歌名 RABi
歌手 Bon Iver
专辑 i,i
[00:00.000] 作词 : Justin Vernon
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Justin Vernon/Brad Cook/Mike Lewis
[00:14.145] (if you wait it won't be undone)
[00:24.359] Well its all just scared of dying
[00:28.643] But isn't this a beach?
[00:32.980] And if I know one thing at all
[00:37.159] Is I cannot just be a peach!
[00:41.652] Oh, you come in all woke now
[00:45.936] So, please enjoy the feast
[00:50.142] We are weightless like a wayless beast
[00:54.635] So what is it we don't teach?!
[00:58.684] When we were children we were hell bent
[01:03.177] Or oblivious at least
[01:07.487] But now it comes to mind
[01:08.976] We are terrified
[01:09.734] So we run and hide
[01:10.831] For a verified little peace
[01:16.238] So what of this release?
[01:19.817] Sunlight feels good now don't it
[01:24.180] And I don't have a Leaving plan
[01:28.202] But something's gotta ease your mind
[01:35.856] But its all fine or its all crime any way
[01:50.903] There were 6 of us sitting creek side
[01:52.862] Sifting fistfuls through the green
[01:55.082] Every which way could be seen
[01:59.419] Was the sand and time
[02:00.490] Not a anamime
[02:01.430] More like anodyne
[02:02.762] Was a friend of mine
[02:03.781] Youda known youda known
[02:07.752] I could prophet
[02:11.984] I could rob, I however
[02:17.182] Everywhere isn't everywhere
[02:18.854] This not a veil
[02:19.846] Or a fairytale in the least
[02:25.280] So what of this release?
[02:28.911] Some life feels good now don't it ?
[02:33.169] Don't have to have a leaving plan
[02:37.636] Nothing's gonna ease your mind
[02:44.976] Well its all fine and were all fine any way
[02:58.351] (but if you wait it won't be undone)
[00:14.145] (如果你等得够久,一切都会结束。)
[00:24.359] 唔,这些仅仅是对死亡的恐惧。
[00:28.643] 其实它只是一弯海滩而已吧?
[00:32.980] 如果我只知道一件事,
[00:37.159] 那么它就是:我不能只当一个中看不中用的家伙。
[00:41.652] 啊,你完全清醒着到来。
[00:45.936] 那么,请享受这场盛宴。
[00:50.142] 既然我们已是无足轻重、走投无路的困兽,
[00:54.635] 那为何不把后代从此中解脱出来?
[00:58.684] 当我们还是孩子的时候,我们曾坚定且莽撞——
[01:03.177] 至少曾天然且无知。
[01:07.487] 但如今,当我们一想到它,
[01:08.976] 就惊恐万分。
[01:09.734] 所以我们逃啊,躲啊,
[01:10.831] 为了人们认知中的小小平静。
[01:16.238] 自由的感觉如何?
[01:19.817] 阳光很棒,是不是?
[01:24.180] 我不打算离开,
[01:28.202] 但我必须找到什么来放松自己。
[01:35.856] 世事都无所谓,或者皆为罪恶,仅此而已。
[01:50.903] 我们六个坐在溪边,
[01:52.862] 一捧捧清澈的溪水在我们的指尖,分了又合。
[01:55.082] 其间如果只能看见一种东西,
[01:59.419] 那便是沙子和时间。
[02:00.490] 不像是儿童剧,(英文应修正为:pantomime)
[02:01.430] 更像是头疼药,
[02:02.762] 是我的好朋友,
[02:03.781] 你一定能懂得的吧。
[02:07.752] 我可以预言。
[02:11.984] 我可以掠夺。(无义,此处明示Judaism:Rabbi,标题也取自这句话)
[02:17.182] 大千世界曾被扭曲。
[02:18.854] 它不靠遮遮掩掩,
[02:19.846] 也不建立在神话之上。
[02:25.280] 自由的感觉如何?
[02:28.911] 能有某种人生很棒,是不是?
[02:33.169] 无需打算离开,
[02:37.636] 也没有什么能安慰你我。
[02:44.976] 世事都无所谓,仅此而已。
[02:58.351] (如果你等得够久,一切都会结束。//专辑结束)