Can't Be Erased

Can't Be Erased

歌名 Can't Be Erased
歌手 Jt Music
专辑 Crate Expectations
[00:01.116] I'm the dancing Demon
[00:03.181] Watch me twirl and hop and spin
[00:05.931] I'm quick to give a smile
[00:07.853] But I won't forget your sins
[00:10.488] Hahahahaha
[00:21.277] Ah ah ah! The wonders of imagination
[00:26.113] Welcome home dear friend
[00:28.329] How long we've all been waiting
[00:30.887] Let's create a masterpiece, breathe life into your dreams!
[00:35.911] All you gotta do is start up the machine
[00:49.694] I'm the product of an artist
[00:52.021] Whose creations bring delight
[00:54.806] Upon this somber threshold
[00:56.845] Imagination comes to life
[00:59.479] Just free yourself from reason
[01:01.544] Soon you'll see in black and white
[01:04.241] Call me a seed of evil
[01:06.368] But what's that mean
[01:07.457] If I'm conceived within your mind?
[01:14.314] Leaking from the ceiling
[01:16.044] Ink is bleeding through the lines
[01:18.798] Is that your heart that's beating
[01:20.783] Or illusion you're alive?
[01:23.656] Collect what's necessary
[01:25.552] Keep appeasing the divines
[01:28.317] It's me you should be believing
[01:30.441] Cause he's deceiving you with lies
[01:32.865] Holy Conniption - has it been thirty years? (no way)
[01:35.307] It appears Mickey Mouse might've been murdered here (oh god!)
[01:37.763] Lifeless pie-cut eyes - I have learned to fear
[01:40.102] Kinda reminds me why I quit workin' here
[01:43.079] Why did I come, lemme go home, I should be leavin'
[01:45.380] Whatever happened, don't wanna know
[01:46.770] What are these demons?
[01:47.765] Guess If I gotta be stuck here
[01:49.059] Then I might as well investigate
[01:50.357] Secrets are unlocking - but too bad the exit ain't
[01:52.505] Despite this mask of happiness
[01:54.673] I drown in dark despair
[01:57.250] The world may be your canvas
[01:59.191] What you paint on it, beware!
[02:01.979] The pen is mightier than the sword
[02:04.292] It has no limitation
[02:07.009] Don't refrain, this ink will stain
[02:09.355] And nothing can erase us now
[02:13.397] Can you describe the face you saw?
[02:18.290] Could it be one you recognize?
[02:23.167] We'd never harm the hand that draws
[02:27.782] Imagination cursed us all with life
[02:39.145] AND CAN'T BE ERASED
[02:43.890] WE'VE GOT IT ON TAPE
[02:48.267] AND IT CAN'T BE ERASED
[02:59.271] I was not always a monster
[03:01.585] Once I was somebody's muse
[03:04.015] Innovation made us stronger
[03:06.372] But that power was abused
[03:08.663] The machine is thumping
[03:11.075] And the ink is pumping
[03:13.539] Now you need to run
[03:15.646] Because the demon's coming
[03:18.285] I really need help, someone send a telegram
[03:20.814] I'm surrounded by upside-down pentagrams
[03:23.172] I don't have a guide
[03:24.323] Just little bit of candlelight
[03:25.792] With an axe that I don't know how to handle right
[03:28.341] That little devil darling's on a lot of reels
[03:30.681] Long as he's on one, he cannot be real
[03:33.273] Stop the projectors, Bendy's off his reel
[03:35.666] Got a feeling he and Joey got a deal
[03:37.941] An unholy bargain, a demonic seal
[03:40.340] With a master plan, that I must reveal
[03:42.876] Won't be long till this ink's all congealed
[03:45.153] Upon my body, head to toe all concealed
[03:47.598] But a little bit of bleach should do the trick
[03:49.964] I'll never watch another damn cartoon - I quit!
[03:52.494] Look at you, you're scared of a moving pic
[03:54.817] Hey Bendy, how'd you get that tutu to fit?
[03:58.466] I'm blinded by this evil growing
[04:03.214] My heart is full of people-loathing
[04:08.004] With secrets that I keep from showing
[04:12.936] I am the wolf in sheepish clothing
[04:16.570] Flood the shop, with ink a-flowing
[04:19.026] Push it to the brink of blowing
[04:21.471] We hope you don't think of going
[04:23.843] Weigh you down to keep from floating
[04:26.251] Come with me, we'll bring you Joey
[04:28.608] You'll be kept from being lonely
[04:31.060] Kicking, screaming, sinking slowly
[04:33.438] Give your soul, it's what you owe me
[04:43.892] AND CAN'T BE ERASED
[04:48.693] WE'VE GOT IT ON TAPE
[04:52.921] AND IT CAN'T BE ERASED
[04:55.225] I'm the dancing Demon
[04:56.650] Watch me twirl and hop and spin
[04:59.593] I'm quick to give a smile
[05:01.567] But I won't forget your sins
[05:04.534] I'm the dancing Demon
[05:06.422] Watch me twirl and hop and spin
[05:09.291] I'm quick to give a smile
[05:11.168] But I won't forget your sins
[00:01.116] 我就是那个跳舞的恶魔,
[00:03.181] 在人们的眼里旋转跳跃,
[00:05.931] 表面上机灵地献上笑颜,
[00:07.853] 暗地里算着你们的罪过!
[00:10.488] 哈哈哈!
[00:21.277] 这是“想象力”的奇迹!
[00:26.113] 欢迎回家,挚爱老友!
[00:28.329] 可知我们,静待许久?
[00:30.887] 还不快来铸就一幅绝作,给我们的妄想注入生命的奇迹!
[00:35.911] 现在,你只需启动那关键的油印机.
[00:49.694] 我由一个艺术家创作,
[00:52.021] 他的作品总是给人们带来欢乐......
[00:54.806] 先不谈那令人悲伤的往事!!
[00:56.845] 幻想之物难不成还能自生形体!?
[00:59.479] 还是放飞理智面对眼前现实吧,
[01:01.544] 白纸黑字的真相你很快会明白!
[01:04.241] 我作为你们创造的作品,
[01:06.368] 却被称作“恶魔的崽种”,
[01:07.457] 那到底意味着什么?
[01:14.314] 现从天花板上倾泻而出的
[01:16.044] 油墨可是向往着淹没一切!
[01:18.798] 到底是你的心跳仍在继续,
[01:20.783] 还是中了仍然活着的幻象?
[01:23.656] 快来收集那些必要的道具,
[01:25.552] 邪神还等着来被你安抚呢!
[01:28.317] 正因他蒙骗了你如此之久,
[01:30.441] 所以我才是你最该信的人!
[01:32.865] 我的天呐!- 还真就30年了呗!(不会吧)
[01:35.307] 看来律师函警告早就没辙了!
[01:37.763] 这无神双眼搞得我有点忐忑,
[01:40.102] 好像想起来我为啥跳槽来着?
[01:43.079] 我为何来?放我回家!我不该在这啊啊啊!
[01:45.380] 天知道发生了什么,我才不想知道!
[01:46.770] 等等,这都是些什么鬼东西?
[01:47.765] 看来我被困在了这里的亚子.
[01:49.059] 那要不我先探索一下来试试?
[01:50.357] 奥秘正在浮出墨水,但遗憾我无法逃离.
[01:52.505] 名为嬉笑的面具掩藏之下,
[01:54.673] 到底几曾露出过真心笑颜?
[01:57.250] 整个世界都化为你的绘纸,
[01:59.191] 无论画什么,请三思!
[02:01.979] 小小的绘笔“是如何”利过锋锐之剑?
[02:04.292] 是因为想象的力量没有极限啊!
[02:07.009] 别控制,墨水将会浸没一切.
[02:09.355] 我们, 及我们的一切, 永无法被抹去.
[02:13.397] 可否描述你所面对的那张脸庞?
[02:18.290] 那可曾是你所弃置的亲密伙伴?
[02:23.167] 造物的双手神圣不可侵犯,
[02:27.782] 罪恶的生命由想象力滋生!
[02:32.234] 蒙羞又被丑化!(羞愧难当,受人诬诅)
[02:34.588] 受损还被侮辱!(伤痕累累,胯下蒲伏)
[02:37.070] 被仇恨所污染!(怒火攻心,户枢腐蠹)
[02:39.145] 竟然无法抹去!
[02:41.502] 被弃者的不义行为,
[02:43.890] 吾辈早已如实刻录!
[02:46.428] 你的命运将被改写,
[02:48.267] 并且同样无法消缺!
[02:59.271] 我生来何尝注定是个恶兽?
[03:01.585] 我曾经也是某人的得意之作,记得吗?
[03:04.015] 创想之力令我们的活力愈加昌盛,
[03:06.372] 没想到这强大的力量却反被滥用,
[03:08.663] 机器如今正轰隆鸣响,
[03:11.075] 墨水不断地倾泄而出,
[03:13.539] 想活下去就快点逃吧!
[03:15.646] 全然因为恶魔的降临!
[03:18.285] 谁能跟我发条TG安慰一下我吓坏的小心脏?
[03:20.814] 这周围都是些什么颠颠倒倒的五芒星?
[03:23.172] 就连个指引的路标都不曾有过
[03:24.323] 仅有一把用途不明的斧头为伴,
[03:25.792] 与星星点点残烛弱光为我闪耀,
[03:28.341] 让小恶魔乖巧待在胶卷里,
[03:30.681] 长到银河落九天,这就可以了吧!
[03:33.273] 放映师在放映! 班迪踉跄而至.
[03:35.666] 怎么感觉他跟乔伊做了交易似的?
[03:37.941] 不洁会议成文的恶魔契约,
[03:40.340] 这天才的计划,我不得不透露:
[03:42.876] 没过多久墨水就会吞噬一切,
[03:45.153] 把我从头到脚都埋起来才好,
[03:47.598] 或许加点漂白剂能急救一下?
[03:49.964] 我不会再看任何动画了!老子溜了!
[03:52.494] 看看你被一幅"动"画吓得魂不守舍,
[03:54.817] 哟,班迪, 你又是咋卡进芭蕾舞裙的?
[03:58.466] 恶魔的滋生蒙蔽我的双眼,
[04:03.214] 凡人的憎恶令我痛彻心扉,
[04:08.004] 揭露出那深藏已久的秘密,
[04:12.936] 我便是混入羊群中的恶狼,
[04:16.570] 淹没工坊, 墨水流淌,
[04:19.026] 压迫胸膛, 令人窒息,
[04:21.471] 试图逃离? 想都别想!
[04:23.843] 沉没于此, 绝无出路!
[04:26.251] 与我相伴, 去见乔伊,
[04:28.608] 从今以后, 不再孤寂,
[04:31.060] 无力挣扎, 逐渐沉溺,
[04:33.438] 祭出灵魂, 偿还罪孽,
[04:36.992] 羞愧难当, 受人诬诅,
[04:39.377] 伤痕累累, 胯下蒲伏,
[04:41.846] 怒火攻心, 户枢腐蠹,
[04:43.892] 无法消除, 永生不灭,
[04:46.499] 创造者们背弃吾等,
[04:48.693] 我们已经深深刻录!
[04:51.103] 你的命运从今改写,
[04:52.921] 也别妄想令其消缺!
[04:55.225] 那善舞的小小恶魔,
[04:56.650] 旋转跳跃并闭着眼,
[04:59.593] 狡黠地递出个微笑,
[05:01.567] 又怎会忘却那罪行?
[05:04.534] 我就是跳舞的恶魔,
[05:06.422] 被我滑稽表象所骗,
[05:09.291] 再次露出狡猾笑脸,
[05:11.168] 永不会忘却那罪行.