Love Me Too

Love Me Too

歌名 Love Me Too
歌手 Joseph Tilley
歌手 Emilee
专辑 Love Me Too
[00:06.983] Love me too yeah
[00:08.534] Although my friends say
[00:10.053] I'm in too deep
[00:11.767] But ain't nothing better
[00:13.813] Than you and me
[00:15.997] Although the text that
[00:17.821] I never got back
[00:19.279] Hitting me hard now
[00:21.102] Yeah I got it back
[00:23.246] I've done what I know
[00:25.767] It's out of my control
[00:27.894] I hope but now you know
[00:29.637] That I just wanna get you close
[00:31.591] Yeah,I just wanna get you close(yeah,I just wanna,I just wanna)
[00:36.990] I love the way you pull me through it
[00:40.407] I might just be the one for you yeah
[00:44.456] I analyse your every move yeah
[00:47.450] I just want you to Love Me Too(love me too yeah)
[01:01.712] Although your friends say
[01:03.161] That I do you wrong
[01:04.912] But I can't help it
[01:06.769] When I'm in my zone
[01:08.665] You know that I get busy
[01:10.425] You know that I care
[01:12.344] You know I still love you even when you're not here
[01:16.760] I've done what I know
[01:18.312] It's out of my control
[01:20.067] I hope know you know
[01:21.928] That I just wanna get you close
[01:25.888] Yeah,I just wanna get you close(yeah,I just wanna,I just wanna)
[01:30.808] I love the way you pull me through it
[01:32.984] I might just be the one for you yeah
[01:37.384] I analyse your every movie
[01:40.754] I just want you to Love Me Too
[01:45.170] I love the way you pull me through it
[01:48.586] I might just be the one for you yeah
[01:51.641] I analyse your every movie
[01:56.404] I just want you to Love Me Too(love me too )
[02:18.100] Yeah,everything's gonna be ok
[02:19.276] You and me can quit no way
[02:20.596] I don't want nobody else
[02:22.068] Cuz pick it up,I can never left
[02:24.108] All the pain will go away
[02:25.579] Argument's my last full day
[02:27.435] Rain or shine girl either way
[02:29.532] I just want you here with me
[02:33.310] I love the way you pull me through it
[02:37.168] I might just be the one for you yeah
[02:40.255] I analyse your every movie
[02:44.369] I just want you to Love Me Too
[02:47.694] I love the way you pull me through it
[02:51.727] I might just be the one for you yeah
[02:55.401] I analyse your every movie
[02:59.007] I just want you to Love Me Too(love me too yeah )
[03:09.190] Love me too yeah,yeah
[03:12.439] Love me too yeah
[03:16.318] Love me too yeah yeah
[03:20.135] Love me too yeah
[00:06.983] 希望你会对我朝思暮想
[00:08.534] 即便朋友告诫
[00:10.053] 我过于全情投入
[00:11.767] 但没有哪件事可匹敌
[00:13.813] 你我在一起承载的美好
[00:15.997] 即便回复的消息
[00:17.821] 我始终没有收到
[00:19.279] 如今被伤得体无完肤
[00:21.102] 还好 我反击了
[00:23.246] 我清楚自己的行为
[00:25.767] 却无法抑制内心的恶魔
[00:27.894] 我希望你可以理解
[00:29.637] 我只是想不断地靠近你
[00:31.591] 是啊 我只是想与你亲昵依偎(我企盼已久)
[00:36.990] 我喜欢你把我拉入怀中的方式
[00:40.407] 我可能会变成你的专属拍档
[00:44.456] 我分析揣测你心悦的电影
[00:47.450] 我祈愿你同样深爱着我(似我对你那般)
[01:01.712] 即便你朋友劝告
[01:03.161] 我可能错怪了你
[01:04.912] 但我无法自拔
[01:06.769] 当我在自己的脑回路中
[01:08.665] 你理解我每日奔波忙碌
[01:10.425] 你也清楚我在乎你
[01:12.344] 而你知道当你拂袖而去时我仍旧爱你不减
[01:16.760] 我很清醒自己的所作所为
[01:18.312] 这都源于心中的恶魔失了控
[01:20.067] 言不尽意 希望你能理解我
[01:21.928] 我只是想不断靠近你
[01:25.888] 我祈愿你同样深爱着我(似我对你那般)
[01:30.808] 我喜欢你牵起我手的方式
[01:32.984] 我可能会变成你的专属恋人
[01:37.384] 我分析揣测你心悦的电影
[01:40.754] 希望你也情投意合
[01:45.170] 我喜欢你把我拉入怀中的方式
[01:48.586] 我可能会变成你的专属宝贝
[01:51.641] 我反复斟酌你欣赏的电影
[01:56.404] 我只是想与你亲昵依偎(我企盼已久)
[02:18.100] 是啊 一切都会转危为安
[02:19.276] 我们的感情不可轻易放弃
[02:20.596] 我不想要其他人 我只要你
[02:22.068] 因为拾起昔日点滴 所以我不会选择离开
[02:24.108] 所有的伤痕都会随时间褪去
[02:25.579] 与你拌嘴的日子是我生命中最充实的时光
[02:27.435] 无论何时 风雨无阻
[02:29.532] 我只想和你在一起
[02:33.310] 我喜欢你把我拉入怀中的方式
[02:37.168] 我可能会变成你的专属恋人
[02:40.255] 我反复斟酌你欣赏的电影
[02:44.369] 我只想深入了解你的世界 愿你也深爱着我
[02:47.694] 我喜欢你牵起我手的方式
[02:51.727] 我可能会变成你的专属拍档
[02:55.401] 我分析揣测你心悦的电影
[02:59.007] 我只是想与你亲昵依偎(我企盼已久)
[03:09.190] 希望你也心有灵犀
[03:12.439] 我们会是天作之合
[03:16.318] 希望你也情投意合
[03:20.135] 也同样深爱着我