

歌名 Hangman
歌手 Tom MacDonald
专辑 Hangman
[00:11.45] This a warnin' for the ones who say they aren't afraid
[00:14.53] Lately I've been comin' from a darker place
[00:17.51] I've been dealin' with depression, I'm more dangerous than ever
[00:20.08] I've been drinkin' again and never felt better
[00:22.27] I swear to God that I'ma burn a bridge and piss on the flames
[00:25.08] Mix the ash with some whiskey and spit it all in they face
[00:27.82] My new girl probably flip if you've got somethin' to say
[00:30.63] She reminds me of myself when I would drink everyday
[00:33.48] I used to feel like how I felt was just a temporary phase
[00:36.26] But now I feel like the feelings are ******' feeding off fame
[00:39.11] And I don't plan to slow down or give it a second to breathe
[00:41.86] I push the pedal past the breaking point, I'm pickin' up speed
[00:44.84] In 2016, swear I came apart at the seams
[00:47.62] I was scared of the dark and therefore afraid of my dreams
[00:50.43] But I rebuilt what came apart with iron alloy and beams
[00:53.28] Come fly a plane into my legs and I won't fall to my knees
[00:56.19] Haven't taken any pills to calm me down for a month
[00:58.85] I'm on the edge and I'm waiting for any reason to jump
[01:01.64] Don't take it lightly, I'm excited when they throwin' a punch
[01:04.45] I got a list of different strategies to bury these bums
[01:07.42] Very rarely do I carry all the weight of a grudge
[01:10.12] But I been barely ordinary since the prairies and drugs
[01:12.88] My imaginary friends in camouflage with some guns
[01:15.68] And I've been fairly military but my army is one
[01:18.73] They've been passive aggressive with how the deal with my message
[01:21.56] They lack the passion and reckless nature of truthful expression
[01:24.33] They ain't made of what I'm made from,
[01:25.91] They been bruised up and dented
[01:27.20] They don't understand the underhanded ruthless obsession
[01:30.11] That I was born with, slammed like the door sticks
[01:32.50] Closet full of skeletons,
[01:33.83] So heavy couldn't move them with a forklift
[01:35.95] Your ***** probably fell in love 'cause you forced it
[01:38.75] Now she bump my records while you deep inside a porn binge
[01:41.64] I woke up with a buzzin' in my head
[01:44.09] I don't wanna leave the comfort of my bed
[01:46.16] A dozen missed calls from a dozen of my friends
[01:49.07] And my day just started but it's comin' to an end
[01:51.99] Already gettin' dark, wake up with the stars
[01:55.00] I don't even know how I got home after I left the bar, yeah
[01:58.04] I did eight months sober, and I hate that it's over
[02:01.13] But the weight on my shoulder started breakin' my heart
[02:03.90] I started out with one or two, and then I moved to three or four
[02:06.98] And then I realized that I was back where I had been before
[02:09.93] Ativan's gone missin' from the bottle
[02:12.33] Tell my doctor they were stolen,
[02:13.81] But I know that they were swallowed
[02:15.34] Everything I ever did was always done with open throttles
[02:18.57] All the way or nothin', non-commitment is a broken promise
[02:21.46] And I know that that's a problem in itself
[02:23.84] But you're livin' or you're dyin' or you're cryin' out for help, yeah
[02:27.20] It's been a week since I've felt like me
[02:29.23] I've been starvin' but I just can't eat
[02:31.32] I'm exhausted but I can't find sleep,
[02:33.37] It's been harder than it's ever been
[02:35.40] The darkness hasn't ever dimmed, the light's so bleak
[02:37.69] I never understood what they meant when they said they were just
[02:41.07] The shadows of men that they had been before they were beat
[02:43.56] Now I know that everything I heard was for real
[02:46.26] When I'm lookin' in the mirror at a shell of myself
[02:49.22] I think that stress is a contributing factor
[02:52.00] The bein' 28 and feelin' older than dad does
[02:54.99] The wrinkles on my face spreadin' faster and faster
[02:57.80] If the good die young, I hope I'm one of the bad ones
[03:00.56] The day's long, stay strong and try again tomorrow though
[03:03.55] Even if you're runnin' out of reasons to ignore the phone
[03:06.37] Even if you're runnin' out of gas, go and borrow more
[03:09.24] Your demons knock the hardest
[03:10.44] When you finally chose to close the door
[03:12.19] This not the way my parents raised me
[03:14.80] I hope they realize they didn't fail one of their babies
[03:17.56] This is the result of a declining social climate
[03:20.40] That's original design was keepin' people trapped inside it
[03:23.24] Liquor and violence, we suffer in silence
[03:25.40] Until we embrace one another and find our collective defiance
[03:28.35] Will topple the giants, I just try to smile though the cryin'
[03:31.30] 'Cause I know that someone,
[03:32.55] Somewhere's, feelin' way worse than I am
[03:34.56] And that's true (that's true, that's true)
[00:11.45] 这是对那些说他们不害怕的人的警告
[00:14.53] 最近我从一个更黑暗的地方来
[00:17.51] 我一直在和抑郁做斗争,我比以前更危险了
[00:20.08] 我又喝酒了,感觉好极了
[00:22.27] 我向上帝发誓,我要烧毁一座桥,在火焰上撒尿
[00:25.08] 把烟灰和一些威士忌混合起来,吐在他们的脸上
[00:27.82] 如果你有话要说,我的新女友可能会发疯
[00:30.63] 她让我想起我每天喝酒的时候
[00:33.48] 我曾经觉得我的感觉只是一个暂时的阶段
[00:36.26] 但现在我觉得这种感觉是在靠名声吃饭
[00:39.11] 我不打算慢下来,也不打算让它喘口气
[00:41.86] 我把踏板踩过了极限,我加速了
[00:44.84] 2016年,我发誓我崩溃了
[00:47.62] 我害怕黑暗,所以害怕我的梦
[00:50.43] 但我用铁合金和钢梁重建了破碎的部分
[00:53.28] 开飞机撞我的腿,我不会跪下来
[00:56.19] 我已经一个月没吃什么药了
[00:58.85] 我在边缘,我在等待任何跳下去的理由
[01:01.64] 别等闲视之,他们一挥拳我就兴奋
[01:04.45] 我有一系列不同的策略来埋葬这些混蛋
[01:07.42] 我很少会怀恨在心
[01:10.12] 但自从大草原和毒品以来,我几乎不是个普通人
[01:12.88] 我想象中的朋友们用枪伪装
[01:15.68] 我一直都是军人,但我的军队就是其中之一
[01:18.73] 他们对如何处理我的信息一直很被动
[01:21.56] 他们缺乏真诚表达的激情和鲁莽本性
[01:24.33] 他们不是用我的身体做成的,
[01:25.91] 他们被打得伤痕累累
[01:27.20] 他们不理解这种卑鄙无情的痴迷
[01:30.11] 我生来就有的,就像门上的棍子一样砰地一声关上了
[01:32.50] 满柜子的骷髅
[01:33.83] 这么重的东西用叉车都搬不动
[01:35.95] 你的很可能因为你的强迫而坠入爱河
[01:38.75] 现在她在你沉迷于色情的时候偷我的唱片
[01:41.64] 我醒来时脑子里嗡嗡作响
[01:44.09] 我不想离开我舒适的床
[01:46.16] 十几个朋友的电话都没接
[01:49.07] 我的一天才刚刚开始,就要结束了
[01:51.99] 已经入夜,伴着星星醒来
[01:55.00] 我甚至不知道离开酒吧后我是怎么回家的
[01:58.04] 我戒酒八个月了,我恨它结束了
[02:01.13] 但我肩上的重量开始让我心碎
[02:03.90] 一开始我只有一两个,后来我发展到三四个
[02:06.98] 然后我意识到我又回到了以前的地方
[02:09.93] Ativan从瓶子里跑掉了
[02:12.33] 告诉我的医生是偷来的
[02:13.81] 但我知道它们是被吞下的
[02:15.34] 我做过的每件事都是开着的
[02:18.57] 无论如何,不承诺就是违背承诺
[02:21.46] 我知道这本身就是个问题
[02:23.84] 但你要么活着,要么死去,要么哭着寻求帮助
[02:27.20] 我已经一个星期没感觉像我自己了
[02:29.23] 我饿了,但就是吃不下
[02:31.32] 我很累,但我无法入睡,
[02:33.37] 这比以往任何时候都要困难
[02:35.40] 黑暗从未暗淡,光明如此暗淡
[02:37.69] 我从来不明白他们说他们公正是什么意思
[02:41.07] 他们被打败之前的影子
[02:43.56] 现在我知道我听到的一切都是真的
[02:46.26] 当我看着镜子里的自己时
[02:49.22] 我认为压力是一个促成因素
[02:52.00] 28岁,感觉比爸爸老
[02:54.99] 我脸上的皱纹蔓延得越来越快
[02:57.80] 如果好人英年早逝,我希望我是坏人之一
[03:00.56] 今天很长,保持坚强,明天再试一次
[03:03.55] 即使你找不到忽略电话的理由
[03:06.37] 即使你快没油了,也要去借更多的油
[03:09.24] 你的心魔是最厉害的
[03:10.44] 当你最终选择关上门的时候
[03:12.19] 这不是我父母养育我的方式
[03:14.80] 我希望他们意识到他们没有让他们的一个孩子失望
[03:17.56] 这是社会风气下降的结果
[03:20.40] 原来的设计是把人困在里面
[03:23.24] 酗酒和暴力,我们默默承受
[03:25.40] 直到我们拥抱彼此,找到共同的挑战
[03:28.35] 将巨人推倒,我只是试着在哭泣中微笑
[03:31.30] 因为我知道有人
[03:32.55] 在某个地方,感觉比我还糟
[03:34.56] 这是真的(这是真的,这是真的)