

歌名 Honor
歌手 Jt Music
专辑 Crate Expectations
[00:04.860] "Honor"
[00:08.460] (Dishonored 2 Rap)
[00:11.724] Want some wisdom?
[00:13.068] Come and get some
[00:14.628] I used to keep quiet
[00:15.708] Now I'll let my lips run
[00:17.484] Doesn't matter what the masses think about you
[00:20.124] Put your trust in justice, she'll never doubt you
[00:23.292] Thrown into a war
[00:24.732] You didn't start one
[00:26.172] They drew first blood
[00:27.636] Now you draw some
[00:28.956] Follow your calling, listen to your heart drum
[00:32.220] I'm the tree the apple didn't fall far from
[00:35.508] She's her father's daughter
[00:37.260] With a dark side that I could not have taught her
[00:40.044] Caught up in politics, but we're not fond of drama
[00:42.876] The school of hard knocks is our alma mater
[00:45.732] Killing off your guards, costing aristocracy dollars
[00:48.828] We're wreaking chaos, a freakin' plague's not gonna stop us
[00:51.516] I'll get to the bottom of your evil plot
[00:53.028] And leave you wanting a doctor
[00:54.540] Even if you freeze me in marble, I'll be a martyr
[00:57.468] Covered by darkness, I don't want any armor
[01:00.084] When I can travel through time like it's nothing but clockwork
[01:03.372] I'll take your barking dog off of his collar
[01:05.916] And put it on ya, hook ya to his leash and then walk ya
[01:09.300] Are you the Godfather? You oughtta start making offers
[01:12.084] You're blocking me like a locked door, guess I should knock ya
[01:15.300] If you live in Karnaca, you better not be a pauper
[01:18.252] When your spoons ain't silver, they're probably copper
[01:21.324] Far from Dunwall, in choppier waters
[01:23.820] Clear off your docks for all the hatred I harbor
[01:26.628] Dust filling our lungs, breathing's gotten much harder
[01:29.412] I'll kill my sister-in-law, if that's what you could call her
[01:32.508] Cause I'm deadly polite and awfully proper
[01:35.436] Corvo's gotten older but he's off of his rocker
[01:38.268] Touch me and I'll have your body dropped in a gutter
[01:40.884] And let the rats have at you so you don't rot any longer
[01:44.076] The hunted or hunter, the cop or the robber
[01:46.812] You're either the one being followed or the ominous stalker
[01:49.740] I mold your fate in my hands, like a confident sculptor
[01:52.668] But I would not call it magic, cause I'm far from a Potter, ha!
[01:55.764] Overseers see nothing, I can see farther
[01:58.572] Rooftop to cobblestone, I'm the anonymous watcher
[02:01.476] Who want's a new constitution, I'll be the author
[02:04.236] Tell the Crown Killer that I want another monarch slaughtered
[02:07.212] You know you don't own the throne, it belongs to my daughter
[02:09.876] And she'll have it back if that's my last act as a father
[02:12.948] Cause I'm strong, but she's stronger
[02:15.156] I guess my death will be met with applause
[02:16.908] Cause I'm Dishonored
[02:18.324] (My death will be met with applause, cause I'm Dishonored)
[02:20.868] Could not care less so just let them applaud
[02:22.812] I've already conquered
[02:23.844] I am bereft of regret, one day when waters are calmer
[02:26.556] I'm gonna get their respect, by definition, that's honor!
[02:29.868] Spare no traitor!
[02:33.204] Lay'em down to eternally sleep
[02:35.508] To the gallows!
[02:38.412] Through your eyes, the world I will see
[02:41.532] Praise your savior!
[02:44.484] You'll run in circles when you're searching for me
[02:47.268] Hailed and hallowed!
[02:50.244] I carry chaos burnin' in me
[02:53.100] Honor! Honor! Honor!
[02:57.444] None of you can take it from me!
[02:58.980] Honor! Honor! Honor!
[03:03.156] Don't care what they say about me!
[03:04.764] Honor! Honor! Honor!
[03:09.012] ****in' try to take it from me!
[03:10.524] Honor! Honor! Honor!
[03:14.772] Nothing's gonna take it from me!
[03:16.284] Honor!
[03:17.820] We've been bewitched
[03:19.188] Stand together, deception has no prejudice
[03:21.876] Forget elections, like that could have prevented this
[03:24.636] Guess we got too comfortable in all our reckless decadence
[03:27.564] Pull yourself outta this rut, you must reclaim your residence
[03:30.564] Become a judge who doesn't operate on pesky evidence
[03:33.588] Cause I trust my gut, I'll shut you up before you cast a curse
[03:36.612] You're not the Kin of Kaldwin, but you'll be the last of yours
[03:39.972] She's got her father's toughness in her heart
[03:42.132] And I can see it in her eyes, she'll accomplish all she wants
[03:44.892] Even in the face of chaos, she'll fight harder than I fought
[03:48.276] I guess the apple fell farther than I thought
[03:51.012] Spare no traitor!
[03:54.180] Lay'em down to eternally sleep
[03:56.724] To the gallows!
[03:59.964] Through your eyes, the world I will see
[04:02.556] Praise your savior!
[04:05.412] You'll run in circles when you're searching for me
[04:08.340] Hailed and hallowed!
[04:11.508] I carry chaos burnin' in me
[04:14.028] Honor! Honor! Honor!
[04:18.492] None of you can take it from me!
[04:19.908] Honor! Honor! Honor!
[04:24.276] Don't care what they say about me!
[04:25.668] Honor! Honor! Honor!
[04:30.036] ****in' try to take it from me!
[04:31.476] Honor! Honor! Honor!
[04:35.844] Nothing's gonna take it from me!
[04:37.260] Honor!
[00:11.724] 想学点知识吗?
[00:13.068] 过来学点吧
[00:14.628] 我通常保持安静
[00:15.708] 但如今我不再沉默不语
[00:17.484] 大众的看法无关紧要
[00:20.124] 相信正义吧,她绝不会辜负你
[00:23.292] 被迫卷入战争
[00:24.732] 不是你的本意
[00:26.172] 血案由他们开始
[00:27.636] 现在由你结束
[00:28.956] 跟随你的召唤,聆听自己的心跳
[00:32.220] 我就是不远处树上落下的苹果
[00:35.508] 虎父无犬女
[00:37.260] 她身上的黑暗面,我还来不及教
[00:40.044] 被政治陷害,但我们最讨厌这种戏码
[00:42.876] 格斗技巧才是我们的必修课
[00:45.732] 击倒你们的守卫,让贵族们出血
[00:48.828] 我们造成混乱,区区瘟疫无法阻止我们
[00:51.516] 将你们的阴谋统统打乱
[00:53.028] 只想要医疗救助
[00:54.540] 即便你将我封进大理石里,我也是殉道者
[00:57.468] 被黑暗覆盖,不再需要任何武器
[01:00.084] 我自由操纵时间,就像调钟一样简单
[01:03.372] 我将你的看门狗的项圈统统扯下
[01:05.916] 再用他们的皮带绞死你后潇洒离去
[01:09.300] 你是首领?还不赶快物色继任者
[01:12.084] 你想把我锁在屋外,我只好破门而入
[01:15.300] 如果你住卡纳卡,最好别托生在穷人家
[01:18.252] 那些没有含着银汤勺出生的人,大概只能吃枪子
[01:21.324] 在远离沃顿城的汹涌水面上
[01:23.820] 将码头清理干净,宣泄自己的仇恨
[01:26.628] 灰烬灌入我的肺部,呼吸愈加困难
[01:29.412] 我发誓要干掉那个姑子,如果可以这么叫她
[01:32.508] 因为我就是这么有风度,下手一向很准
[01:35.436] 科尔沃上了年纪,但依旧宝刀不老
[01:38.268] 敢动我,我会让你横尸街头
[01:40.884] 然后让老鼠倾巢而出,省得你继续腐烂
[01:44.076] 猎人还是猎物,执法者还是劫匪
[01:46.812] 你不想被跟踪就去当不祥的猎食者
[01:49.740] 你的命运操之在我,我保证精雕细琢
[01:52.668] 但是别把它当作魔法,因为我可不是哈利波特
[01:55.764] 监视者们如此盲目,不像我一切尽收眼底
[01:58.572] 从街道到屋顶 ,隐秘着我这位守护者
[02:01.476] 想翻新宪法?我可以当编撰者
[02:04.236] 告诉弑君者我想要当下一个帝王杀手
[02:07.212] 你知道王位不属于你,它本是属于我女儿的东西
[02:09.876] 帮他复位是我作为父亲最后的职责
[02:12.948] 因为我足够强大,但还是不如她
[02:15.156] 大概人们只会我的死亡鼓掌
[02:16.908] 谁叫我受尽耻辱
[02:18.324] (人们只会我的死亡鼓掌,谁叫我受尽耻辱)
[02:20.868] 但我不在意,任他们喝彩
[02:22.812] 这里早已被我占领
[02:23.844] 我不后悔,只盼有一天水面能重归平静
[02:26.556] 我将赢得尊重,让他们看看何为荣耀
[02:29.868] 叛徒必须死
[02:33.204] 他们必将陷入长眠
[02:35.508] 送上绞刑架
[02:38.412] 透过你的双眼,我将这世界遍览
[02:41.532] 赞美救世主
[02:44.484] 搜寻我只会让自己陷入死胡同
[02:47.268] 高洁又神圣
[02:50.244] 我胸怀混乱在体内燃烧
[02:53.100] 荣耀,荣耀,荣耀
[02:57.444] 没人能从我这里夺走
[02:58.980] 荣耀,荣耀,荣耀
[03:03.156] 闲言杂语我不在意
[03:04.764] 荣耀,荣耀,荣耀
[03:09.012] 尽管试试你能不能夺走
[03:10.524] 荣耀,荣耀,荣耀
[03:14.772] 谁也不能从我这里夺走
[03:16.284] 荣耀
[03:17.820] 我们被欺骗了
[03:19.188] 团结一致骗子做事,可没有底线
[03:21.876] 忘记选举吧,它也不能阻止这一切
[03:24.636] 看来我们过的太舒服了,害得现在大意失荆州
[03:27.564] 赶紧转换角色,你必须重新夺回这一切
[03:30.564] 成为法官不用证据也能宣判
[03:33.588] 因为我相信自己的能力,在你出声之前就能让你闭上嘴
[03:36.612] 你不是考德温家的一员,但你必是自己家族的末裔
[03:39.972] 她继承了父亲的坚强
[03:42.132] 我可以从她的双眼看出,没什么能难倒她
[03:44.892] 即便面对混乱的挑战,她战斗的时候也比我还坚定
[03:48.276] 我猜苹果下落的距离远超我的想象
[03:51.012] 叛徒必须死
[03:54.180] 他们必将陷入长眠
[03:56.724] 送上绞刑架
[03:59.964] 透过你的双眼,我将这世界遍览
[04:02.556] 赞美救世主
[04:05.412] 搜寻我只会让自己陷入死胡同
[04:08.340] 高洁又神圣
[04:11.508] 我胸怀混乱在体内燃烧
[04:14.028] 荣耀,荣耀,荣耀
[04:18.492] 没人能从我这里夺走
[04:19.908] 荣耀,荣耀,荣耀
[04:24.276] 闲言杂语我不在意
[04:25.668] 荣耀,荣耀,荣耀
[04:30.036] 尽管试试你能不能夺走
[04:31.476] 荣耀,荣耀,荣耀
[04:35.844] 谁也不能从我这里夺走
[04:37.260] 荣耀