Bright Sunny South

Bright Sunny South

歌名 Bright Sunny South
歌手 Bittersweet and Briers
专辑 Hard Times - Songs of the Civil War
[00:00.00] 作曲 : Trad
[00:30.52] From the bright sunny South to the war I was sent,
[00:36.80] Ere the days of my boyhood I scarcely had spent.
[00:45.02] From its cool shady forests and deep flowing streams,
[00:52.67] Ever fond in my mem'ry ever sweet in my dreams.
[01:02.04] Oh, my dear little sister I still see her tears,
[01:09.17] When I had to leave home in our tender years.
[01:17.44] And my sweet gentle mother, so dear to my heart,
[01:24.68] It grieved me sincerely when we had to part.
[01:34.29] Said my kind-hearted father as he took my hand:
[01:41.04] "As you go in defense of our dear native land,
[01:49.30] Son, be brave but show mercy whenever you can.
[01:56.61] Our hearts will be with you, 'til you return again."
[02:37.44] In my bag there's a Bible to show me the way,
[02:43.89] Through my trials here on earth and to Heaven some day.
[02:52.30] I will shoulder my musket and brandish my sword,
[02:59.28] In defense of this land and the Word of the Lord.
[03:08.86] From the bright sunny South to the war I was sent,
[03:15.23] Ere the days of my boyhood I scarcely had spent.
[03:23.68] From its cool shady forests and deep flowing streams,
[03:30.75] Ever fond in my mem'ry ever sweet in my dreams.
[00:30.52] 从阳光明媚的南方去往那战场
[00:36.80] 少年时代的日子我几近不曾度过
[00:45.02] 故乡荫蔽的森林及潺潺的深溪
[00:52.67] 永存于我的记忆,在梦中永远甜蜜
[01:02.04] 我亲爱的小妹,我仍能看见她的泪水
[01:09.17] 当我在艰难的日子里别无选择、离家而去之时
[01:17.44] 还有我温柔的母亲,我的至亲
[01:24.68] 分别是多么令我悲伤
[01:34.29] 我那善良的父亲携着我的手说:
[01:41.04] “当你前去保卫我们亲爱的家乡,
[01:49.30] 儿子,你要勇敢,但也应怜悯他人。
[01:56.61] 我们的心会随着你的脚步,直到你归来。”
[02:37.44] 在我的包里一本圣经为我指明方向
[02:43.89] 引领我走过尘世的审判,直至有一天去往天国
[02:52.30] 我将肩负我的滑膛枪,挥起佩剑
[02:59.28] 以保卫故土及主的圣谕
[03:08.86] 从阳光明媚的南方去往那战场
[03:15.23] 少年时代的日子我几近不曾度过
[03:23.68] 故乡荫蔽的森林及潺潺的深溪
[03:30.75] 永存于我的记忆,在梦中永远甜蜜