歌手 Tom MacDonald
[00:21.539] I cannot feel guilty for **** that I didn't do
[00:24.718] But I can understand the reasons why you think that I should
[00:27.598] Yeah I'm white but I never put your neck in no noose
[00:30.478] And I never burnt a cross or hid my face with a hood
[00:33.165] You can't just label me racist 'cause I'm related to people
[00:35.893] Who did some terrible **** way back before I was alive
[00:39.002] My parents brought me up to treat everyone as an equal
[00:41.692] I refuse to feel ashamed 'cause of my pretty blue eyes
[00:44.377] **** a ****, **** a white supremist
[00:46.744] **** anyone who labels me as that because of my family genetics
[00:50.318] The hatred for Caucasians is so ****in' pathetic
[00:52.825] Go be proud that you're black, but don't hate me for some credit
[00:55.417] I'm not the white devil, neo-****, cop tryna pull the trigger
[00:59.073] You can call me what you want but I'd still never say...
[01:01.717] The white race as a whole ain't the enemy
[01:04.321] There's racist white people but we're far from that collectively
[01:07.495] White boy, don't say that
[01:10.130] White boy, oh you so bad
[01:12.877] White boy you wish you were black
[01:15.621] White boy, dear white boy
[01:18.490] White boy, white noise
[01:21.658] Sayin' **** I can't say with my white voice
[01:24.344] White boys, white lies
[01:27.229] Don't tell me how to see it through my white eyes
[01:29.841] If a black man is sippin' on some Cognac sittin' next to me
[01:32.848] I don't assume that every black's favorite drink is Hennessy
[01:35.402] I don't dislike Tanesha 'cause her first name isn't Stephanie
[01:38.444] Not only is that wrong, it's a ****in' waste of energy
[01:41.195] Ivory or ebony, 45 or 17
[01:44.062] We all bleed the same, Martin Luther King or Kennedy
[01:47.262] They're angry I'm recitin' the facts
[01:49.133] He's white and he raps, he stole the culture right from the blacks
[01:52.190] Okay, he's fire but we lit the flame, he's siphoning gas
[01:54.963] So **** this corny little honky, man, the whitey is wack
[01:57.877] You lettin' history perpetuate the hatred within
[02:00.441] And then you paint me with the brush you painted slave owners with, yeah
[02:03.773] White boy, don't say that
[02:06.625] White boy, oh you so bad
[02:09.182] White boy you wish you were black
[02:12.287] White boy, dear white boy
[02:15.061] White boy, white noise
[02:18.123] Sayin' **** I can't say with my white voice
[02:20.807] White boys, white lies
[02:23.274] Don't tell me how to see it through my white eyes
[02:25.740] I got a mother, a father, a sister, an auntie and uncle
[02:29.187] And a grandma that I picture when you're openly hatin'
[02:31.228] And god willin' one day I'll have a kid of my own
[02:34.658] I refuse to let you blindly hate my wife or my baby
[02:37.222] So go ahead and hate the racists, I pray for their extinction
[02:40.365] If you wanna hate the white people, just make a distinction
[02:43.223] Between the ones who want the best for everyone regardless
[02:46.297] And the ones who built the system just to smother you with hardship
[02:48.929] Stop before you say it, I know what you been thinkin'
[02:51.478] How's a straight white male in 2018 *****in'?
[02:54.689] You're makin' me the villain by demonizin' my race
[02:57.329] For things I didn't do and decisions I didn't make
[03:00.383] No one that I call a friend has ever owned a slave
[03:03.020] And neither did our dads, or our dad's dads, **** sakes
[03:05.882] Acknowledging atrocities were wrongly committed
[03:08.687] Is all that I can offer when I'm wrongly convicted
[03:11.351] I would never hate a man for what god gave him in pigments
[03:14.581] And I would never plot against him just because he is different
[03:17.076] I would never judge a human for the cards he was given
[03:19.537] Or call them lesser than myself 'cause of the race that he's mixed with
[03:22.598] White people that you hate aren't your neighbors or lawyers
[03:25.585] They're the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bushes, and royals
[03:28.212] They're the people who monopolize the water and oil
[03:31.254] And injected your communities with drugs 'til they spoil
[03:34.025] Got no patience for ****s, I think they're better off dead
[03:36.334] They're fightin' hatred with hatred makin' the hate more intense
[03:39.478] I don't want nothin' to do with either side of the fence
[03:42.460] So don't blindly attack me for wearin' braids on my head
[03:45.120] Hate the people who believe you put yourselves in the ghetto
[03:47.857] Hate the ones who teach they children you ain't **** 'cause they said so
[03:50.724] Hate the ones who think you're all the same and judge you profusely
[03:53.777] 'Cause the way that you're portrayed on our news and in movies
[03:56.278] Bein' white and bein' racist aren't the same man, I promise
[03:59.213] Know it's hard to tell the difference if I'm just bein' honest
[04:02.155] I deserve the chance to show you I'm not part of the problem
[04:05.127] And you owe it to yourselves, we got so much in common
[04:08.054] White boy, don't say that
[04:10.852] White boy, oh you so bad
[04:13.600] White boy you wish you were black
[04:16.417] White boy, dear white boy
[04:19.231] White boy, white noise
[04:22.102] Sayin' **** I can't say with my white voice
[04:25.198] White boys, white lies
[04:27.691] Don't tell me how to see it through my white eyes
[04:30.764] White boy, don't say that
[04:33.600] White boy, oh you so bad
[04:36.127] White boy you wish you were black
[04:38.988] White boy, dear white boy
[00:21.539] 我无法为我没做过的事背负罪恶感
[00:24.718] 但我也能理解为什么你要责怪我
[00:27.598] 是啊,我是白人,但我从未侵犯你
[00:30.478] 我也从未烧过十字架或是藏在帽兜下
[00:33.165] 你不能因为我和那些人有相同的肤色就给我贴上歧视的标签
[00:35.893] 和那些在我出生之前做过惨绝人寰的事情的人
[00:39.002] 我的父母从小教导我平等待人
[00:41.692] 我问心无愧,我拒绝因为我的蓝眼睛而感到羞愧
[00:44.377] 愤怒的你们所说的这些
[00:46.744] 请停止吧仅因为我的血统基因而给我贴这样标签的人
[00:50.318] 对我们的仇视是多么无聊
[00:52.825] 去为你自己自豪吧,但请别无缘由的恨我
[00:55.417] 我又不是你们说的这些人
[00:59.073] 你可以随便称呼我,我也永远不会反驳
[01:01.717] 说真的白人种族不是你们所认为的那样
[01:04.321] 虽然当中总有特例,但那些人寥寥无几
[01:07.495] 小白,可别那样说
[01:10.130] 小白,你坏坏
[01:12.877] 小白,你希望自己是黑肌肤?
[01:15.621] 小白呀小白
[01:18.490] 小白说的话都是噪音!
[01:21.658] 我甚至不能用我的嗓子说话
[01:24.344] 小白总是不停的撒谎!
[01:27.229] 可别告诉我你是如何透过我的蓝眼睛看到你所说的这些
[01:29.841] 如果一位黑人坐在我旁边喝着白兰地
[01:32.848] 我不会歧视因为我从未认为黑人们喜欢喝轩尼诗
[01:35.402] 我不讨厌塔妮莎因为她的名不是斯蒂芬妮
[01:38.444] 讨厌不仅是错误的,而且是浪费精力
[01:41.195] 无论我或你,45岁还是17岁
[01:44.062] 不管是马丁·路德·金还是肯尼迪,我们都流淌着同样的血
[01:47.262] 而有些人却很生气,因为我阐述了事实
[01:49.133] 他是白人却说唱,他这是剽窃了我们的文化
[01:52.190] 好的,历史是火苗,过去的人点燃了火焰,而我们却吸取余烟
[01:54.963] 这个老土的小弟弟,伙计,这个小白疯了
[01:57.877] 你让历史延续了内心的仇恨
[02:00.441] 然后你把我和过去的那些压迫者相提并论,呵呵
[02:03.773] 小白,可别那样说
[02:06.625] 小白,你坏坏
[02:09.182] 小白,你希望自己是黑肌肤?
[02:12.287] 小白呀小白
[02:15.061] 小白说的话都是噪音!
[02:18.123] 我甚至不能用我的嗓子说话
[02:20.807] 小白总是不停的撒谎!
[02:23.274] 可别告诉我你是如何透过我的蓝眼睛看到你所说的这些
[02:25.740] 我有相同血统的一家人
[02:29.187] 我无法想象你如何公开地憎恨他们
[02:31.228] 希望有天我能有一个自己的孩子
[02:34.658] 那么我就不会让你盲目地恨我的妻儿
[02:37.222] 所以去憎恨那些种族主义者吧,我祈祷他们灭绝
[02:40.365] 如果你想憎恨白人,请好好想想
[02:43.223] 你是要恨那些有爱心的人
[02:46.297] 还是那些建立了愚蠢的体系的人
[02:48.929] 先别回答,我知道你在想什么
[02:51.478] 已经2018年,轮得到你在这唠嗑?
[02:54.689] 你把我们所有人妖魔化,把我变成了恶人
[02:57.329] 只因为那些我没有做过,与我无关的事情
[03:00.383] 我所称之朋友的每个人,从未压迫过你们
[03:03.020] 我们的父亲和爷爷也没有
[03:05.882] 所以我为什么要背锅承认我没做过的事
[03:08.687] 这些虚有的事情这就是当我被判错罪时我要承认的吗
[03:11.351] 我决不会因为一个人天生的肤色而排挤他
[03:14.581] 也不会因为他与众不同就和他作对
[03:17.076] 我决不会以貌取人
[03:19.537] 也不会因为他和我们一起生活而讽刺他
[03:22.598] 所以你憎恨的白人不应该是支持你们的邻居或律师
[03:25.585] 而应是洛克菲勒家族、罗斯柴尔德家族、布什家族和皇室
[03:28.212] 那些垄断了水和石油的人
[03:31.254] 那些给你的生活撒毒直到它变质的人
[03:34.025] 他们毫无怜悯心,他们不应该活着
[03:36.334] 他们用仇恨回击仇恨,使仇恨日甚一日
[03:39.478] 我不想和两边有任何关系
[03:42.460] 所以请不要仅因为我的脏辫而攻击我
[03:45.120] 去痛恨那把你们置于贫民窟的人
[03:47.857] 去痛恨那些从小教导孩子种族理念的人
[03:50.724] 去痛恨那些歧视你们所有的人,对你们评头论足的人
[03:53.777] 而不是因为你们在新闻和电影看到的那样来痛恨我
[03:56.278] 白人们并不是都戴有色眼镜,我保证
[03:59.213] 我也知道你们很难分辨我说的正确与否
[04:02.155] 但我应得这次机会来告诉你们
[04:05.127] 你们应该看清现实,我们都是受害者
[04:08.054] 小白,可别那样说
[04:10.852] 小白,你坏坏
[04:13.600] 小白,你希望自己是黑肌肤?
[04:16.417] 小白呀小白
[04:19.231] 小白说的话都是噪音!
[04:22.102] 我甚至不能用我的嗓子说话
[04:25.198] 小白总是不停的撒谎!
[04:27.691] 可别告诉我你是如何透过我的蓝眼睛看到你所说的这些
[04:30.764] 小白,可别那样说
[04:33.600] 小白,你坏坏
[04:36.127] 小白,你希望自己是黑肌肤?
[04:38.988] 小白呀小白