For The Throne

For The Throne

歌名 For The Throne
歌手 张家源(lenient)
歌手 l.luther
专辑 For The Throne
[00:00.000] 作词 : 张家源(lenient)/l.luther
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 张家源(lenient)/l.luther
[00:26.682] 制作人:l.luther
[00:27.681] Lenient:
[00:31.181] Can you show me something
[00:33.184] I got nothing
[00:34.933] Don' need you kiss me
[00:36.930] Now start begging
[00:38.932] Can you show me something
[00:40.684] I got nothing
[00:42.680] Don' need you kiss me
[00:44.683] Now start begging
[00:45.933] l.luther:
[00:47.180] 一切变太快 掏空我口袋
[00:47.682] 生不带来死也带不走
[00:49.681] Wanna be a man 先学会等待
[00:51.431] 想要的早晚都有
[00:53.433] When you wanna try who the best price
[00:55.430] Try stop me now they see me rise
[00:57.432] 阻碍我的人 只能被淘汰
[00:59.183] 你怎么跟我斗
[01:00.934] Lenient:
[01:01.433] 期待使命的靠近
[01:03.428] 所有困难一次踏平
[01:05.432] 从不在乎你的质疑
[01:09.184] Struggling before ruin
[01:11.184] 从不惧怕以退为进
[01:13.179] 天赋异禀的困境
[01:16.684] l.luther:
[01:17.431] Why slow down
[01:18.934] 进化到究极
[01:20.931] 速度快到无法复制
[01:22.683] 哥们现在加足马力
[01:24.184] 只能看到我的背影
[01:24.683] Lenient:
[01:26.434] Can’t nobody spend it like me
[01:28.432] I got ice in my vein
[01:30.182] Please don’t come to LA
[01:31.684] We’ve got the only one king
[01:31.932] l.luther:
[01:33.684] 质疑全部接受秀出我的肌肉
[01:35.431] 用最精英技术击败所有对手
[01:37.682] 用心寻觅不一样的机会
[01:39.683] 我的思维时刻保持戒备
[01:41.683] 全都没有还手力 只能逃避
[01:43.685] 口味向来就 如此挑剔
[01:45.681] 他们看到我立正稍息
[01:47.685] Now do you know me ?
[01:47.930] Lenient:
[01:49.434] ei eii eiii eiiii eiiii eiiii eiiiii
[02:02.431] l.luther:
[02:03.684] 一切变太快 掏空我口袋
[02:04.682] 生不带来死也带不走
[02:06.430] Wanna be a man 先学会等待
[02:08.434] 想要的早晚都有
[02:10.436] When you wanna try who the best price
[02:12.185] Try stop me now they see me rise
[02:14.185] 阻碍我的人 只能被淘汰
[02:15.933] 你怎么跟我斗
[02:17.186] Lenient:
[02:18.184] 期待使命的靠近
[02:20.432] 所有困难一次踏平
[02:22.184] 从不在乎你的质疑
[02:25.936] Struggling before ruin
[02:28.186] 从不惧怕以退为进
[02:29.934] 天赋异禀的困境
[02:48.935] 嗯...
[00:31.181] 你想要展现点什么
[00:33.184] 我什么都没有
[00:34.933] 不需要你的吻
[00:36.930] 现在开始乞求吧
[00:38.932] 你想要展现点什么
[00:40.684] 我什么都没有
[00:42.680] 不需要你的吻
[00:44.683] 现在开始乞求吧
[00:49.681] 想要成为男人 先学会等待
[00:53.433] 你什么时候想尝试 什么最昂贵
[00:55.430] 试着阻挡我吧 他们现在看着我崛起
[01:09.184] 毁灭之前挣扎
[01:17.431] 为什么慢下来了
[01:26.434] 没有人能像我一样度过
[01:28.432] 我的血液已结冰
[01:30.182] 请别来洛杉矶
[01:31.684] 我们已经拥有唯一的王
[01:47.685] 现在你懂我了吗
[01:49.434] 诶 诶 诶 诶 诶 诶...
[02:06.430] 想要成为男人 先学会等待
[02:10.436] 你什么时候想尝试 什么最昂贵
[02:12.185] 试着阻挡我吧 他们现在看着我崛起
[02:25.936] 毁灭之前挣扎