

歌名 Carefree
专辑 Rini
[00:32.491] Thrift shop boys, clothe picking like slavery
[00:36.370] Thirty-five millimetre that's how it's suppose to be
[00:40.538] Rooftop chillin time killin watchin sunsets
[00:44.318] Boom box Arizona Aux cassette on tape deck
[00:48.276] We got our paint up on our walls
[00:49.952] Catch your homies when they fall
[00:51.810] Sneakin in to all these concerts
[00:53.726] Drunk fools up on the floor
[00:55.899] I got some dirty working pants
[00:57.869] Paint splattered on my hands
[00:59.766] Steady working off my ass saving for the future plans
[01:04.722] Cruisin with no fears, drinking while he steers
[01:07.755] got the homies in the Back seat never let this end, we got the Christ around our necks
[01:13.690] Mama wait a sec, working, grinding, cooking up without no dirty specs
[01:19.883] We got the 09 Mazda 3, freestyles on the beat
[01:23.726] Yeah, we always keep it fresh with them new kicks on our feet
[01:28.211] Cause we soaring like a rocket
[01:29.845] got mullah in our pockets so call up all your homies cause we about to kick it
[01:35.938] Living life being carefree
[01:37.537] focus on you, you focus on me
[01:40.051] With my team you can't compete
[01:41.821] causing good vibes while keeping the peace
[01:44.110] I need me a piece of that aspiration, lacking confidence I'm hesitating
[01:47.974] Your heart and mind I see separation, no change ain't easy but you gotta make it
[01:52.886] Cutie, cutie with the fat ass booty
[01:54.740] don't mean to interrupt but I'm a little choosy yeah
[01:56.932] So I pick you and if you pick me then so will my chill crew
[02:00.901] Going for long as drives, never leave no homies behind
[02:04.842] gonna never stand in line now watch your street we stealing signs
[02:08.877] Always be pulling them triggers just to get us everywhere
[02:12.782] Driving and shooting and balling knowing that my crew is there
[02:16.702] Flying to the stars, crashing all these cars
[02:21.280] Always be fighting with your friends seeing who got them bars
[02:24.779] Cruisin with no fears, drinking while he steers
[02:28.335] got the homies in the Back seat never let this end, we got the Christ around our necks
[02:34.317] Mama wait a sec, working, grinding, cooking up without no dirty specs
[02:40.360] We got the 09 Mazda 3, freestyles on the beat
[02:44.275] Yeah, we always keep it fresh with them new kicks on our feet
[02:48.301] Cause we soaring like a rocket
[02:50.674] got mullah in our pockets so call up all your homies cause we about to kick it
[02:56.807] All my homies drive we be after dark cruisin
[03:00.791] Don't dare break my chain, either win it or you lose it
[03:04.754] Crew on my back like my Jansport baby
[03:08.760] Everything good everything good, gravy
[00:32.491] 像奴隶般在旧货店里寻找合身的衣服
[00:36.370] 它应该再长25毫米
[00:40.538] 在屋顶看着落日消磨时间
[00:44.318] 大录音机放着Arizona Aux的磁带
[00:48.276] 我们在墙上肆意涂鸦
[00:49.952] 在你哥们跌入低谷时拉住他
[00:51.810] 偷偷溜进所有演唱会
[00:53.726] 烂醉如泥躺在地板上
[00:55.899] 我弄到了些脏兮兮的工装裤
[00:57.869] 油漆弄得满手都是
[00:59.766] 为了未来的蓝图努力存钱
[01:04.722] 肆无忌惮地驾车游荡着 在他开车的时候畅饮
[01:07.755] 哥们都一直坐在后座 把命运交给上帝
[01:13.690] 妈妈稍等一下 工作着 努力着 擦干净眼镜去做饭
[01:19.883] 我们有辆09款的马自达3 在车上放着伴奏freestyle
[01:23.726] Yeah我们一直让脚下的球鞋崭新
[01:28.211] 因为年轻的我们正像火箭一样直冲云霄
[01:29.845] 不顾毛拉(伊斯兰国家对老师的敬称)的劝阻给哥们打电话准备闯出自己的世界
[01:35.938] 无忧无虑地活着
[01:37.537] 专注于你 聚焦自己
[01:40.051] 你和我的队友们无法抗衡
[01:41.821] 因为好的氛围让我们高歌猛进
[01:44.110] 我需要一些灵感 自卑的我仍在踌躇
[01:47.974] 我看到你的心与思想正在剥离 改变虽不易但你必须迈出这一步
[01:52.886] 有着肥臀的女孩
[01:54.740] 我并不是有意撩拨你的心弦但是我有些挑剔
[01:56.932] 所以我选择了你如果你也如此那么我的小团体也这样想
[02:00.901] 驾车远去 永远不会落下我的哥们
[02:04.842] 永远不会排队等待看着我们偷走路标
[02:08.877] 永远准备扣下扳机赶我们走
[02:12.782] 我的团体在此开着车肆意射击横扫一切
[02:16.702] 向着星空进发 撞飞路上的车
[02:21.280] 永远无法停止和朋友打闹看看谁更有种
[02:24.779] 肆无忌惮地驾车游荡着 在他开车的时候畅饮
[02:28.335] 哥们都一直坐在后座 把命运交给上帝
[02:34.317] 妈妈稍等一下 工作着 努力着 擦干净眼镜去做饭
[02:40.360] 我们有辆09款的马自达3 在车上放着伴奏freestyle
[02:44.275] Yeah我们一直让脚下的球鞋崭新
[02:48.301] 因为年轻的我们正像火箭一样直冲云霄
[02:50.674] 不顾毛拉的劝阻给哥们打电话准备闯出自己的世界
[02:56.807] 我和所有的哥们在天黑后开车游荡着
[03:00.791] 别想着搅乱我的生活 要么你死要么我活
[03:04.754] 在背后支持我的挚友就像Jansport的背包一样寸步不离
[03:08.760] 一切安好 发着意外之财