

歌名 Happiness
歌手 Molly Drake
专辑 Molly Drake
[00:09.502] Happiness is like a bird with twenty wings
[00:16.141] Try to catch him as he flies
[00:19.867] Happiness is like a bird that only sings
[00:25.433] When his head is in the skies
[00:29.428] You can try to make him walk beside you
[00:33.682] You can say the door is open wide
[00:37.921] If you grab at him, woe betide you,
[00:43.521] I know because I've tried.
[00:49.642] Like a butterfly upon an April morning
[00:54.960] very quickly taking fright
[00:59.204] Happiness is come and gone without a warning
[01:04.792] Jack-O-Lantern in the night
[01:08.252] I will follow him across the meadow
[01:12.234] I will follow him across the hill
[01:16.766] and if I can catch him I will try to bring you,
[01:22.347] Oh yes, happiness
[01:28.463] If I can catch him I will try to bring you
[01:34.345] all my love and happiness
[00:09.502] 幸福就像一只有二十只翅膀的鸟儿
[00:16.141] 试着在他飞走的时候抓住他
[00:19.867] 幸福就像一只只会唱歌的鸟儿
[00:25.433] 当他心不在焉的时候
[00:29.428] 你可以试着让他跟你一起走
[00:33.682] 你可以说幸福的大门是敞开的
[00:37.921] 但如果你抓住他不放,噩运就会降临
[00:43.521] 我知道是因为我已试过
[00:49.642] 就像四月清晨的蝴蝶
[00:54.960] 幸福很快会被吓走
[00:59.204] 幸福来了又去毫无预兆
[01:04.792] 夜晚的南瓜灯
[01:08.252] 我会跟着他穿过草地
[01:12.234] 我会跟着他翻山越岭
[01:16.766] 如果我能抓住他,我会设法带给你
[01:22.347] 哦,是的,幸福
[01:28.463] 如果我能抓住他,我会设法带给你
[01:34.345] 给你我全部的爱和幸福