

歌名 Control
歌手 Bingo狗蛋滨
专辑 『工地英语十级』
[00:00.000] 作词 : 无
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 无
[00:10.684] 翻唱/混音/和声:狗蛋滨
[00:16.434] They send me away to find them a fortune
[00:20.684] A chest filled with diamonds and gold
[00:24.684] The house was awake, the shadows and monsters
[00:28.684] The hallways, they echoed and groaned
[00:32.684] I sat alone, in bed till the morning
[00:36.684] I'm crying, "They're coming for me"
[00:40.685] And I tried to hold these secrets inside me
[00:44.433] My mind's like a deadly disease
[00:47.684] I'm bigger than my body
[00:51.433] I'm colder than this home
[00:55.434] I'm meaner than my demons
[00:59.683] I'm bigger than these bones
[01:04.183] And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"
[01:08.933] I can't help this awful energy
[01:12.684] God damn right, you should be scared of me
[01:16.684] Who is in control?
[01:20.775] I paced around for hours on empty
[01:24.525] I jumped at the slightest of sounds
[01:28.524] And I couldn't stand the person inside me
[01:32.525] I turned all the mirrors around
[01:35.525] I'm bigger than my body
[01:39.775] I'm colder than this home
[01:43.775] I'm meaner than my demons
[01:47.524] I'm bigger than these bones
[01:52.025] And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"
[01:56.775] I can't help this awful energy
[02:00.775] God damn right, you should be scared of me
[02:04.775] Who is in control?
[02:08.775] I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head
[02:16.524] They beg me to write them so they'll never die when I'm dead
[02:24.524] And I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head
[02:32.525] They beg me to write them so I'll never die when I'm dead
[02:39.774] I'm bigger than my body
[02:43.524] I'm colder than this home
[02:47.524] I'm meaner than my demons
[02:51.275] I'm bigger than these bones
[02:56.025] And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"
[03:00.774] I can't help this awful energy
[03:04.774] God damn right, you should be scared of me
[03:08.774] Who is in control?
[03:12.274] And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"
[03:16.774] I can't help this awful energy
[03:20.775] God damn right, you should be scared of me
[03:24.774] Who is in control?
[00:16.434] 他们遣我去远处为他们寻宝
[00:20.684] 寻一装满了钻石和黄金的宝箱
[00:24.684] 那暗室惊醒 暗影和魔怪跟着苏醒
[00:28.684] 走廊里 回荡着咆哮和低吟
[00:32.684] 我在床头独坐着 直到黎明
[00:36.684] 不住哭喊着"他们来找我来了"
[00:40.685] 而后我努力对这些秘密守口如瓶
[00:44.433] 可整个人仿佛得了致命恶疾
[00:47.684] 我内心强大过外表的凡胎肉体
[00:51.433] 冷酷时比这鬼房子更冷冰
[00:55.434] 无情时比我心内的恶魔更狠心
[00:59.683] 我绝对强大过这些鬼东西
[01:04.183] 孩子们都在哭喊着 停下来吧 你让我很害怕
[01:08.933] 我却无法掌控这可怕的力量
[01:12.684] 你他妈说对了 你就应该怕我的
[01:16.684] 看看谁才能掌控这躯体呢
[01:20.775] 我漫无目的来回踱着步
[01:24.525] 最细微的声音都会让我惊吓发怵
[01:28.524] 无法忍受内心那另外的一个面目
[01:32.525] 于是我藏起了所有的镜子和反射物
[01:35.525] 我内心强大过外表的凡胎肉体
[01:39.775] 冷酷时比这鬼房子更冷冰
[01:43.775] 无情时比我心内的恶魔更狠心
[01:47.524] 我绝对强大过这些鬼东西
[01:52.025] 孩子们都在哭喊着 停下来吧 你让我很害怕
[01:56.775] 我却无法掌控这可怕的力量
[02:00.775] 你他妈说对了 你就应该怕我的
[02:04.775] 看看是谁掌控着这副躯体呢
[02:08.775] 我想 我太熟悉寄居在我脑中的那些坏蛋了
[02:16.524] 它们会祈求我把它们写下来以便能永生不灭呢
[02:24.524] 我越来越熟悉寄居在我脑中的那些坏蛋了
[02:32.525] 它们总祈求我把它们写下来以便能永生不灭呢
[02:39.774] 我内心强大过外表的凡胎肉体
[02:43.524] 冷酷时比这鬼房子更冷冰
[02:47.524] 无情时比我心内的恶魔更狠心
[02:51.275] 我绝对强大过这些鬼东西
[02:56.025] 孩子们都在哭喊着 停下来吧 你让我很害怕
[03:00.774] 我却无法掌控这可怕的力量
[03:04.774] 你他妈说对了 你就应该怕我的
[03:08.774] 看看谁才能掌控这躯体呢
[03:12.274] 孩子们都在哭喊着 停下来吧 你让我很害怕
[03:16.774] 我却无法掌控这可怕的力量啊
[03:20.775] 你他妈说对了 你就应该怕我的
[03:24.774] 看看是谁掌控着这副躯体呢