Keeps Me Going

Keeps Me Going

歌名 Keeps Me Going
歌手 Marin Hoxha
歌手 Harley Bird
专辑 Keeps Me Going
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Marin Hoxha/John Harlyn Bird
[00:14.401] Stuck in the past tense of a love
[00:20.111] that don't really want me back
[00:23.411] And I'm all out of reasons to not give up
[00:28.372] Trapped in a life inside a dream
[00:33.945] Not everything is what it seems
[00:37.146] And I'm all out of reason and sanity
[00:42.399] I'm holding onto nothing, that I know
[00:45.980] Been holding too long, I should let go
[00:49.277] But the thought of a life with you
[00:52.605] It keeps me going
[00:56.300] I'm pushin' my luck now, that I know
[00:59.567] Been prayin' too long with my eyes closed
[01:03.110] But the thought of a life with you
[01:06.255] It keeps me going
[01:50.358] Stuck in the future worrying
[01:56.043] I know that it won't solve a thing
[01:59.421] But I'm all out of hope and I fight to be
[02:04.327] Trapped in a story - fantasy
[02:09.664] Where everything is make believe
[02:13.260] And I'm all out of time for imagining
[02:18.226] I'm holding onto nothing, that I know (That I know)
[02:21.852] Been holding too long, I should let go (I should let it go)
[02:25.210] But the thought of a life with you (With you)
[02:28.630] It keeps me going (It keeps me going)
[02:32.222] I'm pushin' my luck now, that I know (I'm pushin' my luck)
[02:35.512] Been prayin' too long with my eyes closed
[02:39.090] But the thought of a life with you (I'm just thought)
[02:42.321] It keeps me going
[02:44.811] It keeps me going
[02:50.864] I've been holding on too long...
[02:58.951] Too long...
[03:02.628] But it keeps me going
[03:09.689] It keeps me going
[00:14.401] 只想沉浸在过去的那份爱中
[00:20.111] 但那与我再无瓜葛了
[00:23.411] 我找不到坚持下去的理由
[00:28.372] 便放任自己 过着醉生梦死的生活
[00:33.945] 不是每件事都如它看上去那么简单
[00:37.146] 我的思维早已麻木僵化
[00:42.399] 任由自己堕落 一无所有
[00:45.980] 握得太久的手亦会因气力不足而松开
[00:49.277] 而想到要和你一起生活的意愿
[00:52.605] 我便能重振旗鼓
[00:56.300] 我四处徘徊 似乎在寻找翻身的机会
[00:59.567] 若闭眼祈祷得太久 即使再温和的晨光也会变得刺眼
[01:03.110] 但想和你共度余生的意愿
[01:06.255] 是推动我前行的动力
[01:50.358] 我总为自己的未来而担忧
[01:56.043] 但未知的前路和生活的不确定性使我们的准备显得如此渺小无力
[01:59.421] 即使对未来不抱任何希望 但我仍要迎战生活努力地活下去
[02:04.327] 童话里美好的幻想都是虚构的
[02:09.664] 完美的结局亦不会如期而至
[02:13.260] 与其踟蹰不前 坐等幸运的降临 不如从此刻就开始奋力上游
[02:18.226] 即使手中空无一物
[02:21.852] 握得太久的手亦会因气力不足而松开
[02:25.210] 但想和你共度余生的意愿
[02:28.630] 我便能重振旗鼓
[02:32.222] 我仍在努力着 终有一天我能觅得突破的机会
[02:35.512] 若闭眼祈祷得太久 即使再温和的晨光也会变得刺眼
[02:39.090] 但想和你共度余生的意愿 我便不会坐等其成
[02:42.321] 落魄的现状 对未来的期盼
[02:44.811] 都将成为推动我前进的动力
[02:50.864] 或许我将渡过一段黯淡无光的日子
[02:58.951] 纵使未来遥遥无期
[03:02.628] 但我也不会放弃
[03:09.689] 落魄的现状 对未来的期盼正推动着我前进呢