歌名 1234
专辑 1234
[00:15.216] I been so stressed
[00:18.847] Can't even catch my breath
[00:23.079] My brain is so dead
[00:26.606] Can't even catch no rest
[00:30.524] My muscles is weakened
[00:33.345] Like I'm sleeping
[00:35.200] My eyes are red now
[00:37.002] Like they're bleeding
[00:39.510] People think I smoke like Rastafari
[00:43.611] Can't smoke I'll tell you this long story
[00:47.817] 1: thought that you'd be here by 2
[00:53.224] You know that I love your time
[00:56.620] 3: and I'll do anything for you
[01:01.270] It's true it's true
[01:04.274] I just
[01:06.495] Want you to be here for me when I need you
[01:12.268] I just
[01:14.540] Want you to say you'll stay I'll never leave you
[01:19.895] So used to be in hurt
[01:23.161] So used to be in last I wanna be put in first
[01:27.784] I'm not used to being heard
[01:31.233] So if you hear me out I mean a lot more than one
[01:35.752] I just wanna tell you how I feel without seeing you again
[01:39.278] I'm so desperate, feeling regret it but you just won't understand
[01:43.484] It's a hundred time I told you yeah it's again again again
[01:47.585] Would you waste this on an enemy especially not a friend
[01:51.686] The torture of the mind
[01:53.620] The heating on the soul
[01:55.683] The amount of negative thoughts
[01:57.695] On these nights alone
[01:59.706] The startle in my talk
[02:01.535] Cause I just can't explain
[02:03.598] I compare to be in sad
[02:05.427] This is not the same thing
[02:07.647] 1: thought that you'd be here by 2
[02:13.499] You know that I love your time
[02:15.850] 3: and I'll do anything for you
[02:21.335] It's true it's true
[02:23.895] 1: thought that you'd be here by 2
[02:29.538] You know that I love your time
[02:31.732] 3: and I'll do anything for you
[02:37.401] It's true it's true
[00:15.216] 近来我深受压力所迫
[00:18.847] 有时甚至无法呼吸
[00:23.079] 大脑已宣告死亡
[00:26.606] 因为你 却一刻不停的疯狂运转
[00:30.524] 肌肉已僵硬老化
[00:33.345] 好像我陷入了无尽的睡梦
[00:35.200] 现在我的双眼赤红
[00:37.002] 好似流出了殷红的鲜血
[00:39.510] 众人言我抽烟就如拉斯法理教人
[00:43.611] 熄灭烟头 我想告诉你一个很长很长的故事
[00:47.817] 我以为你会一直陪伴在我身边
[00:53.224] 你知道的 我爱你 就像有无穷个时间线存在
[00:56.620] 我会为你做一切事情
[01:01.270] 是真的 宝贝 这都是真的
[01:04.274] 我只是希望
[01:06.495] 在我需要你的时候 你可以出现在我身旁
[01:12.268] 我只是希望
[01:14.540] 你可以在我耳边低语 说你永远不会离开我
[01:19.895] 早已习惯你对我的伤害
[01:23.161] 也习惯于做你心里的倒数 所以这一次我想被放在第一位啊
[01:27.784] 习惯于被你忽视
[01:31.233] 所以如果你认真倾听一次 我想说的比我说出口的要多太多了
[01:35.752] 我只想告诉你 若再也见不到你 那是何种感觉
[01:39.278] 无比绝望 我十分懊悔 可你就是无法理解
[01:43.484] 我已经告诉过你无数次 反反复复
[01:47.585] 你是否会将其加于仇敌 而非挚友呢
[01:51.686] 我的思绪被你折磨得支离破碎
[01:53.620] 灵魂也被灼烧至灰烬
[01:55.683] 颓丧的念头是我的墓碑
[01:57.695] 那些孤身一人的夜晚
[01:59.706] 我的欲言又止
[02:01.535] 只因我解释不清
[02:03.598] 我再也无法忍受这痛苦的原因
[02:05.427] 这不可相提并论啊
[02:07.647] 我以为你会一直陪伴在我身边
[02:13.499] 你知道的 我爱你 就像有无穷个时间线存在
[02:15.850] 我会为你做一切事情
[02:21.335] 是真的 宝贝 这都是真的
[02:23.895] 我以为你会一直陪伴在我身边
[02:29.538] 你知道的 我爱你 就像有无穷个时间线存在
[02:31.732] 我会为你做一切事情
[02:37.401] 是真的 宝贝 这都是真的啊