The Daring Young Man On The Flying Trapeze

The Daring Young Man On The Flying Trapeze

歌名 The Daring Young Man On The Flying Trapeze
歌手 Bill Schustik
专辑 Live At the Barracks
[00:15.12] Once I was happy, but now I'm forlorn
[00:19.54] Just like an old coat that is tattered and torn
[00:24.17] Left on this world to fret and to mourn
[00:28.32] Betrayed by a maid in her teens
[00:32.49] The girl that I loved she was handsome
[00:35.95] I tried all I knew her to please
[00:39.17] But I could not please her one quarter so well
[00:42.74] As the man upon the trapeze
[00:49.20] He'd fly through the air with the greatest of ease
[00:53.71] That daring young man on the flying trapeze
[00:57.41] His movements were graceful, all girls he could please
[01:01.24] And my love he purloined away
[01:10.72] This young man by name was Signor Bona Slang
[01:14.82] Tall, big and handsome, as well made as Chang
[01:18.14] Where'er he appeared the hall loudly rang
[01:21.60] With ovation from all people there
[01:25.36] He'd smile from the bar on the people below
[01:29.51] And one night he smiled on my love
[01:32.78] She wink'd back at him and she shouted "Bravo"
[01:36.60] As he hung by his nose up above
[01:43.70] He'd fly through the air with the greatest of ease
[01:48.18] That daring young man on the flying trapeze
[01:52.30] His movements were graceful, all girls he could please
[01:55.89] And my love he purloined away
[02:06.50] Her father and mother were both on my side
[02:10.09] And very hard tried to make her my bride
[02:13.96] Her father he sighed, and her mother she cried
[02:17.64] To see her throw herself away
[02:21.34] It was all no avail, she went there every night
[02:24.82] And would throw him bouquets on the stage
[02:28.30] Which caused him to meet her; how he ran me down
[02:32.91] To tell you would take a whole page
[02:40.02] He'd fly through the air with the greatest of ease
[02:44.29] That daring young man on the flying trapeze
[02:48.34] His movements were graceful, all girls he could please
[02:52.00] And my love he purloined away
[02:58.85] One night I as usual went to her dear home
[03:02.74] Found there her father and mother alone
[03:06.42] I asked for my love, and soon they made known
[03:10.41] To my horror that she'd run away
[03:14.20] She'd packed up her box and eloped in the night
[03:17.88] With him, with the greatest of ease
[03:21.42] From two stories high he had lowered her down
[03:25.38] To the ground on his flying trapeze
[03:31.45] He'd fly through the air with the greatest of ease
[03:35.34] That daring young man on the flying trapeze
[03:39.51] His movements were graceful, all girls he could please
[03:43.14] And my love he purloined away
[03:51.61] Some months after this I went to the hall
[03:55.69] To my surprised to see on the wall
[03:59.47] A bill in red letters, which did my heart gall
[04:03.10] That she was appearing with him
[04:06.66] He'd taught her gymnastics and dressed her in tights
[04:10.53] To help him live at his ease
[04:13.94] She made her assume a masculine name
[04:17.81] And now she goes on the trapeze
[04:25.90] Oh, she floats through the air with the greatest of ease
[04:29.77] You'd think her a man on the flying trapeze
[04:33.40] She does all the work while he takes his ease
[04:37.01] And that's what's become of my love
[04:40.64] He'd fly through the air with the greatest of ease
[04:44.30] That daring young man on the flying trapeze
[04:48.14] His movements were graceful, all girls he could please
[04:51.61] And my love he
[04:56.50] Purloined away
[00:15.12] 曾经我很快乐现在我很孤独
[00:19.54] 就像一件破破烂烂的旧外套
[00:24.17] 世界留给我的只有烦恼和悲伤
[00:28.32] 因为我被一个少女背叛了
[00:32.49] 我爱上的女孩很漂亮
[00:35.95] 我尽我所能的让她开心
[00:39.17] 却没能成功取悦她
[00:42.74] 飞上空中的那个男人
[00:49.20] 他悠闲地飞在空中
[00:53.71] 大胆的年轻人翱翔在空中
[00:57.41] 他动作优雅 吸引了所有的女孩
[01:01.24] 他偷走了我的女孩
[01:10.72] 这个年轻人叫做 Signor Bona Slang
[01:14.82] 和Chang一样高大英俊
[01:18.14] 他一出现在大厅
[01:21.60] 所有人都报以热烈的掌声
[01:25.36] 他对着吧台下面的人微笑
[01:29.51] 有一天晚上他对着我的女孩微笑
[01:32.78] 她对他眨了眨眼睛并说了一句真棒
[01:36.60] 他欣然以往
[01:43.70] 他悠闲地飞在空中
[01:48.18] 大胆的年轻人翱翔在空中
[01:52.30] 他动作优雅 吸引了所有的女孩
[01:55.89] 他偷走了我的女孩
[02:06.50] 她的爸妈都站在我这边
[02:10.09] 并且努力说服她嫁给我
[02:13.96] 她的父亲叹气 她的母亲哭泣
[02:17.64] 因为看见她这样糟蹋自己
[02:21.34] 然而并没有用 她每天晚上都去那里
[02:24.82] 并把花束扔在舞台上
[02:28.30] 他打败了我 和她相遇相知
[02:32.91] 说起来还有一整页纸
[02:40.02] 他悠闲地飞在空中
[02:44.29] 大胆的年轻人翱翔在空中
[02:48.34] 他动作优雅 吸引了所有的女孩
[02:52.00] 他偷走了我的女孩
[02:58.85] 一天晚上我和往常一样去她家
[03:02.74] 只看到了她爸妈
[03:06.42] 我问起她去哪了 他们也不知道
[03:10.41] 正如我害怕的那样 她走了
[03:14.20] 她收好行李连夜和他私奔了
[03:17.88] 她带着所有的期待和他走了
[03:21.42] 他从两层楼上把她放下来
[03:25.38] 倒在他的空中秋千上
[03:31.45] 他悠闲地飞在空中
[03:35.34] 大胆的年轻人翱翔在空中
[03:39.51] 他动作优雅 吸引了所有的女孩
[03:43.14] 他偷走了我的女孩
[03:51.61] 几个月之后我去了庄园
[03:55.69] 惊讶地看着墙上
[03:59.47] 一张红字请柬让我感到心酸
[04:03.10] 上面写着他们俩的名字
[04:06.66] 他给她穿上紧身衣并且教她体操
[04:10.53] 为了让他轻松一点
[04:13.94] 她重新取了一个男性化的名字
[04:17.81] 现在她变成了空中飞人
[04:25.90] 她悠闲地飞在空中
[04:29.77] 别人都以为空中飞人是个男人
[04:33.40] 她做了所有的工作而他休息
[04:37.01] 然而我知道那是我的女孩
[04:40.64] 他悠闲地飞在空中
[04:44.30] 大胆的年轻人翱翔在空中
[04:48.14] 他动作优雅 吸引了所有的女孩
[04:51.61] 他偷走了我的女孩
[04:56.50] 他偷走了我的女孩