歌名 16
歌手 罗维
专辑 16
[00:00.000] 作词 : 罗维 Weiwei
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 罗维 Weiwei
[00:10.923] 编曲:罗维
[00:11.676] 录音/混音:张晓旭
[00:16.187] When my fingers touch the guitar
[00:16.688] I feel like I’m sitting on Mars
[00:17.691] Touching the stars
[00:20.948] I don’t even need to think of the bars
[00:23.968] When my fingers touch the guitar
[00:27.226] I feel like I’m sitting on Mars
[00:28.267] Touching the stars
[00:31.807] I don’t even need to think of the bars
[00:34.822] I always wanted to break free
[00:38.088] This contained life was never for me
[00:42.358] But I love what I do so bear with me
[00:45.120] 我就要沿着脚下的路勇敢向前
[00:47.902] 毫不畏惧的实现我立下的誓言
[00:50.453] 经历了无数漫长的黑夜
[00:52.961] 声音在混沌中快要撕裂
[00:55.968] 梦中闪现出了一道彩虹
[00:58.238] 飞翔在那片蔚蓝的天空
[01:00.994] 记得那年第一次拿起手中的铅笔
[01:03.752] 写下所有心中所想就为了证明自己
[01:05.005] Take another drink
[01:06.507] I’m chilling at the rink
[01:09.286] Take life slow, said some smart guy I think
[01:10.548] I don’t really care
[01:11.814] My brain is neither here nor there
[01:14.571] I‘m focusing on hitting drumstick on the snare
[01:17.119] Learning different chords was my favorite pastime
[01:19.887] I started writing lyrics since the age of 8 or 9
[01:22.394] this is my only love everything else I've left behind
[01:24.903] my bars and melody are artfully designed
[01:28.412] 朝着梦想去追
[01:35.687] 不管累不累 对不对
[01:40.961] 朝着未来奔跑
[01:46.262] 一切未知都将揭晓
[01:49.273] When my fingers touch the guitar
[01:52.534] I feel like I’m sitting on Mars
[01:53.549] Touching the stars
[01:57.311] I don’t even need to think of the bars
[02:00.089] I always wanted to break free,
[02:03.370] This contained life was never for me
[02:07.634] But I love what I do so bear with me
[02:10.393] 虽然很多时候还是会怀疑自己
[02:13.151] 但是从来没有真正的放弃
[02:16.162] 抛下一切让我头疼的考虑
[02:18.444] 大胆追随自己的想法继续
[02:20.986] 我曾向天空呐喊我会努力
[02:24.504] 想在大千世界里留下我的足迹
[02:26.759] 让所有人都知道我的骨气
[02:28.798] 继续着把想说的话语传递
[02:31.319] i came a long way, went through a whole ordeal
[02:34.086] you tell me to think but my heart tells me to feel
[02:36.606] I'm immersed in my music this world is so unreal
[02:39.871] you may never understsnd how much music appeals
[02:40.873] These strings are my adoration
[02:42.377] Don’t doubt my dedication
[02:43.900] Thousands at the Madison,
[02:45.433] I'm full of motivation
[02:47.969] If you try and place me where I belong
[02:50.500] I’m sorry sir, but youd be wrong
[02:54.040] 朝着梦想去追
[03:01.598] 不管累不累 对不对
[03:04.399] 朝着未来奔跑
[03:11.935] 一切未知都将揭晓
[03:14.719] When my fingers touch the guitar
[03:17.980] I feel like I’m sitting on Mars
[03:19.262] Touching the stars
[03:22.524] I don’t even need to think of the bars
[03:25.306] I always wanted to break free,
[03:28.572] This contained life was never for me
[03:32.839] But I love what I do so bear with me
[03:36.107] When my fingers touch the guitar
[03:39.136] I feel like I’m sitting on Mars
[03:40.161] Touching the stars
[03:43.669] I don’t even need to think of the bars
[03:46.677] I always wanted to break free,
[03:49.935] This contained life was never for me
[04:04.479] But I love what I do so bear with me
[00:16.187] 当我的指尖划过吉他弦时
[00:16.688] 我感到我好像坐在火星上
[00:17.691] 能够触摸到繁星
[00:20.948] 甚至能够再也不用去为世态的炎凉所困扰
[00:23.968] 当我的指尖划过吉他弦时
[00:27.226] 我感到我好像坐在火星上
[00:28.267] 能够触摸到繁星
[00:31.807] 甚至能够再也不用去为世态的炎凉所困扰
[00:34.822] 我一直渴望着冲破藩篱
[00:38.088] 这被束缚着的人生是绝不属于我的
[00:42.358] 没人能阻止我去做我爱的一切
[01:05.005] 再小酌一杯
[01:06.507] 在冰球场冷静下来
[01:09.286] “慢慢享受你的生活吧”,那个智慧的人曾经说过
[01:10.548] 我从不在乎
[01:11.814] 我的思想在其中徘徊不前
[01:14.571] 我只专注于将手中的鼓槌敲下
[01:17.119] 最使我留恋的时光便是我学习各式和弦
[01:19.887] 早在八九岁便开始尝试写歌词
[01:22.394] 这才是我钟爱的一切 无论我放弃了什么都不重要
[01:24.903] 我的小节和旋律都来源于艺术
[01:49.273] 当我的指尖划过吉他弦时
[01:52.534] 我感到我好像坐在火星上
[01:53.549] 能够触摸到繁星
[01:57.311] 甚至能够再也不用去为世态的炎凉所困扰
[02:00.089] 我一直渴望着冲破藩篱
[02:03.370] 这被束缚着的人生是绝不属于我的
[02:07.634] 没人能阻止我去做我爱的一切
[02:31.319] 我不停地追求着我所向往的,经历多无数严酷的考验
[02:34.086] 你让我好好思考但我的心告诉我要认真感受
[02:36.606] 我专注于我的音乐,以至于让我感觉整个世界都不再真实
[02:39.871] 你可能永远无法理解音乐的感染力
[02:40.873] 那琴弦是我之所爱
[02:42.377] 不要怀疑我的投入
[02:43.900] 面对麦迪逊广场上的人群
[02:45.433] 我时刻保持动力十足
[02:47.969] 你若为我指定归属
[02:50.500] 不好意思,但你一定大错特错了
[03:14.719] 当我的指尖划过吉他弦时
[03:17.980] 我感到我好像坐在火星上
[03:19.262] 能够触摸到繁星
[03:22.524] 甚至能够再也不用去为世态的炎凉所困扰
[03:25.306] 我一直渴望着冲破藩篱
[03:28.572] 这被束缚着的人生是绝不属于我的
[03:32.839] 没人能阻止我去做我爱的一切
[03:36.107] 当我的指尖划过吉他弦时
[03:39.136] 我感到我好像坐在火星上
[03:40.161] 能够触摸到繁星
[03:43.669] 甚至能够再也不用去为世态的炎凉所困扰
[03:46.677] 我一直渴望着冲破藩篱
[03:49.935] 这被束缚着的人生是绝不属于我的
[04:04.479] 没人能阻止我去做我爱的一切