

歌名 Uncrowned
歌手 CG5
专辑 Uncrowned
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Charlie Duncan Green
[00:02.401] Written by SquigglyDigg, Chi Chi & CG5
[00:04.740] Composition: DHeusta
[00:17.661] Henry:
[00:17.902] I'm so confounded, in this darkness
[00:22.602] In this studio of broken dreams
[00:27.213] And I'm surrounded by their sadness
[00:32.275] By every single victim's screams
[00:37.304] La da da da, dadada da da
[00:42.053] La da da da, dadada da da
[00:46.706] Wonders all around
[00:48.617] But it ain't your everyday playground
[00:51.126] She is watching over
[00:53.452] This unbounded rollercoaster
[00:55.912] Every little sound
[00:57.859] Something happening every time that I look around
[01:00.636] Journey deeper, fear the reaper
[01:02.692] The angel, she must be uncrowned
[01:13.832] Alice Angel:
[01:13.995] Oh, I'm not giving him away
[01:19.155] Not today or any other day
[01:23.316] Oh, Say goodbye to your old friend
[01:28.666] He will never be the same again
[01:33.212] I feel myself breaking down
[01:38.494] But you can't stop me now
[01:42.578] I want what was meant to be mine
[01:47.972] It's time!
[01:53.741] Allison Angel:
[01:54.013] She's not who you think
[01:55.953] She's nothing but tainted ink
[01:58.637] Everything is alright
[02:03.200] Everything is alright
[02:05.924] Everything is just fine
[02:08.062] Everything is alright
[02:13.286] So take a stand and fight!
[02:15.037] Henry:
[02:15.139] Wonders all around
[02:17.072] But it ain't your everyday playground
[02:19.611] We are getting closer
[02:21.963] To the end of this vast rollercoaster
[02:24.380] Every little sound
[02:26.209] Something happening every time that I look around
[02:29.119] Journey deeper, fear the reaper
[02:31.204] The angel, she has been uncrowned
[02:37.157] She has been uncrowned
[02:41.267] She has been uncrowned
[02:49.641] Alison:
[02:49.957] The angel, she has been uncrowned
[03:08.493] Henry:
[03:08.644] The angel, she has been uncrowned
[00:17.902] 笨手笨脚,如此坠入暗之深渊——
[00:22.602] 名为“工作室”,曾让梦想破碎的泥潭
[00:27.213] 我被他们的悲伤所围困
[00:32.275] 被受害者的哀嚎所贯穿
[00:46.706] 即使周遭遍布着的奇迹
[00:48.617] 却绝非你所想的游乐场
[00:51.126] “天使”正虎视眈眈着
[00:53.452] 饱览这漫无目的的云霄飞车
[00:55.912] 每一声小小的回响
[00:57.859] 都会为周围带来可见的奇遇
[01:00.636] 永无休止地坠入,收割恐惧的恶魔
[01:02.692] 而对立的天使,已无需加冕
[01:13.995] 哦!我绝对不会任其逃离
[01:19.155] 不论何时,不论何日
[01:23.316] 哦!与你的老友道声永别
[01:28.666] 不再相知,不再相识
[01:33.212] 深知尘世之躯支离破碎
[01:38.494] 但你如今已无力阻止我
[01:42.578] 我渴望那命中注定之物
[01:47.972] 重归舞台之时已至!此处应有雷鸣般的喝彩
[01:54.013] 绝非你所想
[01:55.953] 仅仅是污浊黑血
[01:58.637] 一切将会步入正途
[02:03.200] 一切将会重归常态
[02:05.924] 一切并没有那么糟糕
[02:08.062] 一切将会步入正途
[02:13.286] 鼓起勇气战斗吧!
[02:15.139] 这周围都是奇迹般的存在
[02:17.072] 但可不是你想象的游乐场
[02:19.611] 我们愈来愈近……
[02:21.963] 过山车的旅途也该到达终点了吧
[02:24.380] 每一声小小的声响
[02:26.209] 每当我环顾四周,都会发生些不该发生的事
[02:29.119] 愈加升入,愈加恐惧死亡的降临
[02:31.204] 那天使,她已是无冕之王
[02:37.157] 她无需加冕
[02:41.267] 她无需加冕
[02:49.957] 那天使,她无需加冕
[03:08.644] 那天使,她无需加冕