] Ain't washed for three days
[02:39.21] Eat some ass at the rave
[02:40.81] GO!
[02:51.97] Eating ass in the club like——
[03:09.15] ******* headbanging
[00:02.31] 自从我们逃离了蛮荒之地的黑夜
[00:05.81] 并进入了舒适的保护区
[00:08.00] 我们已经忘记了
[00:10.86] 被低音包围的恐惧
[00:15.59] 日以继夜
[00:16.58] 数千同类也迁移至此
[00:19.89] 每晚都是噩梦
[00:24.73] 从外形上看它们很像犬科
[00:27.40] 但这些奇怪动物的近亲是猫鼬
[00:36.77] 雄性与雌性特征基本相似
[00:41.77] 它们有着一种特殊的欢迎仪式
[00:45.07] 其中包括闻嗅和舔舐彼此
[00:49.57] 以非常可怕的方式进行
[00:53.45] 这就是失落之魂的故事
[01:08.10] 数天都没办法合眼
[01:09.73] 等着在现场玩脱吧
[01:22.70] 大家在等着看你笑话
[01:44.48] 尝试触探另一个世界
[01:47.15] 用用你的特殊手段
[02:25.88] 抱歉伙计
[02:26.91] 这风格对我而言都没差
[02:37.70] 有多少天没休息了
[02:39.21] 再继续恐怕要乱套
[02:51.97] 大家在等着看你笑话
[03:09.15] 去他的断头党