You've Got A Lot To Say

You've Got A Lot To Say

歌名 You've Got A Lot To Say
歌手 Better Than The Book
专辑 Hopes and Dreams
[00:12.439] I know i don't have it all
[00:18.297] And i often fear it's not enough for you
[00:23.868] But your voice is all i need
[00:28.651] To get me through the day
[00:42.233] This world's not a easy place to be
[00:48.073] And tomorrow often seems unfaceable
[00:54.191] But you never have to feel alone
[00:58.481] And i'll be here by your side
[01:05.129] You've got a lot to say and i'm here if you need to say it
[01:24.266] I know you want to be strong
[01:29.847] And i know i'm not always the strongest
[01:35.431] But neither one of us has to be , all the time
[01:40.259] And we can always talk it out
[01:47.419] You 've got a lot to say, and i've something to sak of you
[01:58.331] Will you listen to me too?
[02:04.166] Doesn't matter if it's only you
[02:10.280] Will you listen to me too?
[02:16.113] Doesn't matter if it's only you
[02:20.666] Only you
[02:32.385] I've got a lot to say'please hear me out
[03:03.021] There may be times when if feels like nnothing's worth it anymore
[03:08.325] And things are meaningless
[03:14.968] But the darkest time's before the dawn
[03:17.886] And thestrongest seeds grow up frome that darkness
[03:26.668] So don't force on a brave face
[03:30.116] Remember that it's ok not to be ok
[03:35.957] And no matter how long it takes
[03:38.091] This'll fade away
[03:44.203] And it'll be ok
[03:56.422] You've got a lot to say and i'm here for every word
[00:12.439] 我知道我并不拥有一切
[00:18.297] 我也总是担心这些满足不了你
[00:23.868] 但你的声音是我的全部
[00:28.651] 帮助我渡过每一天
[00:42.233] 生活在这个世界不容易
[00:48.073] 明日看起来总是困难重重
[00:54.191] 但你不必感到孤独
[00:58.481] 因为我会站在你的一边
[01:05.129] 你有很多话想说,如果你想的话,我会聆听
[01:24.266] 我知道你想变的强大
[01:29.847] 我也知道我不会一直那么坚韧
[01:35.431] 但我们不必总这样
[01:40.259] 我们可以互相安慰
[01:47.419] 你有很多话想说,我也一样
[01:58.331] 你也会聆听我吗?
[02:04.166] 不论是不是只有你一人
[02:10.280] 你也会聆听我吗?
[02:16.113] 不论是不是只有你一人
[02:20.666] 只有你
[02:32.385] 我有很多话想说,也请你聆听吧
[03:03.021] 有天,如果觉得一切都那么索然无味
[03:08.325] 一切都是徒劳
[03:14.968] 这只是黎明前的黑暗
[03:17.886] 最强壮的种子会在黑暗中生长
[03:26.668] 所以不要怂恿一个人
[03:30.116] 就算不好也没关系
[03:35.957] 无论花上多久
[03:38.091] 它终有一天会消散
[03:44.203] 一切都会回归正轨
[03:56.422] 你有很多话想说,而我会仔细聆听