That's Just the Way That I Feel

That's Just the Way That I Feel

歌名 That's Just the Way That I Feel
歌手 Purple Mountains
专辑 Purple Mountains
[00:00.509] Well, I don't like talkin’ to myself
[00:05.577] But someone's gotta say it, hell
[00:09.130] I mean, things have not been going well
[00:13.257] This time I think I finally ****** myself
[00:16.757] You see, the life I live is sickening
[00:20.937] I spent a decade playing chicken with oblivion
[00:25.247] Day to day, I'm neck and neck with giving in
[00:28.774] I'm the same old wreck I've always been
[00:32.509] And when I see her in the park
[00:36.271] It barely merits a remark
[00:40.424] How we stand the standard distance
[00:44.003] Distant strangers stand apart
[00:48.078] Course I've been humbled by the void
[00:51.735] Much of my faith has been destroyed
[00:56.020] I've been forced to watch my foes enjoy
[01:00.408] Ceaseless feasts of schadenfreude
[01:03.987] And as the pace of life keeps quickening
[01:07.540] Beneath the *****ing and the bickering
[01:11.484] When I try to drown my thoughts in gin
[01:15.428] I find my worst ideas know how to swim
[01:19.138] Well, a setback can be a setup
[01:23.448] For a comeback if you don't let up
[01:27.131] But this kind of hurtin' won't heal
[01:35.099] And the end of all wanting
[01:38.442] Is all I've been wanting
[01:41.708] And that's just the way that I feel
[02:05.035] I met failure in Australia
[02:09.476] I fell ill in Illinois
[02:13.368] I nearly lost my genitalia
[02:17.417] To an anthill in Des Moines
[02:21.022] I was so far gone in Fargo
[02:24.705] South Dakota got annoyed
[02:29.512] That's the **** I'm talkin’ 'bout
[02:31.523] When I talk to you about
[02:33.639] Ceaseless feasts of schadenfreude
[02:36.774] And a setback can be a setup
[02:40.562] For a comeback if you don't let up
[02:44.454] But this kind of hurtin' won't heal
[02:52.160] And the end of all wanting
[02:55.530] Is all I've been wanting
[02:59.448] The end of all wanting
[03:02.243] Is all I've been wanting
[03:05.900] The end of all wanting
[03:08.330] Is all I've been wanting
[03:11.647] And that's just the way that I feel
[00:00.509] 其实我不喜欢自言自语
[00:05.577] 但总有人要点破这份尴尬
[00:09.130] 我的意思是,生活现在挺坎坷的
[00:13.257] 这次我可能真的坑死了自己
[00:16.757] 你看,我的生活让我反胃
[00:20.937] 我花了10年和自己的迷惘玩捉迷藏
[00:25.247] 一天又一天,我与放弃的念头搏斗着
[00:28.774] 我一直都是那个老废柴
[00:32.509] 当我在公园看到曾经的她
[00:36.271] 这次会面毫无值得怀念的意义
[00:40.424] 我们相互间保持着安全距离
[00:44.003] 冷漠的陌生人各执一旁
[00:48.078] 因为我已经被虚无的折磨所禁声
[00:51.735] 我的命运大都被毁灭了吧
[00:56.020] 被迫的,我看着我的仇人们享受人生
[01:00.408] 一个放肆的幸灾乐祸盛宴(schademfreude是德语幸灾乐祸)
[01:03.987] 生活的节奏一步步加快
[01:07.540] 在表面的吵闹和做作之下
[01:11.484] 当我想把我的胡思乱想淹死在杜松子酒里
[01:15.428] 我才发现那些最恶的念头全都学会了游泳
[01:19.138] 呵,或许一个挫折是一个垫脚石
[01:23.448] 为了一个重来的机会,如果你能稍微放松点
[01:27.131] 但是这种伤永远不会恢复了
[01:35.099] 能够终结一切一切欲望
[01:38.442] 是我的人生梦想
[01:41.708] 这只是我中二不现实的所思所想吧
[02:05.035] 我在澳大利亚遇见了失败
[02:09.476] 在伊利诺伊州遭遇病痛
[02:13.368] 差点失去了自己的命根子
[02:17.417] 在Des Moines掉进了个蚁穴
[02:21.022] 在北卡的Fargo时疯狂宣泄
[02:24.705] 南卡都看烦了
[02:29.512] 就是这些个破事
[02:31.523] 我和你讲的
[02:33.639] 是一个放肆的幸灾乐祸盛宴
[02:36.774] 呵,或许一个挫折是一个垫脚石
[02:40.562] 为了一个重来的机会,如果你能稍微放松点
[02:44.454] 但是这种伤永远不会恢复了
[02:52.160] 能够终结一切一切欲望
[02:55.530] 是我的人生梦想
[02:59.448] 能够终结一切一切欲望
[03:02.243] 是我的人生梦想
[03:05.900] 能够终结一切一切欲望
[03:08.330] 是我的人生梦想
[03:11.647] 这只是我中二不现实的所思所想吧