Hello and Goodbye

Hello and Goodbye

歌名 Hello and Goodbye
歌手 Jt Music
专辑 Crate Expectations
[00:00.012] Just quit my gig at freddy fazbear's pizza
[00:03.036] And i'm starting over fresh, hello neighbor, nice to meet ya
[00:06.516] Picked up a new job and the pay is good
[00:08.628] So i got relocated to this neighborhood
[00:10.548] Can't say if i'll stay for good
[00:11.700] But i love how quaint and safe it looks
[00:13.908] Just moved in so i'd better unpack
[00:15.564] If i leave a mess a neighbor might get on my back
[00:17.580] Clean up your yard!
[00:18.732] Get inside, check that off
[00:20.052] Power, lights, better get them on
[00:21.876] Haul these boxes off of my lawn
[00:23.364] Put them in my little house where all of them belong
[00:25.548] Guess the checklist is already done
[00:27.396] Was that a car crash? what's going on?
[00:29.196] Who's that, across the street?
[00:31.068] A strange man i ought to greet
[00:32.964] Just hope he's not another freak
[00:34.788] On second thought, i'll leave
[00:36.588] And try my best to go off to sleep
[00:38.604] But why would he lock the basement door
[00:40.044] Then board it up with a two by four
[00:42.156] What's he up to? i can't ignore
[00:43.956] I wonder what the rubber gloves are for
[00:45.828] I'd like to find out what he's hiding
[00:49.764] Won't be the last time he's caught me spying
[00:53.436] I'm only running for the exercise
[00:56.964] I swear to god i'm not terrified
[01:00.468] I've got suspicions but i don't know why
[01:03.492] Should i go say hello
[01:05.724] Or should i just say goodbye
[01:08.172] I'm really not a nosy person i swear
[01:11.052] Just let me poke around your house and i'll get out of your hair
[01:14.748] Curiosity killed the cat
[01:17.100] But i'll be next, i can promise that
[01:19.020] Keep my head down while i'm creeping
[01:20.844] He was in the kitchen, how'd he see me
[01:22.788] Sorry neighbor, just passing by
[01:24.612] Beautiful day we're having right?
[01:26.412] Just minding my own business
[01:28.260] I'm definitely on his shit list
[01:30.300] Screw this, what the hell
[01:31.980] I'll just go introduce myself
[01:33.828] Walk up to the door, ring the bell
[01:35.628] We could be pals, that'd be swell
[01:37.836] Just woke up in my bed
[01:39.108] With a pain in my neck and an ache in my head
[01:41.076] Lood at the bright side, i'm not dead
[01:43.068] I should move out, that would make sense
[01:45.228] Or i could try again
[01:46.860] What a mess, total disorder
[01:48.540] This house could be in episode of "hoarders"
[01:50.460] Shhh, he's not gonna find me
[01:52.308] Oh god is he right behind me?
[01:54.516] I'll just hide until he walks away
[01:57.444] Normally i suck at cardio but not today
[02:01.572] I'm only running for the exercise
[02:05.268] I swear to god i'm not terrified
[02:08.940] I'm going home to get some rest tonight
[02:12.060] I know we just said hello
[02:14.628] But now i'm saying goodbye
[02:19.596] It's demented freakshow that i've gotten lost in
[02:23.532] There's probably skeletons locked in closets
[02:27.276] With deep dark secrets that a shark is guarding
[02:30.948] If he invites you to a pool party you should probably not swim
[02:35.196] This guy's a circus clown
[02:36.780] But i'm not a kid to toy with
[02:38.700] Next time you drink your milk
[02:40.500] Careful it might be poisoned
[02:42.228] Okay this has gone too far
[02:43.932] I'm breaking in his window with a crowbar
[02:45.828] Every step i take, there's a camera watching
[02:47.556] So logically, i'll just pick his pocket
[02:49.380] Too many tools and keys to keep track
[02:51.732] AGH!F*** A BEAR TRAP!
[02:53.268] Can't i have one normal day
[02:54.996] Without a wanna-be norman bates?
[02:57.396] Talk about mommy problems
[02:58.908] I don't wanna judge, but he's probably got them
[03:00.636] A man with a mannequin family
[03:02.052] Don't you dare put your filthy hands on me
[03:04.476] I thought he was long past his prime
[03:05.916] But his sprint is just as fast as mine
[03:08.148] Must be a lotta exercise
[03:09.708] When you get a new neighbor to terrorize
[03:11.628] He's predicting my every move
[03:13.308] Screw this i'll go in through the roof
[03:15.180] Since he's got every exit covered
[03:17.196] If i'm not careful, i'll be six feet under
[03:19.380] Lost in a funhouse, but it's not any fun
[03:22.260] Time to stop his evil plot with a shot from my gun
[03:26.148] You've gotta be kidding. now i've gotta run
[03:30.324] I'm only running for the exercise
[03:33.972] I swear to god i'm not terrified
[03:37.596] Flip the power, cut the lights and hide
[03:40.788] I know i just said hello
[03:43.500] But now i'm going to die
[00:00.012] 刚从弗莱迪披萨店辞掉工作
[00:03.036] 然后我打算开始新的人生,你好邻居,很高兴认识你
[00:06.516] 找了份薪资不菲的新差事
[00:08.628] 所以我能重新安置在这个社区
[00:10.548] 不太确定我会住多久
[00:11.700] 但我喜欢,古朴又安全
[00:13.908] 刚搬进来我最好收拾下行李
[00:15.564] 如果我不清扫干净邻居该对我指指点点了
[00:17.580] 清理你的院子!
[00:18.732] 进房间里,检查一下
[00:20.052] 电灯最好都接上
[00:21.876] 把箱子从我的草坪上挪走
[00:23.364] 把东西全部放进我的小房子里
[00:25.548] 看来清单上的事都干完了
[00:27.396] 那是车祸吗?发生了什么?
[00:29.196] 住在街对面的家伙是谁?
[00:31.068] 一个奇怪的人我该去打声招呼
[00:32.964] 希望不是又一个怪胎
[00:34.788] 想了一会,还是算了
[00:36.588] 我努力试着睡着
[00:38.604] 但他为什么要锁上地下室的门
[00:40.044] 还用木板和钉子封起来
[00:42.156] 他到底在做什么?我不得不好奇
[00:43.956] 我想知道他戴的橡胶手套是干什么用的
[00:45.828] 我想发掘出他隐藏的东西
[00:49.764] 他会肯定不止一次逮到我在偷窥
[00:53.436] 我跑起来只是为了锻炼身体
[00:56.964] 我对天发誓我一点也不害怕
[01:00.468] 我有点怀疑但不知为何
[01:03.492] 我应该是去说你好
[01:05.724] 还是我应该说再见
[01:08.172] 我真的不是一个多管闲事的人
[01:11.052] 只要让我进你家四处转转,我就不会再来烦你
[01:14.748] 好奇害死猫
[01:17.100] 下一个就轮到我,这事我能担保
[01:19.020] 潜行的时候低着头
[01:20.844] 他在厨房是怎么发现我的
[01:22.788] 抱歉邻居,只是刚好路过
[01:24.612] 今天天气不错对吗?
[01:26.412] 我不会过问你的事的
[01:28.260] 我一定被他拉黑了
[01:30.300] 去他的,见鬼吧
[01:31.980] 我要去做个自我介绍
[01:33.828] 走上门前,按响门铃
[01:35.628] 我们能成为朋友,那才怪
[01:37.836] 我刚从床上起来
[01:39.108] 现在我头疼颈痛
[01:41.076] 往好的方面想想,我还没有死
[01:43.068] 我应该置身事外,这才是明智之举
[01:45.228] 或者我可以再试一次
[01:46.860] 真是一团糟,毫无秩序
[01:48.540] 这房子都能拍一集《囤积者》了
[01:50.460] 嘘,他不会找到我的
[01:52.308] 老天他不会就在我的背后?
[01:54.516] 我会藏到他走开为止
[01:57.444] 通常鄙人不善奔跑但今天不行
[02:01.572] 我跑起来只是为了锻炼身体
[02:05.268] 我对天发誓我一点也不害怕
[02:08.940] 今晚我要回家大睡一场
[02:12.060] 我知道我们刚刚打了招呼
[02:14.628] 但现在我要说再见了
[02:19.596] 这场疯狂的畸形秀我已经迷失其中
[02:23.532] 他的壁柜里大概锁着白骨
[02:27.276] 深邃黑暗的秘密被一条鲨鱼保管着
[02:30.948] 如果他邀请你参加泳池派对,你可能不应该去游泳
[02:35.196] 这家伙是个跳梁小丑
[02:36.780] 但我不是个能随便糊弄的小孩
[02:38.700] 下次你喝牛奶的时候
[02:40.500] 悠着点可能已经被下毒
[02:42.228] 好吧我承认这太过了
[02:43.932] 我还是直接用撬棍敲碎他家的窗户
[02:45.828] 我的每一步都被摄像机监视
[02:47.556] 所以按道理,我应该直接去掏他的腰包
[02:49.380] 要记的道具跟钥匙位置也太多了
[02:51.732] 啊!草的捕兽夹
[02:53.268] 我就不能过上一天正常的生活
[02:54.996] 没有这个“诺曼贝茨”来烦我?
[02:57.396] 说起恋母情结
[02:58.908] 我不想多嘴,但他已经病入膏肓
[03:00.636] 一个男人家里放这么多塑料模特
[03:02.052] 看你敢再用你的脏手碰我
[03:04.476] 我原以为他已经上了年纪
[03:05.916] 但他跑起来和我一样快
[03:08.148] 肯定做了很多锻炼
[03:09.708] 好等你有了新邻居来恐吓
[03:11.628] 他预测到了我的每一次行动
[03:13.308] 去他的,这次我直接从房顶侵入
[03:15.180] 既然他把手了每个出口
[03:17.196] 如果我稍有不慎就会被埋藏在六英尺的地下
[03:19.380] 迷失在妙妙屋里可我却笑不出来
[03:22.260] 是时候用我的枪来阻止他的邪恶阴谋了
[03:26.148] 你他在逗我,现在我得细软跑了
[03:30.324] 我跑起来只是为了锻炼身体
[03:33.972] 我对天发誓我一点也不害怕
[03:37.596] 切断电源,关掉灯再躲起来
[03:40.788] 我知道我就打了声招呼
[03:43.500] 但现在我就要离开人世了