

歌名 Time
歌手 NF
专辑 Time
[00:00.00] 作词 : Nate Feuerstein/Tommee Profitt
[00:01.00] 作曲 : Nate Feuerstein/Tommee Profitt
[00:08.79] Even if we both break down tonight
[00:13.11] And you say you hate me
[00:15.65] And we go to bed angry
[00:18.03] I know everything will be alright
[00:22.67] I'll be here waiting
[00:25.45] I promise I'm changing
[00:27.79] I just need...
[00:29.75] A little time to show you I'm worth it
[00:31.83] I know that I can be a difficult person
[00:34.04] I'm a stress case, drive you up the wall when I'm workin'
[00:36.54] Actually, I'm probably worse when I'm not
[00:38.38] You don't deserve it
[00:39.21] Make you nervous 'cause you know I'ma break soon
[00:40.91] Every time I do, I say somethin' that hurts you
[00:43.34] Actin' like I'm gone but we both in the same room
[00:45.80] I don't like to be wrong, which I know you relate to
[00:48.35] And I know I make you feel like you're at the end of your road
[00:51.12] That's when I look at you and tell you I'd be better alone
[00:53.52] That's just the pride talkin', isn't it?
[00:55.14] 'Cause both of us know
[00:56.01] I'm the definition of "wreck" if you look into my soul
[00:58.38] Comes out the most when I feel I'm in a vulnerable place
[01:00.91] Made a lot mistakes I wish I knew how to erase
[01:03.25] When I'm afraid, might get distant and I push you away
[01:05.75] But no matter the case, I'ma do whatever it takes
[01:08.11] Even if—
[01:08.74] Even if we both break down tonight
[01:11.55] And you say you hate me
[01:14.38] And we go to bed angry
[01:16.59] I know everything will be alright
[01:21.40] I'll be here waiting
[01:24.20] I promise I'm changing
[01:26.54] I just need…
[01:28.31] Time (Oh)
[01:30.92] I-I need time (Oh, oh)
[01:36.45] I just need time (Oh)
[01:40.88] I-I need time (Oh)
[01:45.59] Time (Oh), time (Oh)
[01:48.06] Yeah, way before I bought you the ring
[01:50.15] We were fighting back and forth like you were wearin' the thing
[01:52.31] Two passionate people not afraid to say what they think
[01:54.47] Lead to passionate conversation when it's hard to agree
[01:57.18] You know me well
[01:58.08] Sittin' on the edge of my seat
[01:59.74] Lookin' at life, overanalyzin' everything
[02:02.05] Always depressed, tryna find a better version of me
[02:04.47] Searching for somethin' I know's prolly right in front of my feet
[02:07.05] Stubborn as me? Maybe not, but you're close to it
[02:09.28] Got a lot of issues, I'm tryna work through 'em
[02:11.64] Going to therapy for you's somethin' that's worth doin'
[02:14.02] When I know you been there for me through all of my worst moments
[02:16.58] And I know it hurts knowing that I carry this weight on my chest
[02:19.20] Making it difficult for me to open up and connect
[02:21.70] A lot of regrets, I apologize for all of the stress
[02:24.12] That's not what I meant to do
[02:25.39] You know I love you to death
[02:26.57] Even if—
[02:27.07] Even if we both break down tonight
[02:29.86] And you say you hate me
[02:32.68] And we go to bed angry
[02:35.04] I know everything will be alright
[02:39.82] I'll be here waiting
[02:42.59] I promise I'm changing
[02:45.02] I just need
[02:46.78] Time (Oh)
[02:49.78] I-I need time (Oh, oh)
[02:54.71] I just need time (Oh)
[02:59.11] I-I need time (Oh)
[03:04.06] Time (Oh), time (Oh)
[03:05.90] I just need time (Oh)
[03:08.92] I-I need time (Oh, oh)
[03:14.46] I just need time (Oh)
[03:19.21] I-I need time (Oh)
[03:23.63] Time (Oh), time (Oh)
[00:08.79] 即使今晚我们都崩溃了
[00:13.11] 恶语相向后
[00:15.65] 彼此在床上懊恼地辗转反侧
[00:18.03] 我深知这一切会好起来
[00:22.67] 我会等 你也会等
[00:25.45] 我发誓这一切不会重演
[00:27.79] 我只需要...
[00:29.75] 一些证明自己的时间而已
[00:31.83] 我知道有时候我脾气很臭
[00:34.04] 我就是个压力集中营 被打扰时把你按在了墙上
[00:36.54] 其实我可能更糟
[00:38.38] 你值得更好的一切
[00:39.21] 每次我快要休息时都把你搞得很紧张
[00:40.91] 每次我也会说出些伤人的话
[00:43.34] 虽然离开了可是我们的心从始至终都连着
[00:45.80] 其实每次争吵的爆发你也有责任
[00:48.35] 被我逼到绝路的感觉一定不好受
[00:51.12] 那次我对着你说我没有你更好
[00:53.52] 想想真是昏了头
[00:55.14] 因为我们其实都是打心底里爱着对方的
[00:56.01] 我的灵魂就是“残骸”的最佳诠释
[00:58.38] 脆弱的时候我反倒容易敞开心扉
[01:00.91] 真希望能把以前犯下的错全都赎过
[01:03.25] 惊恐之际我却赶着你走
[01:05.75] 但是无论如何我都会不惜一切代价
[01:08.11] 就算
[01:08.74] 就算我们今天彻底的崩溃了
[01:11.55] 唇枪舌剑 怒目相视
[01:14.38] 身在一张床上心却渐行渐远
[01:16.59] 其实我们都知道
[01:21.40] 彼此都是心中最重要的人
[01:24.20] 我发誓不会重蹈覆辙
[01:26.54] 我只是需要
[01:28.31] 时间去证明这一切
[01:30.92] 我理解经历过这一切以后
[01:36.45] 很难让人再相信我了
[01:40.88] 可是我们如此深爱彼此
[01:45.59] 时间一定会弥补证明这一切的
[01:48.06] 在我给你戒指前
[01:50.15] 来回争吵 好像你也厌烦了
[01:52.31] 两个风华正茂的年轻人总是太诚实
[01:54.47] 互不相让却又相容
[01:57.18] 你真的很了解我
[01:58.08] 我们俯瞰生活
[01:59.74] 一起幻想未来
[02:02.05] 我不该总是那么沮丧的
[02:04.47] 目光总是只局限于当下
[02:07.05] 跟我差不多顽固的人怕是只有你了
[02:09.28] 问题很多 我会逐一击破
[02:11.64] 你应该多花点时间在值得的事上
[02:14.02] 当我意识到陪着我度过一个个艰难时刻的一直是你
[02:16.58] 心口就忍不住阵阵作痛
[02:19.20] 让我敞开心扉是多么难的一件事啊
[02:21.70] 悔恨编织出歉意
[02:24.12] 我真的不是有意去伤害你的
[02:25.39] 你知道的 我对你至死不渝
[02:26.57] 即使
[02:27.07] 我们这次彻底撕破脸了
[02:29.86] 恶语相向
[02:32.68] 带着怒意辗转反侧
[02:35.04] 一切都会好起来的
[02:39.82] 我会等你回来
[02:42.59] 我会改变一切
[02:45.02] 我只是需要
[02:46.78] 时间
[02:49.78] 我需要时间
[02:54.71] 我只是需要时间
[02:59.11] 再给我点时间
[03:04.06] 时间,时间
[03:05.90] 我只是需要时间
[03:08.92] 我需要时间
[03:14.46] 再给我点时间
[03:19.21] 我需要时间
[03:23.63] 时间,时间