From a Whisper Roared, "There's No Turning Back. Not Now, Not Ever."

From a Whisper Roared, "There's No Turning Back. Not Now, Not Ever."

歌名 From a Whisper Roared, "There's No Turning Back. Not Now, Not Ever."
歌手 Bicycle Sunday
专辑 Remnants of Past Lives
[02:35.988] You wished it wasn’t
[02:38.377] But you knew it was too late
[02:45.552] To take back what you said
[02:55.372] In better times,
[02:59.890] Not wrought with fear (of self doubt)
[03:14.232] Or that the secrets you carried
[03:19.296] Would crush you
[03:24.346] Their weight was more than you could bear
[03:53.074] You blamed yourself
[04:02.394] For things you can’t control
[04:09.575] And you knew nothing
[04:15.418] Could change this
[04:21.794] Nothing could change
[04:31.390] Do you remember
[04:38.487] When you swore you’d let go?
[04:57.877] You never let go.
[02:35.988] 你曾希望,结局并非如此;
[02:38.377] 可你知道,已经太迟。
[02:45.552] 你那时所说已成泡影。
[02:55.372] 于更晴朗的日子里,
[02:59.890] 不要惧怕怀疑自己、
[03:14.232] 不要让不为人知的背负
[03:19.296] 令你分崩离析;
[03:24.346] 那份沉重你无法承受。
[03:53.074] 你担下罪责,可你知道
[04:02.394] 你本无法左右一切。
[04:09.575] 你亦明白,也并无他人
[04:15.418] 能将其改变
[04:21.794] ……天意如此。
[04:31.390] 但你还能否忆起
[04:38.487] 你那时的允诺:“往事随风。”
[04:57.877] 可你心亦随风,再未前进一步。