

歌名 Explosions
歌手 Jhameel
专辑 Explosions
[00:12.99] I didn't know what i didn't know
[00:15.96] I never reaped what i didn't sow
[00:18.68] Sunrise through the window
[00:20.96] Overcome by the shadows
[00:23.52] But there's a light that i follow
[00:26.03] Whatever happens tomorrow
[00:29.15] Through the joy and the sorrow
[00:30.81] I will hold you when
[00:33.14] There's explosions in the distance
[00:34.44] Can you feel it the resistance
[00:37.01] Come whatever through whatever
[00:40.18] You and i will last forever
[00:42.91] There's explosions in the distance
[00:45.24] Can you feel it the resistance
[00:47.50] Come whatever through whatever
[00:50.35] You and i will last forever
[00:55.02] It took a while but i figured out
[00:56.83] Nobody's got it all figured out
[00:59.29] So find strength in your own style
[01:02.15] And find peace in living loud
[01:04.45] Cause there's a battle to fight now
[01:06.91] Stand tall under dark clouds
[01:09.78] Even though hope is fading down
[01:12.04] I will hold you when
[01:14.15] There's explosions in the distance
[01:15.81] Can you feel it the resistance
[01:18.87] Come whatever through whatever
[01:22.09] You and i will last forever
[01:24.57] There's explosions in the distance
[01:27.12] Can you feel it the resistance
[01:29.13] Come whatever through whatever
[01:31.74] You and i will last forever
[01:35.60] Lock eyes lock eyes lock eyes
[01:40.12] I'm yours you're mine all mine
[01:45.33] Lock eyes lock eyes lock eyes
[01:50.49] I'm yours you're mine all mine
[01:56.18] I didn't know what i didn't know
[01:59.32] I will hold you when
[02:00.73] There's explosions in the distance
[02:02.68] Can you feel it the resistance
[02:05.86] Come whatever through whatever
[02:08.42] You and i will last forever
[02:10.99] There's explosions in the distance
[02:13.35] Can you feel it the resistance
[02:16.22] Come whatever through whatever
[02:18.57] You and i will last forever
[02:21.54] There's explosions in the distance
[02:24.11] Can you feel it the resistance
[02:26.57] Come whatever through whatever
[02:29.03] You and i will last forever
[00:12.99] 我不知道我的无知
[00:15.96] 我从不受无功之禄
[00:18.68] 阳光穿过窗户
[00:20.96] 我却生活在那阴暗的影子中
[00:23.52] 但有一道光,我始终追寻着
[00:26.03] 无论生活带来怎样的明天
[00:29.15] 不管喜悦还是悲伤
[00:30.81] 当远处传来爆炸声
[00:33.14] 我会紧紧抱住你
[00:34.44] 你能感觉到前方的险阻吗
[00:37.01] 当我们渡过这一切后
[00:40.18] 你我将万古长存
[00:42.91] 远处传来的爆炸声
[00:45.24] 是否让你意识到前方的艰险
[00:47.50] 只要经历这重重困难
[00:50.35] 你我将永垂不朽
[00:55.02] 花了一段时间,但我想出了办法
[00:56.83] 在我之前,没人知道
[00:59.29] 所以用你的方式,寻找你的答案
[01:02.15] 在喧闹的生活中寻找一份宁静
[01:04.45] 因为我们无法融入这凡尘俗世
[01:06.91] 我们注定要承受这世界的污浊
[01:09.78] 即使希望正消逝着
[01:12.04] 当远处传来爆炸声
[01:14.15] 我会紧紧抱住你
[01:15.81] 你看到那座高山了吗
[01:18.87] 要翻越它,无论这多么艰难
[01:22.09] 因为当我们征服它时,我们也征服了世界
[01:24.57] 远处传来了爆炸声
[01:27.12] 你看到那片大海了吗
[01:29.13] 要渡过它,无论这多么艰难
[01:31.74] 因为当我们渡过它时,也渡过了时空
[01:35.60] 闭上眼睛
[01:40.12] 我们不分你我
[01:45.33] 闭上眼睛
[01:50.49] 我们互为彼此
[01:56.18] 我不知道我的无知
[01:59.32] 但我知道,当远处爆炸声传来
[02:00.73] 会有个傻子紧紧抱住你
[02:02.68] 你能看到那险阻吗
[02:05.86] 我们同舟共济
[02:08.42] 我们万古长存
[02:10.99] 当远处传来爆炸声
[02:13.35] 我会紧紧抱住你
[02:16.22] 我们风雨共度
[02:18.57] 我们永垂不朽
[02:21.54] 远处传来的爆炸声
[02:24.11] 是否让你意识到前方的险阻
[02:26.57] 要战胜它,无论这多么艰难
[02:29.03] 因为当我们战胜它时,也战胜了世界