

歌名 Gone
歌手 Charli XCX
歌手 Christine and the Queens
专辑 Gone
[00:00.00] 作曲 : Noonie Bao/Heloise Letissier/Linus Wiklund/Charlotte Aitchison
[00:00.00] 制作人 : A.G. Cook/Lotus IV/O
[00:00.00] 音频工程师 : Bastien Doremus
[00:00.00] 混音师 : Geoff Swan/Joe Burgess/Niko Battistini
[00:00.00] 监制 : A.G. Cook/Charli XCX
[00:00.00] 附加制作 : Baseck
[00:00.00] 母带工程师 : Stuart Hawkes
[00:00.00] 人声 : Charli XCX/Christine and the Queens
[00:07.041] I have to go, I'm so sorry
[00:11.665] But it feels so cold in here
[00:15.945] I am just now realizing, they don't care
[00:24.514] I try real hard, but I'm caught up by my insecurities
[00:32.426] Pour me one more, watch the ice melt in my fist
[00:41.967] I feel so unstable, ******* hate these people
[00:45.302] How they're making me feel lately
[00:47.695] They're making me weird baby, lately
[00:50.461] I feel so unstable, ******* hate these people
[00:53.819] How they're making me loathe
[00:56.154] They're making me loathe
[01:00.296] Why do we keep when the water runs?
[01:04.352] Why do we love if we're so mistaken?
[01:08.460] Why do we leave when the chase is done?
[01:11.763] Don't search me in here, I'm already gone, baby
[01:17.092] Why do we keep when the water runs?
[01:21.224] Why do we love?
[01:23.468] I will lay down (lay down)
[01:25.616] But they're staring, their eyes like two shining stones
[01:31.781] I see myself (myself) and I look scared and confused
[01:39.254] Wait, did they just talk?
[01:42.305] Why is it loud? (Is it loud?)
[01:44.577] Do they wish to run to me? (Me)
[01:48.278] Am I a smoke? Am I the sun? Who decides? (Oo-ooh)
[01:58.232] I feel so unstable, ******* hate these people
[02:00.981] How they're making me feel lately
[02:03.432] They're making me weird baby, lately
[02:06.251] I feel so unstable, ******* hate these people
[02:09.322] How they're making me loathe
[02:11.972] They're making me loathe
[02:15.602] Why do we keep when the water runs?
[02:20.232] Why do we love if we're so mistaken?
[02:24.352] Why do we leave when the chase is done?
[02:27.512] Don't search me in here, I'm already gone, baby
[02:32.442] Why do we keep when the water runs?
[02:37.002] Why do we love if we're so mistaken?
[02:41.051] Why do we leave when the chase is done?
[02:44.352] Don't search me in here, I'm already gone, baby
[02:49.782] Why do we keep when the water runs?
[02:53.562] Ne me cherche pas, je ne suis plus là, baby
[02:58.072] Why do we leave when the chase is done?
[03:01.662] Ne me cherche pas, je ne suis plus là
[03:05.641] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
[03:09.631] Why do we?
[03:13.842] Keep, keep, k-keep water run
[03:17.872] Keep, k-keep, k-keep, k-peep the water (I)
[03:22.006] Keep, k-keep, k-peep
[03:26.426] Keep, keep
[03:30.643] Keep
[03:31.915] Why do we keep when the water runs?
[03:35.074] Keep, keep, keep
[03:36.531] Why do we love if we're so mistaken?
[03:39.114] Keep, keep, keep
[03:40.502] Why do we leave when the chase is done?
[03:47.541] Keep
[03:48.768] Why do we keep when the water runs?
[03:51.842] Keep, keep, keep
[03:53.152] Why do we love if we're so mistaken?
[03:56.027] Keep, keep, keep
[03:57.590] Why do we leave when the chase is done?
[04:00.247] Don't search me in here, I'm already gone, baby
[00:07.041] 不得已离开 我十分抱歉
[00:11.665] 然而此处太过凄清冷淡
[00:15.945] 我如今才意识到 他们对此无所在乎
[00:24.514] 我竭力一搏 却让自己陷入窘境
[00:32.426] 再续杯烈酒 看着我掌心的寒冰慢慢融化
[00:41.967] 深感危机四伏 我讨厌这些庸人
[00:45.302] 他们近日让我感觉怎样
[00:47.695] 他们让我变得疑神疑鬼 宝贝
[00:50.461] 深感危机四伏 我讨厌这些庸人
[00:53.819] 他们为何让我心生厌恶
[00:56.154] 只因我讨厌庸人们的偏见
[01:00.296] 人事匆匆异悲欢 为何你我选择继续留下
[01:04.352] 若你我的爱恋被世人所谴责 为何仍奋不顾身
[01:08.460] 我们为何要在追逐对方之后又慌乱离开
[01:11.763] 别在此地苦苦寻找我了 我已离开了 宝贝
[01:17.092] 人事匆匆异悲欢 为何你我选择继续下去
[01:21.224] 你我为何而相爱
[01:23.468] 我毫无防备 倚下身子
[01:25.616] 然而他们视你我为眼中钉 对我们充满敌意
[01:31.781] 我自视一番 发现我满脸恐惧 困惑不已
[01:39.254] 等等 听到他们方才所言了吗
[01:42.305] 他们为何如此喧闹聒噪
[01:44.577] 他们想冲向我这里吗
[01:48.278] 我的选择 我的个性 谁都无法决定
[01:58.232] 我深感危机四伏 内心厌恶这些庸人
[02:00.981] 他们近日让我感觉怎样
[02:03.432] 他们让我无法心安于此 宝贝
[02:06.251] 深感危机四伏 我讨厌这些庸人
[02:09.322] 他们为何让我心生厌恶
[02:11.972] 只因我讨厌庸人们的偏见
[02:15.602] 人事匆匆异悲欢 为何你我选择继续挣扎
[02:20.232] 若你我的爱恋被世人所谴责 为何仍奋不顾身
[02:24.352] 我们为何要在追逐对方之后又慌乱离开
[02:27.512] 别在此地苦苦寻找我了 我已离开了 宝贝
[02:32.442] 人事匆匆异悲欢 为何你我选择继续挣扎
[02:37.002] 若你我的爱恋被世人所反对 为何要飞蛾扑火
[02:41.051] 我们为何要在追逐对方之后又慌乱离开
[02:44.352] 别在此地苦苦寻找我了 我已离开了 宝贝
[02:49.782] 人事匆匆异悲欢 为何你我选择继续挣扎
[02:53.562] 别再苦寻我了 我已不在此地 宝贝
[02:58.072] 我们为何要在追逐对方之后又慌乱离开
[03:01.662] 别再苦寻我了 我已不在此地
[03:09.631] 你我究竟为何
[03:13.842] 在这庸人群中继续下去
[03:17.872] 在这庸人群中继续挣扎
[03:22.006] 继续挣扎
[03:26.426] 继续折磨
[03:30.643] 继续下去
[03:31.915] 人事匆匆异悲欢 为何你我选择继续挣扎
[03:35.074] 继续挣扎
[03:36.531] 若你我的爱恋被世人所谴责 为何仍奋不顾身
[03:39.114] 飞蛾扑火
[03:40.502] 我们为何要在追逐对方之后又慌乱离开
[03:47.541] 继续折磨
[03:48.768] 人事匆匆异悲欢 为何你我选择继续挣扎
[03:51.842] 继续挣扎
[03:53.152] 若你我的爱恋被世人所反对 为何要飞蛾扑火
[03:56.027] 继续折磨
[03:57.590] 我们为何要在追逐对方之后又慌乱离开
[04:00.247] 别在此地苦苦寻找我了 我已离开了 宝贝