Peaky Blinders - The TV Theme

Peaky Blinders - The TV Theme

歌名 Peaky Blinders - The TV Theme
歌手 TV Themes
专辑 Peaky Blinders - The TV Theme
[00:17.23] Take a little walk to the edge of town
[00:21.17] Go across the tracks
[00:25.00] Where the viaduct looms Like a bird of doom
[00:28.69] As it shifts and cracks
[00:33.47] Where secrets lie in the border fires
[00:37.21] In the humming wires
[00:39.76] Hey man, you know You're never coming back
[00:43.53] Past the square, past the bridge
[00:44.49] Past the mills, past the stacks
[00:46.51] On a gathering storm comes
[00:52.34] A tall handsome man
[00:55.40] In a dusty black coat With a red right hand
[01:08.15] He'll wrap you in his arms
[01:10.95] Tell you that you've been a good boy
[01:15.99] He'll rekindle all the dreams
[01:19.31] It took you a lifetime to destroy
[01:24.79] He'll reach deep into the hole
[01:27.52] Heal your shrinking soul
[01:29.30] But there won't be a single thing that you can do
[01:33.80] He's a god, he's a man
[01:36.46] He's a ghost, he's a guru
[01:42.33] They're whispering his name
[01:44.38] Through this disappearing land
[01:46.56] But hidden in his coat Is a red right hand
[01:59.03] You don't have no money?
[02:02.21] He'll get you some
[02:08.19] You don't have no car?
[02:11.30] He'll get you one
[02:16.65] You don't have no self-respect
[02:19.18] You feel like an insect
[02:21.71] Well don't you worry buddy
[02:24.24] Cause here he comes
[02:26.64] Through the ghettos and the barrio
[02:28.14] And the Bowery and the slums
[02:33.72] A shadow is cast wherever he stands
[02:38.08] Stacks of green paper
[02:40.04] In his red right hand
[04:08.31] You'll see him in your nightmares
[04:10.92] You'll see him in your dreams
[04:16.22] He'll appear out of nowhere but
[04:19.64] He ain't what he seems
[04:24.98] You'll see him in your head
[04:27.29] On the TV screen
[04:29.78] And hey buddy, I'm warning
[04:31.81] You to turn it off
[04:34.09] He's a ghost, he's a god
[04:35.92] He's a man, he's a guru
[04:41.12] You're one microscopic cog
[04:42.98] In his catastrophic plan
[04:45.67] Designed and directed
[04:47.47] By his red right hand
[04:54.06] Written By Nick Cave, Thomas Wydler & Mick Harvey
[04:56.37] Drums Thomas Wydler
[04:58.10] Shaker Mick Harvey
[04:59.62] Bells Mick Harvey
[05:01.70] Bass Guitar Martyn P. Casey
[05:03.49] Guitar Mick Harvey & Blixa Bargeld
[05:05.30] Oscillator Nick Cave
[05:07.19] Organ Nick Cave
[05:08.91] Vocal Nick Cave
[00:17.23] 漫步到城镇边缘
[00:21.17] 穿越铁轨
[00:25.00] 高架桥隐约可见的地方
[00:28.69] 铁轨分分合合
[00:33.47] 秘密就隐藏在远方熊熊的火焰中
[00:37.21] 隐藏在嗡嗡作鸣的电线中
[00:39.76] 嗨,你知道你永远也无法回头了吗
[00:43.53] 路过广场,走过桥
[00:44.49] 经过工厂,看过繁世
[00:46.51] 伴随着电闪雷鸣
[00:52.34] 一个侠客般的男人出现了
[00:55.40] 风尘仆仆的黑色外套,红色的右手是那样的惹人耳目
[01:08.15] 他会一把揽你入怀
[01:10.95] 低语道你是个好男孩
[01:15.99] 他会重燃你所有的激情
[01:19.31] 你用尽一生也难以摆脱
[01:24.79] 他会融进你的内心
[01:27.52] 抚平你创伤的心灵
[01:29.30] 但是你将为此付出一切
[01:33.80] 他既神亦人
[01:36.46] 亦魔亦师
[01:42.33] 人们都在低声呼喊着他的名字
[01:44.38] 声音穿过这片逐渐消亡的土地
[01:46.56] 藏在他大衣里的是一只红色右手
[01:59.03] 你身无分文
[02:02.21] 他慷慨解囊
[02:08.19] 你没有车
[02:11.30] 他又为你买车
[02:16.65] 你找不到自尊心
[02:19.18] 找不到存在的意义
[02:21.71] 朋友,不要再为此而忧愁
[02:24.24] 因为,他来了
[02:26.64] 穿过犹太区,走过城区
[02:28.14] 路过鲍威尔,经过贫民区
[02:33.72] 无论他站在哪里,你都逃不出他的阴影
[02:38.08] 堆叠的绿皮书
[02:40.04] 在他红色右手中
[04:08.31] 你会在惊醒的噩梦中见到他
[04:10.92] 你会在沉沉的睡梦中见到他
[04:16.22] 他无处不在
[04:19.64] 他无影无形,不可捉摸
[04:24.98] 你会在脑海深处看到他
[04:27.29] 在电视节目上看到他
[04:29.78] 嘿,朋友,听我劝告
[04:31.81] 忘掉一切吧
[04:34.09] 他既魔亦神
[04:35.92] 亦友亦师
[04:41.12] 你只是他翻天覆地计划中的
[04:42.98] 一枚小棋子
[04:45.67] 一切都由
[04:47.47] 他的红色右手操控
[04:54.06] 作词 Nick Cave, Thomas Wydler & Mick Harvey
[04:56.37] 鼓 Thomas Wydler
[04:58.10] 混音 Mick Harvey
[04:59.62] 钟 Mick Harvey
[05:01.70] 贝斯 Martyn P. Casey
[05:03.49] 吉他 Mick Harvey & Blixa Bargeld
[05:05.30] 声摆 Nick Cave
[05:07.19] 风琴 Nick Cave
[05:08.91] 演唱 Nick Cave