

歌名 Nanjing
歌手 Hippiez
专辑 城市物语
[00:00.000] 作词 : ZRJ
[00:01.000] 作曲 : ZRJ
[00:21.690] 我骄傲是个南京人,我骄傲生在南京城
[00:23.941] 我骄傲我的先辈在我血液埋藏南京魂
[00:26.940] 虎踞龙盘的神话会在这座城市载入
[00:29.693] 梧桐树的枝叶都会将六朝古都庇护
[00:32.442] you know 夫子庙,总统府,新街口和莫愁湖
[00:35.444] 你知不知道中山陵埋葬孙文先生的 遗骨
[00:37.940] 外码都会嘲笑我们南京人的态度
[00:40.441] 当然一样的皮肤不同的底蕴没有东西守护
[00:43.192] 三十万同胞的鲜血过去撒在这里,
[00:45.940] 曾经弱小被日寇侵虐我们就像蝼蚁
[00:48.692] 珠江路的拉贝故居里面有他写的日记
[00:51.444] 记录1937,那一段段悲伤地回忆
[00:54.445] 这里是我的hood,我走过那些路,还有记录在我眼睛里点点滴滴的view
[00:59.691] Saying NJC永远都是我的city name
[01:02.190] I am getting better, I am not a god shame
[01:05.191] i rapping for my city, I rapping for my hood
[01:07.940] I rapping for myself as local Nanjing dude
[01:10.442] Signing out my dream you know I am getting grow
[01:13.191] RJ town of the king there’s nothing need to prove
[01:15.940] Chigga this is where I’m from, where I getting crown
[01:18.691] Where the dirt bury me into underground
[01:21.440] Just keep running and stay fighting,
[01:23.941] Represent my city let mom stand behind me
[01:27.077] HEY YO,
[01:27.827] 我最后一定荣归故里,
[01:29.329] 我家就在那里怎么舍得将它抛弃
[01:32.076] 一直重复播出的025,就像初生牛犊都一样不怕虎
[01:37.770] 不管读书种树, 还是习武画图,南京原住民都有不一样的包袱
[01:43.017] Big thanks to my G, 一直守护这座城,
[01:45.769] MC光光的势力都会在全国制衡
[01:48.522] 没错,我是新生代的怪兽,带着我的信仰战斗
[01:52.700] 踏平hater的宇宙
[01:53.705] 我身上南京的胎气,背后是祥龙的呼吸
[01:56.699] Anyone say南京不行我给你致命的一击
[01:59.450] Nanjing bred me, fed me, raised me fit me现在开始轮到我要fight for it
[02:04.950] 整座城市的时间都停留在一个空隙,里面标志着NST (Nanjing Standard Time)
[02:10.389] i rapping for my city, I rapping for my hood
[02:13.138] I rapping for myself as local Nanjing dude
[02:15.640] Signing out my dream you know I am getting grow
[02:18.388] RJ town of the king there’s nothing need to prove
[02:21.136] Chigga this is where I’m from, where I getting crown
[02:23.890] Where the dirt bury me into underground
[02:26.386] Just keep running Just stay fighting,
[02:29.134] Represent my city let mom stand behind me
[02:32.135] 我就是南京城的孩子,南京印在我的骨子
[02:34.635] 出门一定都要说着带有南京口音的调子
[02:37.385] 大洋彼岸的浪迹迟早都会让我疲倦,
[02:40.135] 故乡的土地一直在我的脑海重现
[02:42.885] 如果世界,会在明天毁灭,那么南京的城楼我们明天再见
[02:48.136] Don’t say some words like Nanjing is dead
[02:51.139] Fun yall
[02:52.135] That's what Nanjing said
[02:53.885] I rapping for my city, I rapping for my hood
[02:57.135] I rapping for myself as local Nanjing dude
[02:59.387] Signing out my dream you know I am getting grow
[03:02.135] RJ town of the king there’s nothing need to prove
[03:04.885] Chigga this is where I’m from, where I getting crown
[03:07.386] Where the dirt bury me into underground
[03:10.135] Just keep running Just stay fighting,
[03:12.885] Represent my city let mom stand behind me
[01:02.190] 我会越来越好
[01:05.191] 我为我的城市说唱,为我的家乡说唱
[01:07.940] 以南京男孩的身份说唱
[01:10.442] 再见我的梦,我会慢慢长大
[01:13.191] RJ无需证明,即将加冕为王
[01:15.940] 这里是我成长的地方
[01:18.691] 我已深深融入土壤
[01:21.440] 坚持奔跑,战斗
[01:23.941] 代表城市做母亲的骄傲
[02:10.389] 我为我的城市说唱,为我的家乡说唱
[02:13.138] 以南京男孩的身份说唱
[02:15.640] 再见我的梦,我会慢慢长大
[02:18.388] RJ无需证明,即将加冕为王
[02:21.136] 这里是我成长的地方
[02:23.890] 我已深深融入土壤
[02:26.386] 坚持奔跑,战斗
[02:29.134] 代表城市做母亲的骄傲
[02:48.136] 不要说南京的辉煌已经过去
[02:51.139] 呵呵
[02:52.135] 这是南京的回答
[02:53.885] 我为我的城市说唱,为我的家乡说唱
[02:57.135] 以南京男孩的身份说唱
[02:59.387] 再见我的梦,我会慢慢长大
[03:02.135] RJ无需证明,即将加冕为王
[03:04.885] 这里是我成长的地方
[03:07.386] 我已深深融入土壤
[03:10.135] 坚持奔跑,战斗
[03:12.885] 代表城市,做母亲的骄傲