Darkest Moment

Darkest Moment

歌名 Darkest Moment
歌手 Dawin
专辑 Darkest Moment
[00:00.000] 作词 : Dawin Polanco
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Dawin Polanco
[00:13.717] I guess we could say that,
[00:16.636] The beginning was better
[00:19.624] Than the days before the end
[00:26.390] All I could think of
[00:29.174] is the journey that lead us
[00:32.365] To be strangers once again
[00:36.608] How could I believe you ever loved me
[00:39.647] When you put other things All the way above me
[00:42.746] I don't understand why I gave you my gold
[00:45.912] My gold was my time, my body, and soul
[00:49.003] How could I believe you ever loved me
[00:52.131] When you put other things All the way above me
[00:55.270] Even by your side you were made me feel alone
[00:58.500] I remember being much better on my own
[01:01.760] This is my darkest moment
[01:04.578] Fixing myself, I'm broken
[01:07.679] When your true colors showed
[01:10.297] You just seemed like somebody that I don't know
[01:13.988] This is my darkest moment
[01:17.107] Fixing myself, I'm broken
[01:20.292] I didn't wanna let you go
[01:22.690] But if I didn't we were never gonna grow
[01:26.085] Grow-Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
[01:32.256] Grow-Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
[01:38.519] Grow-Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
[01:41.193] My life is a tunnel
[01:44.574] But I'll find a flashlight
[01:47.561] To guide me through the dark
[01:53.957] Cause I have the strength to
[01:57.381] Pull through and conquer
[02:00.163] Even if the light is far
[02:04.495] How could I believe you ever loved me
[02:07.463] When you put other things All the way above me
[02:10.546] I don't understand why I gave you my gold
[02:13.754] My gold was my time, my body, and soul
[02:16.838] How could I believe you ever loved me
[02:20.022] When you put other things All the way above me
[02:23.110] Even by your side you were made me feel alone
[02:26.328] I remember being much better on my own
[02:29.497] This is my darkest moment
[02:32.441] Fixing myself, I'm broken
[02:35.568] When your true colors showed
[02:38.091] You just seemed like somebody that I don't know
[02:42.018] This is my darkest moment
[02:45.053] Fixing myself, I'm broken
[02:48.154] I didn't wanna let you go
[02:50.537] But if I didn't we were never gonna grow
[02:53.927] Grow-Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
[03:00.099] Grow-Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
[03:06.299] Grow-Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
[00:13.717] 我猜我们说的出口
[00:16.636] 故事的开始
[00:19.624] 总比结局美好
[00:26.390] 所有我能想到的
[00:29.174] 是我们携手共进的旅途
[00:32.365] 我们再一次形同陌路
[00:36.608] 我怎样才能相信你曾经爱我
[00:39.647] 当你始终将其他事置我之上
[00:42.746] 我不明白为何我把最珍视的东西给了你
[00:45.912] 那是我的生命,我的全身,还有我的灵魂
[00:49.003] 你要我如何相信你曾经爱我
[00:52.131] 当我在你心中永远位列其次
[00:55.270] 甚至在你身旁我都深感孤独
[00:58.500] 我记得我孤身一人追逐奋斗
[01:01.760] 这是我的至暗时刻
[01:04.578] 我修补着,我已碎裂
[01:07.679] 当你本性显露时
[01:10.297] 我仿佛不曾认识
[01:13.988] 至暗时刻
[01:17.107] 我不停的将破损的我修整起来
[01:20.292] 我不想你走
[01:22.690] 可这样我们永远都无法长大
[01:26.085] 成长-噢····
[01:32.256] 我们不再小孩-噢····
[01:38.519] 我们终将独挡一面-噢····
[01:41.193] 我的人生就是一条隧道
[01:44.574] 但再漫长的黑暗也有光
[01:47.561] 指引着我通过漫漫黑路
[01:53.957] 因为我有着这份毅力去
[01:57.381] 将这片黑暗撕裂并征服
[02:00.163] 即使那座灯塔还在远方
[02:04.495] 你要我怎么相信你曾经爱我
[02:07.463] 你永远将别的东西置我之上
[02:10.546] 我不明白我为你付出了所有
[02:13.754] 我的青春,我的身体,还有我的灵魂
[02:16.838] 我要怎样才能相信你爱过我
[02:20.022] 当我在你心中只能位列其次
[02:23.110] 在你身旁犹感寂寞
[02:26.328] 我仍记得独自一人撑起今日的优秀
[02:29.497] 可现如今
[02:32.441] 我拼凑着我残缺的身体
[02:35.568] 当你露出你真正的狐狸尾巴时
[02:38.091] 像极了素未谋面的陌生人
[02:42.018] 真黑啊
[02:45.053] 我缝补,我碎了
[02:48.154] 我不想你走的
[02:50.537] 但这样我们都不会长大
[02:53.927] 长大-噢····
[03:00.099] 我们都不会再那么幼稚-噢····
[03:06.299] 成长也终让我独挡一面-噢····