

歌名 Clarity
歌手 Nomyn
歌手 Veela
专辑 Clarity
[00:40.56] Take me to that place
[00:41.38] Yeah, you lookout spot
[00:43.28] Where you can see the city light, and the cliff drops off
[00:47.32] I've got unfinished business there with the statues up on the wall
[00:54.45] How're you gonna sit there like you shit don't stink
[00:57.30] While I was underage, scared and being offered a drink
[01:00.25] You saw everything that night with your eyeballs made of stone
[01:05.59] And you did't care at all
[01:07.58] I thought that if I ask nicely and politely
[01:11.13] I'd get a bit of quiet in my mind,I'm writing
[01:15.30] Major big letters in the street, baby
[01:18.22] A neon SOS is glowing in the street, baby
[01:21.50] But I never get that lucky, I'm still struggling
[01:25.27] To pick the pieces up after this bomb and I think
[01:29.00] I have cracked the code for this pain, baby
[01:31.45] Been in the dark but now I think I finally know
[01:34.55] I can see clearly now the Karma's lazy
[01:41.05] I can see clearly now what I've been chasing
[01:48.53] I can see clearly now the time I'm wasting
[01:55.40] I can see clearly now the Karma's lazy
[02:16.12] Bad things don't always happen to bad people
[02:19.52] Forces that be, please get this unchecked evil
[02:22.59] My hair's falling out while he's playing with his kids
[02:27.30] His loving wife who won't know what he did
[02:30.50] Each day I'm getting more distant and shy
[02:34.00] While he's out there living an untarnished life
[02:37.11] Would I be glad if he ceased to exist?
[02:40.02] No I still be ****ed up,I wouldn't care at all
[02:43.45] I thought that if I ask nicely and politely
[02:47.25] I'd get a bit of quiet in my mind, I'm writing
[02:51.28] Major big letters in the street, baby
[02:53.38] A neon SOS is glowing in the street, baby
[02:57.49] But I never get that lucky, I'm still struggling
[03:00.52] To pick the pieces up after this bomb and I think
[03:04.32] I have cracked the code for this pain, baby
[03:07.40] Been in the dark but now I think I finally know
[03:11.00] I can see clearly now the Karma's lazy
[03:17.38] I can see clearly now what I've been chasing
[03:24.50] I can see clearly now the time I'm wasting
[03:31.30] I can see clearly now the Karma's lazy
[03:41.30] A neon SOS is glowing in the street, baby(I think I finally know)
[03:47.10] Don't ever come this way
[03:48.30] And if you do,I guess I'll tell you what you've done, baby
[00:40.56] 带我回到那个熟悉的地方
[00:41.38] 你正不停向外张望
[00:43.28] 城市的灯火在远处盛放,下方却是无底断崖
[00:47.32] 墙上悬挂的雕像还未彻底雕刻完工
[00:54.45] 你怎能安然坐在一旁无动于衷
[00:57.30] 看着还未成年的我惊恐万分,不情愿地咽下苦涩的酒液
[01:00.25] 你用那双冷酷如石的眼球注视着夜色下上演的一切
[01:05.59] 你永远都置身事外
[01:07.58] 我以为只要低声下气苦苦哀求
[01:11.13] 便能换来内心的一丝宁静和平
[01:15.30] 我在街边写下几个醒目的大写字母
[01:18.22] 一行刺眼的SOS求救信号在街边闪闪发光
[01:21.50] 但幸运之神从未眷顾于我,我仍在苟延残喘
[01:25.27] 试图在这场劫难过后苟且偷生
[01:29.00] 我想我已然看破化解痛楚的方法
[01:31.45] 我想我终于在黑暗之中幡然醒悟
[01:34.55] 我终于明白了这世间没有什么因果轮回报应不爽
[01:41.05] 我终于明白了我追求的一切都是披着糖霜的毒药
[01:48.53] 我终于明白了我依旧在无谓地空耗着时间和精力
[01:55.40] 我终于明白了这世间没有什么因果轮回报应不爽
[02:16.12] 恶人并不总会遭到恶报
[02:19.52] 事在人为,请快点制裁这只披着羊皮的狼
[02:22.59] 我的长发纷纷脱落,他却正与他的孩子嬉笑玩耍
[02:27.30] 他那美丽温柔的妻子对他的恶行全然不知
[02:30.50] 每天我都变得愈加孤僻和草木皆兵
[02:34.00] 而他继续过着幸福美满的惬意生活
[02:37.11] 若他就此消失于世,我是否会感到如释重负?
[02:40.02] 不,我的世界依然一片狼藉,我也早已麻木不仁
[02:43.45] 我以为只要低声下气苦苦哀求
[02:47.25] 便能换来内心的一丝宁静和平
[02:51.28] 我在街边写下几个醒目的大写字母
[02:53.38] 一行刺眼的SOS求救信号在街边闪闪发光
[02:57.49] 但幸运之神从未眷顾于我,我仍在苟延残喘
[03:00.52] 试图在这场劫难过后苟且偷生
[03:04.32] 我想我已然看破化解痛楚的方法
[03:07.40] 我想我终于在黑暗之中幡然醒悟
[03:11.00] 我终于明白了这世间没有什么因果轮回报应不爽
[03:17.38] 我终于明白了我追求的一切都是披着糖霜的毒药
[03:24.50] 我终于明白了我依旧在无谓地空耗着时间和精力
[03:31.30] 我终于明白了这世间没有什么因果轮回报应不爽
[03:41.30] 街边亮起了一行醒目的SOS求救信号(我终于明白了)
[03:47.10] 多行不义必自毙
[03:48.30] 亲爱的,若你一再不知悔改,我想是时候让他们见识一下你究竟是什么货色了