i still think of you

i still think of you

歌名 i still think of you
歌手 nctrn
专辑 i still think of you
[00:00.000] 作词 : Cedric Nctrn
[00:00.867] 作曲 : Cedric Nctrn
[00:01.735] What do you want to talk to me about?
[00:03.760] When did you learn to run like that?
[00:05.643] You know, I have actually thought about this moment a lot.
[00:08.396] What would Jess say to me if I ever saw him again?
[00:10.209] I mean, he just took off, no note, no call, nothing.
[00:13.043] How could he explain that?
[00:13.962] And then a year goes by.
[00:15.673] No word, nothing.
[00:17.258] So he couldn't possibly have a good excuse for that, right?
[00:20.645] I have imagined hundreds of different scenarios,
[00:23.095] with a hundred different great last parting lines ,
[00:26.044] and I have to tell you that,
[00:26.989] I am actually very curious to see which way this is going to go.
[00:32.519] Could we sit down?
[00:33.728] No.
[00:34.260] You wanted to talk, so talk.
[00:36.259] What do you have to say to me?
[00:42.394] I love you.
[00:01.735] 你想和我聊点什么
[00:03.760] 你什么时候学会那样跑的
[00:05.643] 你知道吗 对于这一刻 我曾幻想多次
[00:08.396] 如果我再见到杰斯 他会怎么说
[00:10.209] 我是说 他刚走 没有留话 没有电话 什么都没有
[00:13.043] 他能怎么解释
[00:13.962] 一年过去了
[00:15.673] 一句话都没有 什么都没有
[00:17.258] 所以他不可能找到一个好借口 对吧
[00:20.645] 我想象过数百种不同场景
[00:23.095] 有一百种不同的分割线形式
[00:26.044] 我不得不告诉你
[00:26.989] 我真的很好奇 这件事的后续将怎样发展
[00:32.519] 我们能坐下么
[00:33.728] 不能
[00:34.260] 你想说 就这样说吧
[00:36.259] 你要对我说什么
[00:42.394] 我爱你