

歌名 Divinity
歌手 Brand of Sacrifice
专辑 Godhand
[00:13.83] Hate is a place where a man who can't stand sadness goes
[00:18.00] A fate of merciless suffering to obtain this abhorrent form
[00:24.88] Embrace the hatred now that festers within the oncoming storm
[00:34.26] This is his potential, his will in motion
[00:43.49] From the depths of the furthest ocean
[00:47.21] Tear them limb from limb as a tribute to the almighty God Hand
[00:53.34] Tear them limb from limb as a tribute (As a tribute) to the almighty God Hand
[01:01.26] Tear them limb from limb as a tribute (As a tribute) to the almighty God Hand
[01:09.32] Arise,
[01:13.61] oh!!!!!
[01:20.83] Spread your wings of purity and begin to understand your true potential
[01:27.67] Live or die for the dream
[01:30.28] The dream lives
[01:34.53] Live or die for the dream
[01:37.17] This is the turning point
[01:41.38] Live or die for the dream
[01:44.00] All that awaits the weak is death
[01:46.33] Live or die for the dream
[01:54.77] Live or die for the dream
[02:29.88] The reward for ambition too great is self-destruction
[02:40.40] We are the branded ones (Branded)
[02:43.79] Rise up and we will fight to survive
[02:45.77] The only way for us to reach our kingdom
[02:51.96] Is to step over every corpse that we've made
[02:56.71] You have now lost your freedom
[02:58.97] We'll haunt you in your sleep
[03:01.59] You're destined to suffer endlessly
[03:05.94] -END-
[00:13.83] 当人无法忍受悲痛之时逃往仇恨
[00:18.00] 为了得到这种可恶的形式而遭受无情苦难的命运
[00:24.88] 拥抱仇恨吧,它在即将到来的风暴中溃烂
[00:34.26] 这是祂的意志 只属于祂的潜力
[00:43.49] 从最遥远的海洋深处
[00:47.21] 把他们作为贡品撕成碎片 献给全能的上帝之手
[00:53.34] 把他们作为贡品撕成碎片 献给全能的上帝之手
[01:01.26] 把他们作为贡品撕成碎片 献给全能的上帝之手
[01:09.32] 升起
[01:20.83] 传播你翅膀的圣洁,并开始理解你的真正潜力
[01:27.67] 为梦想而生,为梦想而死
[01:30.28] 在真正的梦得到永生
[01:34.53] 为梦想而生,为梦想而死
[01:37.17] 这是一个转折点
[01:41.38] 为梦想而生,为梦想而死
[01:44.00] 等待弱者的只有死亡
[01:46.33] 为梦想而生,为梦想而死
[01:54.77] 为梦想而生,为梦想而死
[02:29.88] 野心太大的奖励是自我毁灭
[02:40.40] 我们是被污名者
[02:43.79] 站起来,我们将为生存而战
[02:45.77] 我们到达王国的唯一途径
[02:51.96] 是要跨过我们制造的每一具尸体吗
[02:56.71] 你现在失去了自由
[02:58.97] 我们将会入侵你的梦境
[03:01.59] 你注定要忍受无尽的痛苦