Rapture Rising

Rapture Rising

歌名 Rapture Rising
歌手 Jt Music
歌手 Andrea Storm Kaden
专辑 Crate Expectations
[00:01.173] Beyond the ocean
[00:06.270] A lighthouse is waiting for me
[00:11.339] The Great Chain in motion
[00:16.739] Beneath the waves of the sea
[00:20.660] Into the city
[00:23.239] All good things flow
[00:25.434] The sweat on your brow
[00:27.882] Is what you reap and sow
[00:30.517] Forge your own fortune
[00:32.978] From salt and from sand
[00:35.714] No gods or kings
[00:39.788] Only man
[00:42.012] Folks told me, son, you won the gene pool
[00:43.965] So I guess I had a head start on these fools
[00:46.543] Doesn't take a Winter Blast for Jack to keep cool
[00:49.087] But isolation in the deep blue can be cruel
[00:51.668] I descend the depths fathom by fathom
[00:53.826] As if the ocean opened up and I've been cast in a chasm
[00:56.352] Upon a sweeping seascape, genetic accidents happened
[00:58.855] But don't blame EVE, the cause of the fall had to be ADAM
[01:01.676] If you believe the sweat of your brow oughtta be yours
[01:04.017] Listen to Andrew Ryan, the philosophical entrepreneur
[01:06.741] He might've put me on blast, but I'll get past his thugs
[01:09.457] I asked who Fontaine was, and Atlas Shrugged
[01:12.278] Welcome to Rapture, where you can manufacture
[01:14.445] Evolution: natural selection's happening faster
[01:17.070] Were you shocked when I said I was nothing less than electric
[01:19.689] This city's dead but I bet that I can resurrect it
[01:22.563] An engine never rests in Hephaestus
[01:24.806] Like a Lazarus Vector, giving breath to the breathless
[01:27.418] (Gasp)
[01:28.127] I'm getting quite dependent on medkits
[01:30.083] I just met a demented doctor obsessed with perfection
[01:32.405] You promised me pretty, Steinman, why did I get this?
[01:35.306] I treated your ugliness like an infection!
[01:37.907] That's why I took a wrench when I went to the dentist
[01:40.399] And my smile was dazzlin' after bashin' his head in
[01:43.025] Collectin' weapons, makin' effective inventions
[01:45.418] I'll make you vanish like Houdini
[01:46.825] When I pump lead in you Leadheads
[01:48.076] I call it artwork, want it censored? Forget it
[01:50.413] I got a killer's disposition, I guess it's genetic
[01:53.525] Death is a choice that I rejected!
[01:56.200] Rise, Rapture, rise
[02:00.962] We turn our hopes up to the skies
[02:06.418] Rise, Rapture, rise
[02:10.857] We'll go down with our sinking paradise
[02:16.527] Roll up my sleeves, so blood will not get on'em
[02:19.403] These shackles remind me I started from the bottom
[02:21.900] Hello little fish, have you had your cherry popped?
[02:24.529] I'm a grown man, damnit, I ain't scared of shots
[02:26.652] Shots shots shots shots now my veins are on fire
[02:29.369] Rearrangin' DNA? Sounds like playing with fire
[02:32.192] Sciences are practiced with a lack of moral guidance
[02:34.725] Splicers seek to satisfy their sick sadistic vices
[02:37.248] Victims become villains, angry vandals turn to violence
[02:39.878] Sickly children sticking by their less than gentle giants
[02:42.477] Minds manipulated by the parasite inside'em
[02:44.926] But if you're a parasite in Ryan's eyes, you're put to silence
[02:47.685] The great and strong will not yield to the weak and feeble
[02:50.193] Better change your DNA if you'd like to fight as equals
[02:52.750] Harvest ADAM, feed on EVE, it doesn't make me evil
[02:55.039] Because my survival rides on getting Power to the People
[02:57.967] Dozens of desperate denizens deal with deprivation
[03:00.476] But let's be fair, laissez-faire, forget the regulations
[03:03.059] This economy's perfectly working without you
[03:05.405] Now let me fill my craving at the Circus of Values
[03:08.228] Drawn to this city, like a moth to a flame
[03:10.507] Fallin' from grace, swallowed by a watery grave
[03:13.194] Now I'll frolic on this stage, I'm a part in a play
[03:15.624] Like I was nothing but a puppet, just a pawn in the game
[03:18.610] Lookin' for something to set me apart from a slave
[03:21.051] Rise, Rapture, rise
[03:26.024] We turn our hopes up to the skies
[03:31.456] Rise, Rapture, rise
[03:35.921] We'll go down with our sinking paradise
[03:41.690] RISE
[03:43.204] Rapture is bleeding through cracks that are leaking
[03:48.244] Dwindling memories tell secrets they're keeping
[03:53.411] Demons disguised by benign masquerades
[03:58.494] Angels climb out of their graves
[04:02.330] Mind over matter is the practice I'm preachin'
[04:04.835] How else could I achieve feats of telekinesis
[04:07.437] And I'm an expert at hacking past your defense
[04:09.683] Then I'll attack you like a swarm from a hornet nest
[04:12.093] (Buzz off!)
[04:12.862] The Gatherer's Garden ain't runnin' short of guests
[04:14.902] I've been cleaning'em out, I can afford the best
[04:17.386] Hey!
[04:17.842] Do you wish your waist was slimmer?
[04:19.139] (Yes!)
[04:19.374] Or your chin was chiseled more?
[04:20.376] (Huh?)
[04:20.580] Careful, vanity could send us into civil war
[04:23.161] In a utopia, who's gonna wanna scrub the toilets?
[04:25.480] The people in Apollo Square got no other choices
[04:28.139] I know how this is gonna end, but I don't wanna spoil it
[04:30.732] You try to seize my city? Time that I destroy it!
[04:33.565] Just relax, Big Daddy, I command ya
[04:36.002] Strike a pose, smile for the camera
[04:38.586] I think objectively, just like Ayn Rand does
[04:41.204] Attention: will the real Fontaine stand up?
[04:43.861] A man chooses, unlike a slave
[04:46.238] Who never strays from the path that his master paves
[04:48.847] Follows every order and does everything they say
[04:51.407] Now Would You Kindly... OBEY?
[04:53.985] OBEY (x8)
[05:04.327] Rise, Rapture, rise
[05:08.879] We turn our hopes up to the skies
[05:14.765] Rise, Rapture, rise
[05:19.199] We'll go down with our sinking paradise
[05:25.753] My city is thriving
[05:30.738] Your allies- choose them wisely
[05:35.855] Our Rapture is rising
[05:40.837] Stand with us, Would You Kindly?
[05:45.770] RISE
[00:01.173] 越过汪洋大海
[00:06.270] 有座等候着我的灯塔
[00:11.339] 巨大的产业链条
[00:16.739] 于海浪之下不停运作
[00:20.660] 进入这极乐之城
[00:23.239] 美好事物多如泉涌
[00:25.434] 你眉梢的汗水
[00:27.882] 正是你的切身体会
[00:30.517] 在盐分与沙砾之中
[00:32.978] 伪造你的命运
[00:35.714] 神王都被拉下宝座
[00:39.788] 人皆平等
[00:42.012] 大伙儿告诉我,孩子你的基因出类拔萃
[00:43.965] 所以我想我会首先拿这些蠢货开刀
[00:46.543] 即使不用“凌冬爆炸”,Jack也会迅速冷静
[00:49.087] 在忧郁深蓝的与世隔绝可谓残酷
[00:51.668] 我一点一点下坠至最深处
[00:53.826] 海水就好像被分隔开来,而我正处身裂缝之间
[00:56.352] 在这一望无际的海景图上,基因事故时常发生
[00:58.855] 莫要怪罪于EVE的研制,这场衰败的罪魁祸首还是ADAM
[01:01.676] 如果你相信你眉梢渗出汗水是正常现象
[01:04.017] 那就去听听达观的大企业家——安德鲁·瑞安的话
[01:06.741] 他可能想消灭我,但他手下的暴徒都会被我放倒
[01:09.457] 我惑问方汀何人,却只见“阿特拉斯耸耸肩”
[01:12.278] 欢迎来到销魂城,粗制滥造的梓乡
[01:14.445] 进化之处:物竞天择之理发展其速犹如风驰电掣
[01:17.070] 你在当我说起自己身上能放电时被吓到了?
[01:19.689] 该城魂已销,但我打赌我会让它起死回生
[01:22.563] 赫菲斯托斯神庙的引擎从未休憩
[01:24.806] 就像拉萨路媒介,向窒息者赐予空气
[01:28.127] 我开始有点依赖于医药包了
[01:30.083] 我刚与一个痴狂于完美的癫疯医生狭路相逢
[01:32.405] “你承诺了我的美丽,施泰曼,可为什么我会收到这般对待?”
[01:35.306] “我将你的丑陋如传染病般治疗“
[01:37.907] 这就是为什么我去看牙医时也要带上一把扳手
[01:40.399] 并在猛击他的头后笑逐颜开
[01:43.025] 收集武器,做点实用的创造
[01:45.418] 当我爆了你们头领的首级后
[01:46.825] 会让你如胡迪尼魔术般消失
[01:48.076] 我叫那艺术品,想被查水表吗?还是算了吧
[01:50.413] 我有杀手的性情,我猜是血脉相传所致
[01:53.525] 死亡是我永远背弃的选择!
[01:56.200] 崛起吧,销魂城,崛起吧
[02:00.962] 吾等尽寄希望于九天之际
[02:06.418] 崛起吧,销魂城,崛起吧
[02:10.857] 吾等将随天堂沉沦于大洋深处
[02:16.527] 卷起我的袖子,这样就不会沾染上血迹
[02:19.403] 这些枷锁提醒我需要从头开始
[02:21.900] 你好小鱼干,你的第一次还在么?
[02:24.529] 我是个成年人,该死,我才不怕枪击
[02:26.652] 我的血脉正在熊熊燃烧
[02:29.369] 重新编码DNA?听上去就是在玩火
[02:32.192] 科研成果在缺少伦理指导的情况下被践行
[02:34.725] 缝合者谋求于满足他们病态又残忍的渴望
[02:37.248] 受害者变成了恶棍,怒不可遏的破坏者付之于暴力
[02:39.878] 染病的孩子活在不那么温柔的巨人的庇护之下
[02:42.477] 意志被藏于人们体内的寄生虫掌控
[02:44.926] 当你看透雷恩的双眼时,也不得不陷入沉默
[02:47.685] “伟大而顽强的意志永不会屈服于懦弱无能之人”
[02:50.193] 最好改变你的DNA,如果你还想平等地对决
[02:52.750] 收割ADAM,哺喂EVE,这不会令我十恶不赦
[02:55.039] 因为我的生存仰仗于把力量给予人民
[02:57.967] 无数绝望的居民同剥削交道
[03:00.476] 公平些吧,放任主义,忘记规则
[03:03.059] 这里的经济没了你会运转地更好
[03:05.405] 现在让我用售货机补充我的武器弹药
[03:08.228] 如同飞蛾扑火般的,被诱入这座城市
[03:10.507] 误入歧途,被这由水制成的棺材吞噬
[03:13.194] 现在我要玩转这舞台,成为其中的一员
[03:15.624] 我就像个傀儡,只是这场博弈中的一枚棋子
[03:18.610] 寻找能让我脱离奴隶之苦的妙方
[03:21.051] 崛起吧,销魂城,崛起吧
[03:26.024] 吾等尽寄希望于九天之际
[03:31.456] 崛起吧,销魂城,崛起吧
[03:35.921] 吾等将随天堂沉沦于大洋深处
[03:43.204] 销魂城正从裂缝之中血流不止
[03:48.244] 逐渐模糊的记忆讲述着他们捍卫的秘密
[03:53.411] 恶魔掩藏于温文尔雅的面具之下
[03:58.494] 天使自坟墓中涅槃重生
[04:02.330] 心胜于物,是我所宣扬的人生信条
[04:04.835] 不然我该怎么施展隔空取物
[04:07.437] 成为一位精通于破解你防御力量的专家
[04:09.683] 然后如倾巢而出的群峰般进攻你
[04:12.862] 收集者花园在缺少顾客的情况下无法运作
[04:14.902] 我刚消灭了他们,能负担起最好的东西
[04:17.386] “嘿,
[04:17.842] 你想让腰变得更细么?
[04:19.374] 或者让下巴更有型?“
[04:20.580] 小心,范迪尼会将我们卷入内战
[04:23.161] 在乌托邦中谁会心甘情愿去通厕所?
[04:25.480] 在阿波罗广场的人们却无路可选
[04:28.139] 我知道结局如何,但我不想随便剧透
[04:30.732] ”你想抢掠我的城市?是时候我亲自毁灭它了!“
[04:33.565] 放轻松,大老爹,我命令你
[04:36.002] 摆个姿势,冲着镜头笑一个
[04:38.586] 我能客观地思考,有如艾因·兰德一般
[04:41.204] 注意:真正的方汀是否会再次崛起?
[04:43.861] “人会选择,不像奴隶
[04:46.238] 那是一种永不会偏离主人为他所铺之路的怪胎
[04:48.847] 遵从所有的命令,做他们下令的一切
[04:51.407] 现在我恳请您... 服从“
[04:53.985] 服从...
[05:04.327] 崛起吧,销魂城,崛起吧
[05:08.879] 吾等尽寄希望于九天之际
[05:14.765] 崛起吧,销魂城,崛起吧
[05:19.199] 吾等将随天堂沉沦于大洋深处
[05:25.753] 我的城市,日渐兴旺
[05:30.738] 你的盟友,请谨慎选择
[05:35.855] 我们的销魂城,正在崛起
[05:40.837] 同舟共济吧,我恳请您