

歌名 Kids
歌手 Rich Brian
专辑 Kids
[00:00.000] 作词 : Adam King Feeney/Sergiu Adrian Gherman/Daniel Tannenbaum/Craig Balmoris/Brian Imanuel/Tyler Reese Mehlenbacher/Sean Miyashiro
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Adam King Feeney/Sergiu Adrian Gherman/Daniel Tannenbaum/Craig Balmoris/Brian Imanuel/Tyler Reese Mehlenbacher/Sean Miyashiro
[00:24.549] I’m puttin numbers on the board and blowing more digits
[00:27.084] I haven’t started man these are just the before pictures
[00:29.666] Shoutout my parents my mother gave birth for a winner
[00:32.541] All of the players in the game it’s always cold benches
[00:35.387] Been in the studio, I forgot how to sleep
[00:37.815] Not tryna make an album they forget bout in a week
[00:40.416] They said the fruit never gon fall far from the tree
[00:43.281] I used to be the kid, now the kids wanna be me
[00:46.458] Trippin bout my future, like way before there was cameras
[00:49.254] Hella plans on my calendar, before I went all professional
[00:52.081] Less souls to trust man these people makin me cynical
[00:54.614] More copycats and less people sounding original
[00:57.600] Same destination, we just took different routes
[00:59.988] **** being one’the greatest I’m tryn’ be the greatest one
[01:02.786] I ain’t sayin I ain’t grateful for everything I’ve become
[01:05.433] but the throne looks more comfortable than this chair I’m sittin on
[01:09.091] My name is Brian cold bars is what im known for
[01:11.433] if my vision ain’t scarin me then I don’t go for it
[01:14.440] Remember my first days here when it was all foreign
[01:17.287] Now I’m on tv with James Corden, (that **** was crazy)
[01:20.322] Just got a place with a backyard I feel amazing
[01:22.817] Nothing can get between me and the dreams I’m chasin
[01:25.761] Ain’t got the time for partying no more gettin wasted
[01:28.409] Unless you got the 1942 man then get the chaser
[01:32.238] You hating on me but you know I got it
[01:34.047] You big in your city I’m the king of a continent
[01:36.640] These rappers tryna make the trending topic while the state of music going south,
[01:40.569] but I don’t even wanna talk about it
[01:43.023] Let’s talk about it, nah, let’s talk about it
[01:45.271] before all these folks decide it’s cool to give a **** about it,
[01:47.934] everyone tryna make hits, I’m just tryna make music
[01:51.204] you know the kind that makes you feel when you listen to it
[01:53.814] I’m the youngest child I don’t need more attention
[01:56.342] You writing some ******** I write the lyrics meant for the captions
[01:59.139] I’m making songs that’ll prolly outlive us for generations
[02:01.486] Started off as the sailor look at me, now I’m the captain
[02:05.234] I won’t lie, this **** is fun
[02:07.533] tell these asian kids they could do what they want
[02:10.182] might steal the mic at the Grammy’s just to say we won
[02:12.971] and that everyone can make it don’t matter where you’re from
[02:16.241] Can’t forget about the day that Sean called me
[02:18.538] Talkin bout a vision called 88 that he’s dreaming
[02:20.752] Man I love him like a brother, if we fall we gon recover
[02:23.798] Just a man with a vision who mastered in causing trouble
[02:26.699] Man I can’t see the finish line
[02:29.498] Fall back, fall back, I ain’t ****** around this time
[02:32.400] Did God know he created a legend in 99
[02:35.105] **** pretending on a track man I mean every single line
[02:38.668] Touched down, never holdin back
[02:40.252] Shining like some bustdown, sailin round without a map
[02:43.200] Been the underdog now, it’s time to let me quarterback
[02:46.071] Killin **** in uncharted territories man this **** get hella gory
[02:49.773] Whole country of people proud so I’m never worried
[02:52.684] Glad you sittin thru the credits man this is my story
[02:55.171] The type of **** that make me cry when I record it
[02:57.539] This the type of **** that still gon make me proud even when I’m 40
[03:00.920] R.I.P Nipsey, R.I.P Mac
[03:03.397] These inspirations always gon motivate me to rap
[03:06.103] Let’s celebrate their lives and the people that they impact
[03:08.534] The marathon continues ain’t no way we lookin back
[03:11.719] Amazon Prime flow you know I’ll always deliver
[03:14.090] We crossed oceans for a chance just to feel something better
[03:17.027] Generations of sacrifice, that we will always that we’ll remember
[03:19.782] It’s that circle of life ****, they hold me up like Im simba
[03:22.946] They told me I ain’t welcome, I’m here to stay and my visa says so
[03:25.699] Just wait and see whose songs they gon blast up in their headphones
[03:28.912] Come like every couple years to destroy like tornados
[03:31.662] Victorious tropical flow coming straight from Indo
[03:34.501] These plants only grow to just get cut and disposed
[03:36.968] Their spotlight is dimming, my future so bright that it glows
[03:39.636] You want the blueprint for impossible, I’ll let it show
[03:42.434] Remember when Pac said the concrete grows a rose
[00:24.549] 我已经在排行榜上取得一席之地,然而却还不只于此
[00:27.084] 兄弟我还没开始表演呢,更精彩的还在后面
[00:29.666] 感激我的父母,我的母上可生出了四个冠军
[00:32.541] 这说唱游戏可有太多强者,坐冷板凳也是在所难免
[00:35.387] 不分昼夜呆在录音室,我早已忘记如何入眠
[00:37.815] 我可不想做一张大伙听完一周就忘掉的烂专
[00:40.416] 他们总说,故土难离,落叶归根
[00:43.281] 我也曾是那憧憬未来的孩子,而现在我是孩子们憧憬的未来
[00:46.458] 在照相机还未出现之时,我却已定格我的未来
[00:49.254] 在我还未取得成就之时,我的日程表早已排满
[00:52.081] 越来越少的灵魂值得去信任啊老哥,这让我有些恼火
[00:54.614] 越来越的的山寨烂咖大行其道,OG们却备受打压
[00:57.600] 我们怀揣着一样的梦想,却只是踏上了不同的道路
[00:59.988] 与其变成伟大的之一,我却在努力变成伟大的唯一
[01:02.786] 我可从来没对我取得的一切表示不满
[01:05.433] 但我所“觑觎”的王座可比现在这小破板凳不知道舒服多少
[01:09.091] 在下名叫Brian,以冷酷的词藻为人所知
[01:11.433] 如果我的野心不够惊骇,我才不会为之付出一毫
[01:14.440] 记得我第一次来到这儿,周围全是外国人的面孔
[01:17.287] 现在的我和詹姆斯·柯登一同上电视(太疯狂了啊啊啊)
[01:20.322] 刚买了一套带后花园的大别墅,真是爽到家了
[01:22.817] 没有任何东西能够阻拦我去追逐梦想
[01:25.761] 我也不会去派对嗨到醉生梦死浪费时间
[01:28.409] 当然了,你要有Don julio 1994的话就当我没说,给我上酒!
[01:32.238] 随你怎么讨厌我,成功早已被我揽入怀中
[01:34.047] 你也许在你的城市大有名气,但我却早已在一片土地上生杀予夺
[01:36.640] 南岸的那些歌手搞事只是为了热度流量
[01:40.569] 呵呵,我理都不想理
[01:43.023] 来说说看吧,哈,那我们来说说看吧
[01:45.271] 在那些跟风的小子们觉得这很酷,要去口嗨之前
[01:47.934] 那些人只想要虚假到不行的点击量,但说实在的,我只想搞我的音乐
[01:51.204] 那种让你惊呼大叫喜爱的音乐
[01:53.814] 我是最年轻的小孩,我不需要关注
[01:56.342] 你写的那些东西磕磕巴巴,我的遣词造句却可以当做文章的标题
[01:59.139] 我写的歌还能一火火好几代人
[02:01.486] 白手起家的我像一个卑微的水手,而现在的我就是这艘船的船长
[02:05.234] 我从不撒谎,讲真这的确挺开心的
[02:07.533] 我要告诉和我一样的亚洲孩子,你们完全有权利去追逐你们的梦想
[02:10.182] 我会去抢过格莱美现场的话筒,告诉全世界我们大获全胜
[02:12.971] 每个人都有成功的机会,没有人会在意你来自何方
[02:16.241] 我永远不会忘记Sean打给我的那一天
[02:18.538] 他讲述着他关于88 rising的美好愿景
[02:20.752] 老兄啊他真就像我的亲哥哥一般,我们风雨同舟
[02:23.798] 就像一个总是闯祸却有着美好梦想的男人
[02:26.699] 老兄,我从未看见我们的终点
[02:29.498] 后退啊,后退,我不会再趟哪怕一次浑水
[02:32.400] 你觉得上帝知道他在1999年造了一个传奇嘛?
[02:35.105] 我不屑于在音轨搞那些东西障眼。老兄,所见即我,我不反驳!
[02:38.668] 一路走到黑,我从不回头
[02:40.252] 如珠宝般熠熠生辉,我无需指导就在天地之间扬帆起航
[02:43.200] 失败的日子历历在目,但现在的我如四分卫般发起冲锋
[02:46.071] 在未知的领域大杀四方,老兄我说真的,我太帅了
[02:49.773] 我的家乡以我为傲,所以我从来没有退缩
[02:52.684] 我很高兴你能听到这里,这就是我的故事了
[02:55.171] 不怕你笑话,这就是让我在录音室录音时泪流满面的故事
[02:57.539] 这就是当我四十岁变成一个老头也会十分自豪的故事
[03:00.920] 安息吧Nipsey Hussle,安息吧Mac Miller
[03:03.397] 这些大师总是激励我继续走下去
[03:06.103] 让我们为他们的生命和启迪放声高歌
[03:08.534] 这是一场我们无法回头的马拉松
[03:11.719] 好的跟亚马逊Prime文案一样的作品,我会准时送达
[03:14.090] 我们横跨海洋,只为寻觅让我们身心愉悦的瞬间
[03:17.027] 我们会永远记着那个无数前辈牺牲的年代
[03:19.782] 欣欣向荣,大家无比支持我,好像我就是那狮子王辛巴
[03:22.946] 有人说我不受待见,不好意思,我就和我的签证一起在这碍你的眼
[03:25.699] 走着瞧吧,到底谁的歌才会在大家的耳机里不停奏响
[03:28.912] 好比每几年就要前来摧毁一切的龙卷风
[03:31.662] 来自印尼的胜利之风正呼啸而来
[03:34.501] 只有在剪去些许叶片之时,植物才能茁壮生长
[03:36.968] 他们头上的光环正在变得黯淡失色,而我的前途却一片明亮
[03:39.636] 你想要这世间好似不存在的蓝图?哈哈,我将为你展示
[03:42.434] 但请记住tupac曾说过:水泥之上,玫瑰悄然绽放