

歌名 Runaway
歌手 Ekali
歌手 Reo Cragun
专辑 Runaway
[00:14.14] Yeah, been there body a quick (uh)
[00:17.05] Yeah, I've been savin' the chips
[00:18.80] Look, I'm goin' out on a limb (yeah)
[00:21.00] I know I sink or I swim (woo)
[00:22.97] I haven't prayed in a while
[00:24.06] I need guidance (true)
[00:26.82] I've been depressed for a while
[00:28.04] I need light
[00:29.97] **** outta line, I'mma spinnin' outta here
[00:31.50] Like a forty dash (Push, push)
[00:33.94] I'll pay a price if I stay out of fear
[00:35.66] I'mma hit the gas (push, push)
[00:37.10] I want the love and respect
[00:38.46] Only **** that I'm greedy for (I'm greedy, I'm greedy)
[00:41.04] D-day, great is the only thing I'm leaning for
[00:45.00] I can't be how you're thinking what if (yeah)
[00:48.98] I can't be held you on the fence (noy)
[00:52.68] Now is about time I start heading out
[00:56.00] I'm goin' goin', goin', goin', goin', goin'
[00:59.85] Make a change, gotta change
[01:03.43] Runaway, runaway
[01:07.10] Don't be afraid through the race
[01:11.00] Runaway, runaway (aha)
[01:30.94] Quick as a bullet, I stop
[01:32.10] You're too needy
[01:32.92] Yeah, you could bet that I took it (yeah)
[01:34.86] I hit the earth with the wind
[01:35.88] So I made that shakin' now everyone lookin' (woo)
[01:38.30] I had to get on the road
[01:39.98] Nah, I ain't gonna look back
[01:42.04] I did this **** on my own
[01:43.97] Now look where we at
[01:45.20] Stay outta line and spinnin' outta here
[01:46.94] Like a forty dash (push, push)
[01:49.09] It was never about the money
[01:50.90] Girl, it was more than that (push, push)
[01:53.03] Couldn't stay no more
[01:54.85] I be honest now, I had to go
[01:56.93] 'Cause now I gotta know who (nah)
[02:00.20] I can't be how you're thinking what if (yeah)
[02:04.08] I can't be held you on the fence (noy)
[02:08.00] Now is about time I start heading out
[02:11.95] I'm goin', goin', goin', goin', goin', goin'
[02:15.05] Make a change, gotta change
[02:19.00] Runaway, runaway
[02:22.22] Don't be afraid through the race
[02:26.26] Runaway, runaway
[02:30.13] Make a change, gotta change
[02:34.00] Runaway, runaway
[02:37.97] Don't be afraid through the race
[02:41.60] Runaway, runaway
[00:14.14] 是啊 一时兴起 只身到此(啊)
[00:17.05] 是的 我一直在挣扎
[00:18.80] 你看我现在孤立无援(确实)
[00:21.00] 我明白 我要么就此沉沦 要么奋起一搏 (哇哦哦)
[00:22.97] 我有一阵子未祈祷了
[00:24.06] 此刻我需要指引(没错)
[00:26.82] 近日来我一直郁郁寡欢
[00:28.04] 我需要愉悦时刻
[00:29.97] 条条框框的生活糟透了, 我受困于此
[00:31.50] 如同一场四十分钟的冲刺(迫不得已)
[00:33.94] 如若我臣服于恐惧而留下 那么必要自食其果
[00:35.66] 我觉得自己快要窒息(无处可逃)
[00:37.10] 我想要被爱被尊重
[00:38.46] 难道这样也算贪婪(说我贪婪也罢)
[00:41.04] 在登陆日那天 我只倾心于它的伟大
[00:45.00] 如果我成为不了你眼中的我(这样的话)
[00:48.98] 我就给不了你要的安全感(不行)
[00:52.68] 现在 是时候整装待发了
[00:56.00] 我要去冒险,冒险,冒险,冒险,冒险
[00:59.85] 改变现状,发现“新大陆”
[01:03.43] 远离眼前这一切,远离纷扰
[01:07.10] 不要害怕 大步向前冲
[01:11.00] 远离这烦扰世俗 开辟专属的一方净土(啊~)
[01:30.94] 快如闪电,我停下
[01:32.10] 你的精神世界太过贫乏
[01:32.92] 是啊,你本可以相信我能所向无敌
[01:34.86] 我用风让大地战栗
[01:35.88] 所以我做到了 现在人人渴望有我一样得勇气(哇哦哦)
[01:38.30] 我必须不停向前
[01:39.98] 不会的,我不会再回头了
[01:42.04] 仅凭一己之力 我做到了
[01:43.97] 现在再看看我的人生
[01:45.20] 冲破窠臼 敢为人先
[01:46.94] 每时每刻都似冲刺(冲,冲)
[01:49.09] 这从未关乎钱财
[01:50.90] 女孩,这远非钱财能衡量的(醒醒吧)
[01:53.03] 不能再逗留一分一秒
[01:54.85] 我现在实话实说,我必须要向前出发
[01:56.93] 因为我现在明白了 不论是谁(不管哪位)
[02:00.20] 如果我辜负你眼中的我(这样一来)
[02:04.08] 我就成为不了你的依靠(不会成为)
[02:08.00] 现在 是时候出发了
[02:11.95] 我要探索,探索,探索,探索,探索,探索
[02:15.05] 改变自我 探索未知
[02:19.00] 远离尘嚣 逃离这千篇一律的世俗
[02:22.22] 不要害怕 往前冲就好
[02:26.26] 远离俗世,另辟乐园
[02:30.13] 改变现状,感知不同
[02:34.00] 远离尘世,远离烦扰
[02:37.97] 不要害怕冲破牢笼
[02:41.60] 逃离这厌倦尘世 寻得别样天堂