

歌名 Berlin
歌手 James Forest
歌手 The East Road
专辑 Berlin
[00:25.000] Berlin is still sleeping,clouds on the ceiling
[00:30.000] Me,I roam the naked streets
[00:37.000] The old Turkish fellows
[00:39.85] they're smoking their tobacco
[00:43.040] oh,what a perfume it brings
[00:47.000] The first rays of sun appear over the buildings
[00:58.000] I'm going to the water to watch diamonds dancing
[01:10.84] and gaze at the trees
[01:43.000] A part of me is free, a part of me is not
[01:48.29] a part of me is gone with the midnight dust
[01:54.000] My brain wants to leave,my body wants to stay
[02:00.43] since all my souls blown away
[02:04.000] The first rays of sun appear over the buildings
[02:16.000] I'm going to the water to watch diamonds dancing
[02:27.14] and gaze at the trees
[02:33.21] and gaze at the trees
[03:28.00] If only you would know what you mean to me
[03:41.02] it would appease all your wounds
[03:51.000] If only you would know what you mean to me
[04:03.02] it would appease all your wounds
[05:02.000] The first rays of sun
[05:14.000] The first rays of sun
[05:26.000] The first rays of sun
[05:38.000] The first rays of sun
[00:25.000] 一片寂静的柏林
[00:30.000] 空荡的街头我漫游其中
[00:37.000] 土耳其的老伙计
[00:39.85] 在一旁吞云吐雾
[00:43.040] 特别的烟草味道
[00:47.000] 熹微晨光,轻轻越过屋顶
[00:58.000] 要去大海,看那波光粼粼
[01:10.84] 侧过脸庞,凝视树林荫翳
[01:43.000] 自由与束缚在内心交织
[01:48.29] 午夜的尘埃将带我远离
[01:54.000] 冲突不断的理想和现实
[02:00.43] 从此我的灵魂随风而去
[02:04.000] 熹微晨光,轻轻越过屋顶
[02:16.000] 要去大海,看那波光粼粼
[02:27.14] 侧过脸庞,凝视树林荫翳
[02:33.21] 缓缓的,仿佛时间静止
[03:28.00] 你若明白你代表的意义
[03:41.02] 所有伤痕自然便会痊愈
[03:51.000] 你若明白你代表的意义
[04:03.02] 所有伤痕自然便会痊愈
[05:02.000] 太阳升起
[05:14.000] 新的一天来临
[05:26.000] 太阳升起
[05:38.000] 新的一天来临