Craigie Hill

Craigie Hill

歌名 Craigie Hill
歌手 The Fiddle Case
专辑 Audio Incense
[00:00.001] It being in the springtime when the small birds they were singing
[00:07.771] Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray
[00:15.634] Well the thrushes they were warbling, and the violets they were charming
[00:24.098] To view to lovers talking, a while I did delay
[00:32.326] She said, my dear don′t leave me all for another season
[00:40.451] Though fortune does be pleasing I′ll go along with you
[00:48.287] I′ll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation
[00:56.855] And to the bonny Bann banks forever I ′ll bid adieu
[01:09.655] He said, my dear don′t grieve me or you annoy my patience
[01:18.041] You know I love you dearly the more I′m going away
[01:26.295] I′m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation
[01:34.681] To comfort us here after all in Amerikay
[01:43.353] Then after a short while and a fortune does be pleasing
[01:51.843] It’ll cause them all to smile at our late going away
[02:00.281] We′ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory
[02:08.562] We′ll be drinking wine and porter all in Amerikay
[02:33.848] The landlords and their agents,The bailiffs and their beagles
[02:42.416] The land of our forefathers, we're going for to giveo'er
[02:50.697] And now we're sailing o'er the ocean for honour and promotion
[02:59.344] And parting from our sweethearts-its them we do adore
[03:07.860] If you were lying in your bed and thinking about dying
[03:16.715] The sight of the bonny Bann banks, your sorrow you′d give o′er
[03:24.891] Or if were just one hour, down in yon shady bower,
[03:33.877] Pleasure would surround you, and you'd think on death no more.
[03:42.080] So fare you well, sweet Cragie Hills, where often times I′ve roved
[03:51.040] I never thought my child-days I ′d part you ever more
[03:59.086] Now we′re sailing over the ocean for honour and promotion
[04:07.784] And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore
[00:00.001] 那是春暖花开的时节,小鸟儿们欢快歌唱
[00:07.771] 沿着远处婆娑的海港,我不经迷失了方向
[00:15.634] 画眉鸟柔和地唱着歌,娇媚的紫罗兰竞相开放
[00:24.098] 多情的恋人呢喃低语,我为之踱步彷徨
[00:32.326] 她说,亲爱的请不要在任何季节离我而去
[00:40.451] 虽然命运将我们捉弄,我还要与你在一起
[00:48.287] 我愿离开亲朋好友,放弃爱尔兰民族的祝愿
[00:56.855] 还有那可爱的班恩河岸,我永远都不要说再见
[01:09.655] 他说,亲爱的请不要悲伤,这会让我的决心倍感迷茫
[01:18.041] 你知道即使离开,我只会更强烈地爱你
[01:26.295] 我要去一个遥远的国度,去寻觅一片土地
[01:34.681] 来抚平灾难给我们带来的所有创伤
[01:43.353] 不久以后当一切都已平息
[01:51.843] 我要让所有人都因我们这次离别而幸福
[02:00.281] 我们会快乐的像维多利亚女王一样,有着她最伟大的荣耀
[02:08.562] 我们要在美利坚把美酒佳肴品尝
[02:33.848] 地主和他们的走狗,法警和他们的猎犬
[02:42.416] 这片属于我们祖先的土地,我们将送与他们
[02:50.697] 如今我们航向荣誉和重生的海洋
[02:59.344] 同我们的挚爱分别-我们永不相忘
[03:07.860] 如果你躺在床上正思考着如何死去
[03:16.715] 请想起那可爱的班恩河岸吧,这会抚平你的忧伤
[03:24.891] 幸福会瞬间降临,降临在你幽暗的心房
[03:33.877] 快乐将围绕着你,你将不会再想到死亡
[03:42.080] 所以永别了吧,我可爱的克雷吉山峦,我曾漫游无数次的地方
[03:51.040] 我以为从我孩童时期起就不会再和你分开
[03:59.086] 而如今在这片荣誉和重生的海洋
[04:07.784] 沿着多里安海岸,美丽的船儿已经起航