

歌名 Karma
歌手 Zulpikar
专辑 Retribution
[00:00.000] 作词 : Angry Jersey
[00:00.447] 作曲 : 无
[00:00.894] Where's my music box
[00:15.395] Ahh I'm wide awake
[00:17.392] Okay I'm not sober not tipsy now wait
[00:21.640] Man you hungover this is 2019 now
[00:25.645] Nahh I'm good I remember esman and he's drink pourin wait what?
[00:32.891] You got up where's the mirror oh shoot forget about it you too fat I'm hoping you kill your self a minute later you takin or bath or?
[00:42.643] Oh not who am I?
[00:45.139] You are you are sir hahaha
[00:48.146] who's talkin to me
[00:50.400] these walls I didn't pay for to listen to next guys
[00:53.894] Oh pardon I'm not a neighbor nor a babe I'm inside you you hear me nahhh cuz I'm your karma
[01:03.146] When He's back karma's coming back
[01:05.899] What's lack he's standing on the deck
[01:09.149] If I die whether to cry
[01:11.890] Bye bye cuz nothin ain’t mine
[01:15.139] When He's back karma's coming back
[01:18.146] What's lack he's standing on the deck
[01:21.141] If I die whether to cry
[01:23.895] Bye bye cuz nothin ain mine
[01:26.391] What now is this some kinda joke some kinda show now? Trueman aight I got it
[01:32.647] I hope so but I think not still you think you head red 2015 now?
[01:38.151] Oh i knew I'm nuts where's my ear rings uhh who is this in the mirror??? is that me?
[01:44.640] Sure “J” what you gonna say,Ain't no lady killer huh? Call one up you deserted
[01:50.144] imma call
[01:51.898] Who?
[01:52.398] Imma call
[01:53.151] Here's the phone
[01:54.395] Hey Siri call Kawsar
[01:55.892] Yo man since you went to Changsha We're over nothin left to say me ain't no doctor
[02:03.646] What the
[02:04.390] Hear me out
[02:04.890] Nah I owe you life and Erxis
[02:08.151] You something else don't bother callin back
[02:10.647] just get the hell out of my head
[02:14.399] When He's back karma's coming back
[02:17.149] What's lack he's standing on the deck
[02:20.144] If I die whether to cry
[02:22.898] Bye bye cuz nothin ain mine
[02:26.147] When He's back karma's coming back
[02:29.142] What's lack he's standing on the deck
[02:31.895] If I die whether to cry
[02:34.891] Bye bye cuz nothin ain mine
[02:37.141] I'm driving off
[02:38.651] ”J” please stop ain't no way to get rid off me
[02:42.146] Nah I just got drunk you givin me this what you are
[02:46.151] You got somethin your mom your dad
[02:50.145] Ohh ok don't you wanna see'em for last time
[02:53.397] What you mean last time
[02:56.392] Shirley no captain come back boy
[02:57.146] You goin too fast
[02:58.401] Yeah I live life in the fast lane
[03:00.398] Guess beggars cant be choosy
[03:02.649] Losing my friends I got my mom in debt But I'll do what I can
[03:06.900] Yeah you mom said to be a man
[03:09.650] Mom I'm sorry
[03:10.649] Slow the speed down “J”
[03:12.392] Why any excuse to live
[03:14.642] Just park
[03:15.398] damn this car man I'm sucicidal,Get out my head ok? i can not see the road
[03:21.401] Ahh damn I love you grandma
[03:23.398] Where the hell is Zulyar though
[03:25.395] When He's back karma's coming back
[03:28.402] What's lack he's standing on the deck
[03:31.152] If I die whether to cry
[03:34.148] Bye bye cuz nothin ain mine
[03:36.901] When He's back karma's coming back
[03:40.149] What's lack he's standing on the deck
[03:44.143] If I die whether to cry
[03:45.898] Bye bye cuz nothin ain mine
[00:00.894] (我音乐盒呢?)
[00:15.395] (我醒了)
[00:17.392] (好吧 我不是很清醒 也不是烂醉,等等!)
[00:21.640] (心魔说:兄弟 你宿醉未醒 都2019年了)
[00:25.645] (不不不 我好着呢 我记得esman给我倒酒来着,等下,你说撒?)
[00:32.891] (心魔:你醒了 你照照镜子,算了 忘了你变成了虎背熊腰的家伙,我还想让你多享受些光阴,去哪儿?你要洗澡?)
[00:42.643] (不洗,然后进浴室照镜子看到自己说 卧 我是谁)
[00:45.139] (心魔:正如你所见,你就是你自己啊 哈哈哈)
[00:48.146] (等下是谁在跟我说话)
[00:50.400] (这房子隔音这么差?我不是为了听隔壁人的声音才付的房租!)
[00:53.894] (心魔:噢 不好意思 我不是你的邻居或是你,我在你里面,与你融为一体,你能听到,我是你的报应)
[01:03.146] (他回归时因果报应紧跟着他)
[01:05.899] (还缺什么?他正站在船跳板上)
[01:09.149] (要死还是要哭?)
[01:11.890] (再见!反正什么也不属于我)
[01:15.139] (他回归时因果报应紧跟着他)
[01:18.146] (还缺什么?他正站在船跳板上)
[01:21.141] (要死还是要哭?)
[01:23.895] (再见!反正什么也不属于我)
[01:26.391] (这是撒?玩笑?真人秀?奥 我懂了 是楚门的世界对吧)
[01:32.647] (心魔:我也希望是,但事与愿违 你还以为现在是2015 还以为你的头发是红色的?)
[01:38.151] (我去 我知道我是疯子 但这太荒谬不经了吧 我的耳钉呢?啊 卧 这镜子里是谁?我?)
[01:44.640] (心魔:对啊 ”J” 你想说什么,不是少女杀了对吧,任凭你给谁打个电话 你已经被嫌弃了 兄弟)
[01:50.144] (我要打给)
[01:51.898] (谁?)
[01:52.398] (我要打给…)
[01:53.151] (给给给 手机给你)
[01:54.395] (siri 呼叫Kawsar)
[01:55.892] (Kawsar在电话里:yo兄弟 从你去长沙开始 我们就一别两欢 没什么好说的了 我也不是你dr.dre了)
[02:03.646] (撒?)
[02:04.390] (Kawsar:先听我说)
[02:04.890] (不不不 我欠你太多 还有清汤二细)
[02:08.151] (Kawsar:你变了 兄弟 别回电话了)
[02:10.647] (啊!! 滚出我的脑袋)
[02:14.399] (他回归时因果报应紧跟着他)
[02:17.149] (还缺什么?他正站在船跳板上)
[02:20.144] (要死还是要哭?)
[02:22.898] (再见!反正什么也不属于我)
[02:26.147] (他回归时因果报应紧跟着他)
[02:29.142] (还缺什么?他正站在船跳板上)
[02:31.895] (要死还是要哭?)
[02:34.891] (再见!反正什么也不属于我)
[02:37.141] (我要开车走了)
[02:38.651] (心魔:“J”停车好吧,你逃不出我的手掌心 徒劳罢了)
[02:42.146] (去你的 我就喝个酒 你就让痛苦接踵而至?你到底是撒?)
[02:46.151] (心魔:你还有母亲)
[02:50.145] (心魔:喔 好吧 你难道不想见他们最后一面?)
[02:53.397] (最后一次?是什么意思?)
[02:56.392] (Shireli 去他的 船长酒吧 别上班了 赶紧回来)
[02:57.146] (心魔:你开得太快了)
[02:58.401] (对 我就过着快餐式的生活)
[03:00.398] (心魔:我猜乞丐不会有太多的选择对吧)
[03:02.649] (但我会试着做好我力所能及的)
[03:06.900] (心魔:对 前天还说让你活得像个男人)
[03:09.650] (妈妈 对不起)
[03:10.649] (心魔:别开这么快了 “J”)
[03:12.392] (为什么?有理由继续苟延残喘?)
[03:14.642] (心魔:把车停下来)
[03:15.398] (去他的这辆车 我的想法是自取灭亡的)
[03:21.401] (啊啊 我爱你奶奶)
[03:23.398] ( 对了 Zulyar呢?)《同时发生车祸》
[03:25.395] (他回归时因果报应紧跟着他)
[03:28.402] (还缺什么?他正站在船跳板上)
[03:31.152] (要死还是要哭?)
[03:34.148] (再见!反正什么也不属于我)
[03:36.901] (他回归时因果报应紧跟着他)
[03:40.149] (还缺什么?他正站在船跳板上)
[03:44.143] (要死还是要哭?)