

歌名 Paradox
歌手 Diamond Construct
专辑 Diamond Construct
[00:09.16] What's the difference of black and white?
[00:11.15] Both just shades it depends on the light
[00:13.43] As without we fall, its infinite
[00:20.29] So do you long for a deep embrace? To seek its face
[00:26.43] Well I want to know that I just can't be the only one
[00:31.23] You've fallen for yourself
[00:33.60] You've fallen off the shelf and no one will be there to catch you
[00:38.70] Over in circles we spin
[00:42.12] This takes longer to feel something.
[00:46.19] I'm so numb
[00:45.92] Over in circles we spin
[00:51.08] This takes longer to feel something.
[00:55.19] It's infinite
[00:56.57] As we end well so will our love and all that's left will be lust
[01:04.77] Can you feel it? I can feel it. What tonight will bring
[01:12.71] So do you long for a deep embrace? To seek it's face
[01:17.52] You've set this pace in this race, left to be erased
[01:30.09] Get up. The world you know is about to wake up
[01:33.15] We don't need a reason. Get up. We don't need a reason
[01:38.36] Get up. The world you know is about to wake up
[01:41.66] We don't need a reason. Get up. We don't need a reason
[01:46.88] Get up. Get up. Get up from the world you know
[01:51.16] Wake up. Wake up. Wake up from the undertow
[02:05.56] Get up. The world you know is about to wake up
[02:08.49] We don't need a reason. Get up. We don't need a reason
[02:14.37] As we end well so will our love and all that's left will be lust
[02:22.50] Can you feel it? I can feel it. What tonight will bring
[02:31.42] We are drifting and I'm thinking you're thinking the same
[02:39.91] So will we feel this for a lifetime or tonight only?
[03:05.40] Over a lifetime we've forgotten how to connect with our soul
[03:14.50] The longing to feel. The longing to lust
[03:18.68] However long it's only just begun
[03:22.48] As we end well so will our love and all that's left will be lust
[03:30.86] Can you feel it? I can feel it. What tonight will bring
[00:09.16] 黑白有什么区别?
[00:11.15] 两者都是阴影,这取决与光源
[00:13.43] 如果没有跌倒过,我们永远不会知道
[00:20.29] 你渴望一个深刻亲密的关系吗?扪心自问
[00:26.43] 我希望并不只有我渴望着与他人的联系
[00:31.23] 你顾影自怜
[00:33.60] 你大败亏输,你孤立无助
[00:38.70] 我们只是在重蹈覆辙
[00:42.12] 我们习惯性不去体验新的情绪
[00:45.92] 我们只是在重蹈覆辙
[00:46.19] 我陷入情绪脱敏
[00:51.08] 我们习惯性不去体验新的情绪
[00:55.19] 永无止境
[00:56.57] 我们的关系可能不会持久,我们唯一剩下的动力是欲望
[01:04.77] 你能感受到这强烈的情感吗,我感受到了,我们的结果会是什么?
[01:12.71] 你渴望一个深刻亲密的关系吗?扪心自问
[01:17.52] 你已经确立了我们关系的节奏,但这份联系最终可能会被淡忘
[01:30.09] 为改变做好准备,因为你熟知的世界即将改变
[01:33.15] 不需要理由,也可以有动力采取行动,我们不需要理由
[01:38.36] 为改变做好准备,因为你熟知的世界即将改变
[01:41.66] 不需要理由,也可以有动力采取行动,我们不需要理由
[01:46.88] 从你的舒适区上升到新的高度
[01:51.16] 从将您拉向安之若素的暗流涌动中醒来
[02:05.56] 为改变做好准备,因为你熟知的世界即将改变
[02:08.49] 不需要理由,也可以有动力采取行动,我们不需要理由
[02:14.37] 我们的关系可能不会持久,我们唯一剩下的动力是欲望
[02:22.50] 你能感受到这强烈的情感吗,我感受到了,我们的结果会是什么?
[02:31.42] 我们飘零漂泊,你也一样流离失所
[02:39.91] 这种孤独是永远的,还是暂时的?
[03:05.40] 聚散浮生,我们早已与内在的自我脱节
[03:14.50] 我们渴望体验深刻的情感,去感知存在
[03:18.68] 时移世异,无怨无悔
[03:22.48] 我们渴望体验深刻的情感,去感知存在
[03:30.86] 你能感受到这强烈的情感吗,我感受到了,我们的结果会是什么?