#4. “ɪ ᴅᴏɴᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴏᴋ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ&ᴡᴀsʜ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ᴘʟᴀᴛᴇ.”

#4. “ɪ ᴅᴏɴᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴏᴋ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ&ᴡᴀsʜ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ᴘʟᴀᴛᴇ.”

歌名 #4. “ɪ ᴅᴏɴᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴏᴋ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ&ᴡᴀsʜ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ᴘʟᴀᴛᴇ.”
歌手 黄雨篱
专辑 ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴏᴋ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ & ᴡᴀsʜ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ᴘʟᴀᴛᴇ
[00:00.000] 作词 : 黄雨篱
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 黄雨篱
[00:23.188] Ever cry for girl at night
[00:25.934] Ever buy it even you know it’s lie
[00:28.941] Ever hurt when you’re not the guy
[00:31.944] Ever wonder why she said goodbye
[00:34.686] Ever realize the true demise
[00:37.689] Ever take for granted for your pride
[00:40.687] Ever sleep with the guilt inside
[00:43.442] Ever dare questioning that life
[00:46.436] I still live part of my life as a meme of your vibe
[00:51.940] It’s been everywhere I go
[00:54.436] For that I pay respect
[00:58.442] Oh, the long-time dedication and my childish expectation
[01:03.434] Has been overdue, oh wrongfully used
[01:10.189] Just one serving, that is just what I deserve
[01:15.937] No more debating about who’s turn to make dinner
[01:21.939] I got all the herbs you need pretending you still here
[01:27.686] They shall soon wither, they shall all wither
[01:33.435] Basil was my favorite; I love you get them in the plates
[01:39.191] I never forget that taste, secret ingredients called heartbreak
[01:44.943] The life is withering away, but I ain’t planning to replace
[01:51.184] Everything is so vague, I can only see my own fate
[01:56.204] I know it’s not fair
[01:57.685] You don’t have to act like you care
[01:59.684] Oh dear, I’ve been acting like a jerk all these years,
[02:03.435] I thought you’d never go
[02:04.933] My mind was too slow to even thought about this blow
[02:08.447] So low, I never been this low
[02:10.933] I’m in the summer but I still feel this chill
[02:13.940] There’s a hole, and I’m gonna fall for it
[02:17.189] Without you, gravity’s the last thing I need
[02:20.187] Ever cry for girl at night
[02:22.938] Ever buy it even you know it’s lie
[02:25.933] Ever hurt when you’re not the guy
[02:28.941] Ever wonder why she said goodbye
[02:31.937] Ever realize the true demise
[02:34.689] Ever take for granted for your pride
[02:37.681] Ever sleep with the guilt inside
[02:40.689] Ever dare questioning that life
[00:05.695] 编曲:Misery
[00:11.701] 录音:愚生
[00:17.437] 制作:Zaga Samilogia
[00:23.188] 是否曾为一个女孩而在夜里哭泣呢?
[00:25.934] 是否曾义无反顾地去相信,哪怕你知道那是谎言?
[00:28.941] 是否曾因为你不再是她的那个人而触痛呢?
[00:31.944] 是否曾百思不得其解为什么她要离开呢?
[00:34.686] 是否曾意识到感情已经名存实亡了呢?
[00:37.689] 是否曾被自己的傲慢蒙蔽了自我呢?
[00:40.687] 是否曾在深夜枕着自己的内疚入眠?
[00:43.442] 是否曾有勇气设想没有她的生活呢?
[00:46.436] 你存在过的痕迹到现在还是存在于我的生活之中
[00:51.940] 它们如影随形无处不在
[00:54.436] 我也真是服了
[00:58.442] 唉,这么长久以来的信念和我天真的计划
[01:03.434] 都已经成了过去式,都被用错了地方
[01:10.189] 做饭只做一份就好了,这就是我的生活
[01:15.937] 再也不会争论今晚上该谁去做饭了
[01:21.939] 我厨房里还有各种你做饭要用的香料,一切都好像是你还在的样子
[01:27.686] 但是它们都将慢慢枯萎了,这里的一切都在慢慢枯萎了
[01:33.435] 你知道我最喜欢罗勒,我很想念你做的三杯鸡里的罗勒
[01:39.191] 我永远忘不了那味道的,也许是因为现在那为记忆里多了一份心碎的味道吧
[01:44.943] 那份记忆也在枯萎了,但是我还没打算抛弃它
[01:51.184] 一切都变得非常模糊了,满眼可见的只有我乏味的生活和无尽的孤独
[01:56.204] 我知道要求你来理解这些并不公平
[01:57.685] 你也不需要装作你很在乎的样子
[01:59.684] 因为这些年来我实在是咎由自取
[02:03.435] 我太过傲慢,从没想过你会离开
[02:04.933] 对于你的忍耐我太后知后觉,以至于我这一切毫无任何防备
[02:08.447] 跌倒谷底了,我从来没感到如此低落
[02:10.933] 虽然这是盛夏但我却时刻感觉寒冷
[02:13.940] 就像一个无底黑洞,我想我快陷进去了
[02:17.189] 不过也无所谓了,你不在,就让重力把我带走吧
[02:20.187] 是否曾为一个女孩而在夜里哭泣呢?
[02:22.938] 是否曾义无反顾地去相信,哪怕你知道那是谎言?
[02:25.933] 是否曾因为你不再是她的那个人而触痛呢?
[02:28.941] 是否曾百思不得其解为什么她要离开呢?
[02:31.937] 是否曾意识到感情已经名存实亡了呢?
[02:34.689] 是否曾被自己的傲慢蒙蔽了自我呢?
[02:37.681] 是否曾在深夜枕着自己的内疚入眠?
[02:40.689] 是否曾有勇气设想没有她的生活呢?