

歌名 $1000000.FM
歌手 Hola,Mr.Moon
专辑 $1000000.FM
[00:00.000] 作词 : 太瑞
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 太瑞/J.Cole/Yondo Music
[00:07.550] I'm making the dollar and doing the tour
[00:09.304] I'm doing all this only do for some more
[00:11.055] I'm countin' the blame
[00:12.299] Rappers all same
[00:13.311] Copy the flow and show me their chain
[00:15.066] They hatin' the real, but money don't heal
[00:17.062] They wanted the more then they can't be chill
[00:19.059] I'm turning so blunt, tell me that's fun
[00:21.056] Diss everybody and they don't get tongue
[00:22.808] I turn off the radio, turn off my ears
[00:24.816] I'm looking for fame and looking for chair
[00:26.813] The trap is old, it looks for my soul
[00:28.556] I hate it so much now i put it on church
[00:30.807] Now
[00:31.306] ***** been countin' me out, I'm changing all now
[00:32.816] They won't do self
[00:34.314] I'm drinkin' the whisky **** up my trip
[00:36.311] When i get drunk i'll doing all this
[00:38.065] I'm not a b**** you're a ****
[00:40.315] Rap sounds like dog, but diam' on your wrist
[00:42.059] How hard it gets, so hard as it gets
[00:43.311] Don't tell me nothing but something 'bout fair
[00:46.563] ****** been countin' me out
[00:48.061] I’m countin' my bullets, I'm loadin’ my clips
[00:50.058] I'm writin' down names, I'm makin' a list
[00:51.810] I'm checkin' it twice and I'm gettin’ ’em hit
[00:53.807] The real ones been dyin', the fake ones is lit
[00:55.815] The game is off balance, I’m back on my ****
[00:57.812] The Bentley is dirty, my sneakers is dirty
[00:59.809] But that's how I like it, you all on my ****
[01:02.158] Trapped in the prison
[01:03.897] You know why me make a deal
[01:05.407] So i put up on a pistol
[01:07.649] You know why me look so real
[01:09.901] Sunshine is getting down
[01:11.655] Now moonlight shining bright
[01:13.407] I know how level you like it
[01:15.403] I'ma kill it in my vibes
[01:17.657] ****** been countin' me out
[01:18.655] I’m countin' my bullets, I'm loadin’ my clips
[01:20.906] I'm writin' down names, I'm makin' a list
[01:22.649] I'm checkin' it twice and I'm gettin’ ’em hit
[01:24.658] The real ones been dyin', the fake ones is lit
[01:26.656] The game is off balance, I’m back on my ****
[01:28.407] The Bentley is dirty, my sneakers is dirty
[01:30.902] But that's how I like it, you all on my ****
[01:35.089] I just poured somethin' in my cup
[01:38.842] I've been wantin' somethin' I can feel
[01:42.842] Promise I am never lettin' up
[01:46.594] Money in your palm don't make you real
[01:50.588] Foot is on their neck, I got 'em stuck
[01:54.339] I'ma give 'em somethin' they can feel
[01:58.090] If it ain't 'bout the squad, don't give a ****
[02:02.094] Pistol in your hand don't make you real
[02:06.586] Love your life
[02:09.094] Maybe it's a beautiful caution
[02:12.089] Watch it
[02:14.844] Watch the sun rise maybe i'll be soon die
[02:17.335] I know my son right but i don't wanna full of lies
[02:20.342] I told them chase the dream
[02:22.585] Do not miss that gold chain
[02:22.839] I know the low point
[02:24.340] But i have been top brain
[02:26.091] They have been faded away
[02:26.838] You know how to do when betraying
[02:28.587] But life fast
[02:29.844] Day and day they walk away
[02:31.341] I'll die young
[02:32.594] I'm 'bout to drunk in my hates
[02:37.585] Paining, Make me stress
[02:38.583] Don't give a **** 'bout that
[02:40.335] Pills got me back
[02:41.337] I know that where i'm at
[02:42.843] Real pain is
[02:43.844] Yo, man you got to listen to me
[02:45.584] Maybe after two days you'll be dead under my feet
[02:48.337] Real OG, you need to know me
[02:51.088] If you make me laugh i can let your soul free
[02:53.583] Who am i
[02:54.594] Is a lord or monster, new G
[02:56.590] Yeah
[02:59.843] Pain, you need
[03:05.216] Let them free
[03:10.829] Pain, you see
[03:16.335] I can let them free
[00:07.550] 我在赚大钱,做巡回演出
[00:09.304] 我这么做只是为了更多
[00:11.055] 我要承担责任
[00:12.299] 说唱歌手都一样
[00:13.311] 抄袭了押韵还秀我他们的金链
[00:15.066] 他们痛恨现实,但金钱无法治愈
[00:17.062] 他们想要的越多,就不会变冷静
[00:19.059] 我变得很直率了,告诉我这很有趣
[00:21.056] 对每个人都不满意,他们不会说话。
[00:22.808] 我关掉收音机,关掉耳朵
[00:24.816] 我在找名望和我的椅子
[00:26.813] Trap(新说唱风格)已经过时了,它寻找我的灵魂
[00:28.556] 我非常讨厌现在我把它放在教堂里
[00:30.807] 现在
[00:31.306] 许多人都在与我勾心斗角
[00:32.816] 他们不会自己做歌
[00:34.314] 我喝了些威士忌来却搞砸了我的行程
[00:36.311] 当我喝醉的时候,我会做这一切的
[00:38.065] 我不是,你是个
[00:40.315] 说唱听起来像狗,但钻石在你手腕上
[00:42.059] 看起来有多困难,做就有多困难
[00:43.311] 别跟我说什么,除了一些公平的事情。
[00:46.563] 许多人都在与我勾心斗角
[00:48.061] 我在数枪里的弹夹,准备随时上膛
[00:50.058] 我写着他们的名字 并列了一份清单
[00:51.810] 仔细审查两遍 我要准备杀掉他们
[00:53.807] 真的(有实力)已逝去 faker却越变越火
[00:55.815] 这说唱圈失去平衡 是时候回归教导一下那些杂碎
[00:57.812] 宾利脏了 我的运动鞋也脏了
[00:59.809] 但这就是我喜欢的 你们总喜欢没事找事
[01:02.158] 被困在监狱里
[01:03.897] 你知道我为什么要做交易吗?
[01:05.407] 所以我拿起手枪
[01:07.649] 你知道我为什么看起来那么真实
[01:09.901] 阳光正在落下
[01:11.655] 现在月光明媚
[01:13.407] 我知道你有多喜欢它
[01:15.403] 我会在我的氛围中杀死它
[01:17.657] 许多人都在与我勾心斗角
[01:18.655] 我在数枪里的弹夹,准备随时上膛
[01:20.906] 我写着他们的名字 并列了一份清单
[01:22.649] 仔细审查两遍 我要准备杀掉他们
[01:24.658] 真的(有实力)已逝去 faker却越变越火
[01:26.656] 这说唱圈失去平衡 是时候回归教导一下那些杂碎
[01:28.407] 宾利脏了 我的运动鞋也脏了
[01:30.902] 但这就是我喜欢的 你们总喜欢没事找事
[01:35.089] 我刚往我杯子里倒了些
[01:38.842] 我一直在寻找我所能感受到的
[01:42.842] 我保证不会让你失望
[01:46.594] 在你手中的钱并不会让你更真实
[01:50.588] 脚放在他们的脖子上,我把他们卡住了。
[01:54.339] 我要带给他们一些他们能感受到的
[01:58.090] 如果发生无关于我们的事 我才不在乎
[02:02.094] 你手中握着的手枪也不会使你变得真实
[02:06.586] 爱你的生活
[02:09.094] 也许它是一个美丽的警告
[02:12.089] 小心点
[02:14.844] 看着太阳升起也许我很快就要死了
[02:17.335] 我知道我儿子是对的,但我不想充满谎言
[02:20.342] 我告诉他们追逐梦想
[02:22.585] 别错过赚钱的机会
[02:22.839] 我曾是低潮
[02:24.340] 现在我已经崛起
[02:26.091] 它们已经褪色了
[02:26.838] 你知道如何做当我们开始叛变
[02:28.587] 但是生活很快
[02:29.844] 他们日复一日地离开
[02:31.341] 我会死得很年轻
[02:32.594] 也许我会沉浸在我的仇恨之中
[02:37.585] 痛苦,让我紧张
[02:38.583] 但不要在意那些
[02:40.335] 药丸让我重获新生
[02:41.337] 我知道我自己的定位
[02:42.843] 真正的痛苦是
[02:43.844] 嘿,伙计,你得听我说
[02:45.584] 也许两天后你会死在我的脚下
[02:48.337] 真的OG,你需要知道我
[02:51.088] 如果你让我发笑,我可以让你的灵魂自由
[02:53.583] 我是谁
[02:54.594] 一个神还是一个怪物,年轻人
[02:59.843] 疼痛,你需要的
[03:05.216] 让他们自由
[03:10.829] 疼痛,你看见的
[03:16.335] 我可以让他们自由